nRF5 SDK v14.2.0
Packets decoder in the Connectivity Chip

Decoder for serialized packets from the Application Chip. More...


uint32_t ser_conn_received_pkt_process (ser_hal_transport_evt_rx_pkt_received_params_t *p_rx_pkt_params)
 A function for dispatching packets from the Application Chip to an appropriate decoder. More...

Detailed Description

Decoder for serialized packets from the Application Chip.

This file contains declaration of common function used for processing packets (packets dispatcher) received by the transport layer.

Function Documentation

uint32_t ser_conn_received_pkt_process ( ser_hal_transport_evt_rx_pkt_received_params_t p_rx_pkt_params)

A function for dispatching packets from the Application Chip to an appropriate decoder.

The function is called to process received packets from a transport layer. The function analyzes packet type and calls appropriate command decoder which among other things processes command and sends a response. Then a received packet is freed.

[in]p_rx_pkt_paramsA pointer to a transport layer event of type ser_hal_transport_evt_rx_pkt_received_params_t.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSOperation success.
NRF_ERROR_NULLOperation failure. NULL pointer supplied.
NRF_ERROR_INTERNALOperation failure. Internal error ocurred.

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