nRF5 SDK v14.2.0
Modules | Functions
Launch app messages

Generation of NFC NDEF messages that can be used to launch apps. More...


 Encoding data for NDEF Application Launching message for NFC Tag configuration
 Launch app records
 Generation of NFC NDEF record descriptions that launch apps.


ret_code_t nfc_launchapp_msg_encode (uint8_t const *p_android_package_name, uint8_t android_package_name_length, uint8_t const *p_win_app_id, uint8_t win_app_id_length, uint8_t *p_buf, uint32_t *p_len)
 Function for encoding an NFC NDEF launch app message. More...

Detailed Description

Generation of NFC NDEF messages that can be used to launch apps.

Function Documentation

ret_code_t nfc_launchapp_msg_encode ( uint8_t const *  p_android_package_name,
uint8_t  android_package_name_length,
uint8_t const *  p_win_app_id,
uint8_t  win_app_id_length,
uint8_t *  p_buf,
uint32_t *  p_len 

Function for encoding an NFC NDEF launch app message.

This function encodes an NFC NDEF message into a buffer.

[in]p_android_package_namePointer to the Android package name string. If NULL, the Android Application Record will be skipped.
[in]android_package_name_lengthLength of the Android package name.
[in]p_win_app_idPointer to the Windows application ID string (GUID). If NULL, the Windows LaunchApp record will be skipped.
[in]win_app_id_lengthLength of the Windows application ID.
[out]p_bufPointer to the buffer for the message.
[in,out]p_lenSize of the available memory for the message as input. Size of the generated message as output.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf the description was successfully created.
NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMIf both p_android_package_name and windows_application_id were invalid (equal to NULL).
NRF_ERROR_NO_MEMIf the predicted message size is bigger than the provided buffer space.
OtherOther codes might be returned depending on the function nfc_ndef_msg_encode

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