nRF5 SDK v14.2.0
Modules | Macros | Functions | Variables
EP OOB records

Generation of NFC NDEF EP OOB records for NDEF messages. More...


 Declaring record in NFC NDEF format for Bluetooth EP pairing over NFC configuration


 Size of the type field of the Bluetooth Carrier Configuration EP record, defined in the file nfc_ep_oob_rec.c. It is used in the NFC_NDEF_EP_OOB_RECORD_DESC_DEF macro.
 Macro for generating a description of an NFC NDEF Bluetooth Carrier Configuration EP record. More...
 Macro for accessing the NFC NDEF Bluetooth Carrier Configuration EP record descriptor instance that was created with NFC_NDEF_EP_OOB_RECORD_DESC_DEF.


ret_code_t nfc_ep_oob_payload_constructor (ble_advdata_t *p_ble_advdata, uint8_t *p_buff, uint32_t *p_len)
 Function for constructing the payload for a Bluetooth Carrier Configuration EP record. More...


const uint8_t ndef_ep_oob_record_type [32]
 External reference to the type field of the Bluetooth Carrier Configuration EP record, defined in the file nfc_ep_oob_rec.c. It is used in the NFC_NDEF_EP_OOB_RECORD_DESC_DEF macro.

Detailed Description

Generation of NFC NDEF EP OOB records for NDEF messages.

Macro Definition Documentation

uint8_t NAME##_ndef_ep_oob_record_id = (PAYLOAD_ID); \
uint8_t NAME##_ndef_ep_oob_record_id_length = ((PAYLOAD_ID) != 0) ? 1 : 0; \
&NAME##_ndef_ep_oob_record_id, \
NAME##_ndef_ep_oob_record_id_length, \

Macro for generating a description of an NFC NDEF Bluetooth Carrier Configuration EP record.

This macro declares and initializes an instance of an NFC NDEF record description for a Bluetooth Carrier Configuration EP record.

The record descriptor is declared as automatic variable, which implies that the NDEF message encoding (see nfc_ble_simplified_ep_oob_msg_encode) must be done in the same variable scope.
[in]NAMEName for accessing record descriptor.
[in]PAYLOAD_IDNDEF record header Payload ID field (Limited to one byte). If 0, no ID is present in the record description.
[in]P_BLE_ADVDATAPointer to the encoded BLE advertising data structure. This data is used to create the record payload.

Function Documentation

ret_code_t nfc_ep_oob_payload_constructor ( ble_advdata_t p_ble_advdata,
uint8_t *  p_buff,
uint32_t *  p_len 

Function for constructing the payload for a Bluetooth Carrier Configuration EP record.

This function encodes the record payload according to the BLE AD structure. It implements an API compatible with p_payload_constructor_t.

[in]p_ble_advdataPointer to the description of the payload.
[out]p_buffPointer to payload destination. If NULL, function will calculate the expected size of the record payload.
[in,out]p_lenSize of available memory to write as input. Size of generated payload as output.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf the record payload was encoded successfully.
NRF_ERROR_NO_MEMIf available memory was not enough for record payload to be encoded.
OtherIf any other error occurred during record payload encoding.

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