nRF5 SDK v14.2.0
Data Structures | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
MQTT Client on nRF5x

MQTT Client Implementation on the Nordic nRF platforms. More...

Data Structures

struct  mqtt_utf8_t
 Abstracts UTF-8 encoded strings. More...
struct  mqtt_binstr_t
 Abstracts binary strings. More...
struct  mqtt_topic_t
 Abstracts MQTT UTF-8 encoded topic that can be subscribed to or published. More...
struct  mqtt_publish_message_t
 Parameters for a publish message. More...
struct  mqtt_connack_param_t
 Parameters for a connection acknowledgment (connack). More...
struct  mqtt_puback_param_t
 Parameters for MQTT publish acknowledgment(puback). More...
struct  mqtt_pubrec_param_t
 Parameters for MQTT publish receive(pubrec). More...
struct  mqtt_pubrel_param_t
 Parameters for MQTT publish release(pubrec). More...
struct  mqtt_pubcomp_param_t
 Parameters for MQTT publish complete(pubcomp). More...
struct  mqtt_suback_param_t
 Parameters for MQTT subscription acknowledgment (suback). More...
struct  mqtt_unsuback_param_t
 Parameters for MQTT unsubscription acknowledgment (unsuback). More...
struct  mqtt_publish_param_t
 Parameters for a publish message. More...
struct  mqtt_subscription_list_t
 List of topics in a subscription request. More...
union  mqtt_evt_param_t
 Defines event parameters notified along with asynchronous events to the application. Currently, only MQTT_EVT_PUBLISH is accompanied with parameters. More...
struct  mqtt_evt_t
 Defined MQTT asynchronous event notified to the application. More...
struct  mqtt_client_t
 MQTT Client definition to maintain information relevant to the client. More...


typedef struct mqtt_client_t mqtt_client_t
 MQTT client forward declaration mqtt_client_t for details.
typedef mqtt_utf8_t mqtt_client_id_t
 Abstracts MQTT UTF-8 encoded unique client identifier.
typedef mqtt_utf8_t mqtt_password_t
 Abstracts MQTT UTF-8 encoded password to be used for the client connection.
typedef mqtt_utf8_t mqtt_username_t
 Abstracts MQTT UTF-8 encoded user name to be used for the client connection.
typedef mqtt_utf8_t mqtt_will_message_t
 Abstracts will message used in mqtt_connect request. More...
typedef mqtt_binstr_t mqtt_message_t
 Abstracts message in binary encoded string received or published on a topic.
typedef void(* mqtt_evt_cb_t )(mqtt_client_t *const p_client, const mqtt_evt_t *p_evt)
 Asynchronous event notification callback registered by the application with the module to receive module events. More...


enum  mqtt_evt_id_t {
 MQTT Asynchronous Events notified to the application from the module through the callback registered by the application. More...
enum  mqtt_version_t {
  MQTT_VERSION_3_1_0 = 3,
  MQTT_VERSION_3_1_1 = 4
 MQTT version protocol level. More...
enum  mqtt_transport_type_t {
 MQTT transport type. More...
enum  mqtt_qos_t {
  MQTT_QoS_0_AT_MOST_ONCE = 0x00,
 MQTT Quality of Service types. More...
enum  mqtt_conn_return_code_t {
 MQTT Asynchronous Events notified to the application from the module through the callback registered by the application. More...


uint32_t mqtt_init (void)
 Initializes the module. More...
void mqtt_client_init (mqtt_client_t *const p_client)
 Initializes the client instance. More...
uint32_t mqtt_connect (mqtt_client_t *const p_client)
 API to request new MQTT client connection. More...
uint32_t mqtt_publish (mqtt_client_t *const p_client, mqtt_publish_param_t const *const p_param)
 API to publish messages on topics. More...
uint32_t mqtt_publish_ack (mqtt_client_t *const p_client, mqtt_puback_param_t const *const p_param)
 API used by subscribing client to send acknowledgment to the broker. Applicable only to QoS 1 publish messages. More...
uint32_t mqtt_publish_receive (mqtt_client_t *const p_client, mqtt_pubrec_param_t const *const p_param)
 API to send assured acknowledgment from a subscribing client to the broker. Should be called on reception of MQTT_EVT_PUBLISH with QoS set to MQTT_QoS_2_EACTLY_ONCE. More...
uint32_t mqtt_publish_release (mqtt_client_t *const p_client, mqtt_pubrel_param_t const *const p_param)
 API to used by publishing client to request releasing published data. Shall be used only after MQTT_EVT_PUBREC is received and is valid only for QoS level MQTT_QoS_2_EACTLY_ONCE. More...
uint32_t mqtt_publish_complete (mqtt_client_t *const p_client, mqtt_pubcomp_param_t const *const p_param)
 API used by subscribing clients to acknowledge reception of a released message. Should be used on reception MQTT_EVT_PUBREL event. More...
uint32_t mqtt_subscribe (mqtt_client_t *const p_client, mqtt_subscription_list_t const *const p_param)
 API to request subscribing to a topic on the connection. More...
uint32_t mqtt_unsubscribe (mqtt_client_t *const p_client, mqtt_subscription_list_t const *const p_param)
 API to request un-subscribe from a topic on the connection. More...
uint32_t mqtt_abort (mqtt_client_t *const p_client)
 API to abort MQTT connection. More...
uint32_t mqtt_disconnect (mqtt_client_t *const p_client)
 API to disconnect MQTT connection. More...
uint32_t mqtt_live (void)
 This API should be called periodically for the module to be able to keep the connection alive by sending Ping Requests if need be. More...
uint32_t mqtt_input (mqtt_client_t *const p_client, uint32_t timeout)
 Wait for an incoming MQTT packet. The registered callback will be called with the packet payload. More...

Detailed Description

MQTT Client Implementation on the Nordic nRF platforms.

MQTT Client's Application interface is defined in this header.

The implementation assumes LwIP Stack is available with TCP module enabled.
By default the implementation uses MQTT version 3.1.0. However few cloud services like the Xively use the version 3.1.1. For this please set p_client.protocol_version = MQTT_VERSION_3_1_1.

Typedef Documentation

typedef void(* mqtt_evt_cb_t)(mqtt_client_t *const p_client, const mqtt_evt_t *p_evt)

Asynchronous event notification callback registered by the application with the module to receive module events.

[in]p_clientIdentifies the client for which the event is notified.
[in]p_evetEvent description along with result and associated parameters (if any).

Abstracts will message used in mqtt_connect request.

utf8 is used here instead of binary string as a zero length encoding is expected in will message is empty.

Enumeration Type Documentation

MQTT Asynchronous Events notified to the application from the module through the callback registered by the application.


Connection accepted.


The Server does not support the level of the MQTT protocol requested by the Client.


The Client identifier is correct UTF-8 but not allowed by the Server.


The Network Connection has been made but the MQTT service is unavailable.


The data in the user name or password is malformed.


The Client is not authorized to connect.

MQTT Asynchronous Events notified to the application from the module through the callback registered by the application.


Acknowledgment of connection request. Event result accompanying the event indicates whether the connection failed or succeeded.


Disconnection Event. MQTT Client Reference is no longer valid once this event is received for the client.


Publish event received when message is published on a topic client is subscribed to.


Acknowledgment for published message with QoS 1.


Reception confirmation for published message with QoS 2.


Release of published published messages with QoS 2.


Confirmation to a publish release message. Applicable only to QoS 2 messages.


Acknowledgment to a subscription request.


Acknowledgment to a unsubscription request.

enum mqtt_qos_t

MQTT Quality of Service types.


Lowest Quality of Service, no acknowledgment needed for published message.


Medium Quality of Service, if acknowledgment expected for published message, duplicate messages permitted.


Highest Quality of Service, acknowledgment expected and message shall be published only once. Message not published to interested parties unless client issues a PUBREL.

MQTT transport type.


Use non secure TCP transport for MQTT connection.


Use secure TCP transport (TLS) for MQTT connection.


Shall not be used as a transport type. Indicator of maximum transport types possible.

MQTT version protocol level.


Protocol level for 3.1.0.


Protocol level for 3.1.1.

Function Documentation

uint32_t mqtt_abort ( mqtt_client_t *const  p_client)

API to abort MQTT connection.

[in]p_clientIdentifies client instance for which procedure is requested.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSor an error code indicating reason for failure.
void mqtt_client_init ( mqtt_client_t *const  p_client)

Initializes the client instance.

[in]p_clientClient instance for which the procedure is requested. Shall not be NULL.
Shall be called before connecting the client in order to avoid unexpected behavior caused by uninitialized parameters.
uint32_t mqtt_connect ( mqtt_client_t *const  p_client)

API to request new MQTT client connection.

[out]p_clientClient instance for which the procedure is requested. Shall not be NULL.
This memory is assumed to be resident until mqtt_disconnect is called.
Any subsequent changes to parameters like broker address, user name, device id, etc. have no effect once MQTT connection is established.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSor an error code indicating reason for failure.
Default protocol revision used for connection request is 3.1.0. Please set p_client.protocol_version = MQTT_VERSION_3_1_1 to use protocol 3.1.1.
If more than one simultaneous client connections are needed, please define MQTT_MAX_CLIENTS to override default of 1.
Please define MQTT_KEEPALIVE time to override default of 1 minute.
Please define MQTT_MAX_PACKET_LENGTH time to override default of 128 bytes. Ensure the system has enough memory for the new length per client.
uint32_t mqtt_disconnect ( mqtt_client_t *const  p_client)

API to disconnect MQTT connection.

[in]p_clientIdentifies client instance for which procedure is requested.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSor an error code indicating reason for failure.
uint32_t mqtt_init ( void  )

Initializes the module.

Return values
NRF_SUCCESSor an error code indicating reason for failure.
Shall be called before initiating any procedures on the module.
If module initialization fails, no module APIs shall be called.
uint32_t mqtt_input ( mqtt_client_t *const  p_client,
uint32_t  timeout 

Wait for an incoming MQTT packet. The registered callback will be called with the packet payload.

[in]p_clientClient instance for which the procedure is requested. Shall not be NULL.
[in]timeoutMaximum interval (in milliseconds) to wait for a packet. If timeout is 0, the interval is indefinitely.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSor an error code indicating reason for failure.
This API is only supported when using the socket transport layer.
uint32_t mqtt_live ( void  )

This API should be called periodically for the module to be able to keep the connection alive by sending Ping Requests if need be.

Application shall ensure that the periodicity of calling this function makes it possible to respect the Keep Alive time agreed with the broker on connection. mqtt_connect for details on Keep Alive time.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSor an result code indicating reason for failure.
uint32_t mqtt_publish ( mqtt_client_t *const  p_client,
mqtt_publish_param_t const *const  p_param 

API to publish messages on topics.

[in]p_clientClient instance for which the procedure is requested. Shall not be NULL.
[in]p_paramParameters to be used for the publish message. Shall not be NULL.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSor an error code indicating reason for failure.
Default protocol revision used for connection request is 3.1.0. Please set p_client.protocol_version = MQTT_VERSION_3_1_1 to use protocol 3.1.1.
uint32_t mqtt_publish_ack ( mqtt_client_t *const  p_client,
mqtt_puback_param_t const *const  p_param 

API used by subscribing client to send acknowledgment to the broker. Applicable only to QoS 1 publish messages.

[in]p_clientClient instance for which the procedure is requested. Shall not be NULL.
[in]p_paramIdentifies message being acknowledged.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSor an error code indicating reason for failure.
Default protocol revision used for connection request is 3.1.0. Please set p_client.protocol_version = MQTT_VERSION_3_1_1 to use protocol 3.1.1.
uint32_t mqtt_publish_complete ( mqtt_client_t *const  p_client,
mqtt_pubcomp_param_t const *const  p_param 

API used by subscribing clients to acknowledge reception of a released message. Should be used on reception MQTT_EVT_PUBREL event.

[in]p_clientIdentifies client instance for which the procedure is requested. Shall not be NULL.
[in]p_paramIdentifies message being completed.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSor an error code indicating reason for failure.
Default protocol revision used for connection request is 3.1.0. Please set p_client.protocol_version = MQTT_VERSION_3_1_1 to use protocol 3.1.1.
uint32_t mqtt_publish_receive ( mqtt_client_t *const  p_client,
mqtt_pubrec_param_t const *const  p_param 

API to send assured acknowledgment from a subscribing client to the broker. Should be called on reception of MQTT_EVT_PUBLISH with QoS set to MQTT_QoS_2_EACTLY_ONCE.

[in]p_clientIdentifies client instance for which the procedure is requested. Shall not be NULL.
[in]p_paramIdentifies message being acknowledged.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSor an error code indicating reason for failure.
Default protocol revision used for connection request is 3.1.0. Please set p_client.protocol_version = MQTT_VERSION_3_1_1 to use protocol 3.1.1.
uint32_t mqtt_publish_release ( mqtt_client_t *const  p_client,
mqtt_pubrel_param_t const *const  p_param 

API to used by publishing client to request releasing published data. Shall be used only after MQTT_EVT_PUBREC is received and is valid only for QoS level MQTT_QoS_2_EACTLY_ONCE.

[in]p_clientClient instance for which the procedure is requested. Shall not be NULL.
[in]p_paramIdentifies message being released.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSor an error code indicating reason for failure.
Default protocol revision used for connection request is 3.1.0. Please set p_client.protocol_version = MQTT_VERSION_3_1_1 to use protocol 3.1.1.
uint32_t mqtt_subscribe ( mqtt_client_t *const  p_client,
mqtt_subscription_list_t const *const  p_param 

API to request subscribing to a topic on the connection.

[in]p_clientIdentifies client instance for which the procedure is requested. Shall not be NULL.
[in]p_paramSubscription parameters. Shall not be NULL.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSor an error code indicating reason for failure.
uint32_t mqtt_unsubscribe ( mqtt_client_t *const  p_client,
mqtt_subscription_list_t const *const  p_param 

API to request un-subscribe from a topic on the connection.

[in]p_clientIdentifies client instance for which the procedure is requested. Shall not be NULL.
[in]p_paramParameters describing topics being unsubscribed from. Shall not be NULL.
QoS included in topic description is unused in this API.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSor an error code indicating reason for failure.

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