nRF5 SDK v14.1.0
Data Structures | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions

This file contains all of the enums and definitions that are used for the CryptoCell AES APIs, as well as the APIs themselves. More...

Data Structures

struct  SaSiAesUserContext_t
struct  SaSiAesUserKeyData_t
struct  SaSiAesHwKeyData_t


typedef uint8_t SaSiAesIv_t [(4 *sizeof(uint32_t))]
typedef uint8_t SaSiAesKeyBuffer_t [(4 *sizeof(uint32_t))]
typedef struct SaSiAesUserContext_t SaSiAesUserContext_t
typedef struct SaSiAesUserKeyData_t SaSiAesUserKeyData_t
typedef struct SaSiAesHwKeyData_t SaSiAesHwKeyData_t


enum  SaSiAesEncryptMode_t {
enum  SaSiAesOperationMode_t {
enum  SaSiAesPaddingType_t {
enum  SaSiAesKeyType_t {


SaSiStatus SaSi_AesInit (SaSiAesUserContext_t *pContext, SaSiAesEncryptMode_t encryptDecryptFlag, SaSiAesOperationMode_t operationMode, SaSiAesPaddingType_t paddingType)
 This function is used to initialize an AES operation context. To operate the AES machine, this must be the first API called. More...
SaSiStatus SaSi_AesSetKey (SaSiAesUserContext_t *pContext, SaSiAesKeyType_t keyType, void *pKeyData, size_t keyDataSize)
 This function sets the key information for the AES operation, in the context that was initialized by SaSi_AesInit. More...
SaSiStatus SaSi_AesSetIv (SaSiAesUserContext_t *pContext, SaSiAesIv_t pIV)
 This function sets the IV, counter or tweak data for the following AES operation on the same context. The context must be first initialized by SaSi_AesInit. It must be called at least once prior to the first SaSi_AesBlock operation on the same context - for those ciphers that require it. If needed, it can also be called to override the IV in the middle of a sequence of SaSi_AesBlock operations. More...
SaSiStatus SaSi_AesGetIv (SaSiAesUserContext_t *pContext, SaSiAesIv_t pIV)
 This function retrieves the current IV, counter or tweak from the AES context. More...
SaSiStatus SaSi_AesBlock (SaSiAesUserContext_t *pContext, uint8_t *pDataIn, size_t dataInSize, uint8_t *pDataOut)
 This function performs an AES operation on an input data buffer, according to the configuration defined in the context parameter. It can be called as many times as needed, until all the input data is processed. SaSi_AesInit, SaSi_AesSetKey, and for some ciphers SaSi_AesSetIv, must be called before the first call to this API with the same context. More...
SaSiStatus SaSi_AesFinish (SaSiAesUserContext_t *pContext, size_t dataSize, uint8_t *pDataIn, size_t dataInBuffSize, uint8_t *pDataOut, size_t *dataOutBuffSize)
 This function is used to finish AES operation. More...
SaSiStatus SaSi_AesFree (SaSiAesUserContext_t *pContext)
 This function releases and crears resources after AES operations. More...

Detailed Description

This file contains all of the enums and definitions that are used for the CryptoCell AES APIs, as well as the APIs themselves.

Typedef Documentation

AES HW Key Data - this structure is likely to be changed when we'll start using it.

typedef uint8_t SaSiAesIv_t[(4 *sizeof(uint32_t))]

Defines the IV buffer - 16 bytes array.

typedef uint8_t SaSiAesKeyBuffer_t[(4 *sizeof(uint32_t))]

Defines the AES key data buffer.

The user's context prototype - the argument type that is passed by the user to the APIs called.

AES User Key Data.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Encrypt or Decrypt operation mode.


Encrypt mode.


Decrypt mode.

AES key type.


user key.


Kplt hardware key.


Kcst hardware key.

AES operation mode.


ECB mode.


CBC mode.


CBC-MAC mode.


CTR mode.


XCBC-MAC mode.


CMAC mode.


XTS mode.


CBC-CTS mode.


OFB mode.

AES padding type.


No padding.


PKCS7 padding.

Function Documentation

SaSiStatus SaSi_AesBlock ( SaSiAesUserContext_t pContext,
uint8_t *  pDataIn,
size_t  dataInSize,
uint8_t *  pDataOut 

This function performs an AES operation on an input data buffer, according to the configuration defined in the context parameter. It can be called as many times as needed, until all the input data is processed. SaSi_AesInit, SaSi_AesSetKey, and for some ciphers SaSi_AesSetIv, must be called before the first call to this API with the same context.

SASI_OK on success,
A non-zero value from ssi_aes_error.h on failure.
[in]pContextPointer to the AES context.
[in]pDataInPointer to the buffer of the input data to the AES. The pointer does not need to be aligned. For TZ, the size of the scatter/gather list representing the data buffer is limited to 128 entries, and the size of each entry is limited to 64KB (fragments larger than 64KB are broken into fragments <= 64KB). For ARM CryptoCell 3xx, The buffer must be contiguous and limited to 64KB.
[in]dataInSizeSize of the input data in bytes.
  • For all modes except XTS, must be multiple of 16 bytes.
  • For XTS mode, only the following data sizes are supported: 64, 512, 520, 521, 1024 and 4096 bytes. The data passed in a single SaSi_AesBlock call is considered to be a single XTS unit. All subsequent calls to this API with the same context must use the same data size.
[out]pDataOutPointer to the output buffer. The pointer does not need to be aligned. For CBC-MAC, XCBC-MAC, CMAC modes it may be NULL. For TZ, the size of the scatter/gather list representing the data buffer is limited to 128 entries, and the size of each entry is limited to 64KB (fragments larger than 64KB are broken into fragments <= 64KB). For ARM CryptoCell 3xx, The buffer must be contiguous and limited to 64KB.
SaSiStatus SaSi_AesFinish ( SaSiAesUserContext_t pContext,
size_t  dataSize,
uint8_t *  pDataIn,
size_t  dataInBuffSize,
uint8_t *  pDataOut,
size_t *  dataOutBuffSize 

This function is used to finish AES operation.

   It processes the last data block if needed, finalizes the AES operation (cipher-specific),
   and produces operation results (for MAC operations).
In case AES padding is used (PKCS#7) Din and Dout user's buffers must include extra space for the padding scheme.
SASI_OK on success,
A non-zero value from ssi_aes_error.h on failure.
[in]pContextPointer to the AES context.
[in]dataSizeThe size of the input data in bytes.
  • For CBC-CTS mode, must be > 16. Can be <=16 only if this is the only data (no previous calls were made to SaSi_AesBlock with the same context).
  • For XTS mode, the data size must conform to the dataInSize rules as listed for XTS under the SaSi_AesBlock API, and match the data size passed in the previous calls to SaSi_AesBlock with the same context.
  • For all other modes, zero is a valid size.
  • For ECB, CBC, CBC-MAC modes:
    • Must be >= 0, if direction is SASI_AES_ENCRYPT and padding type is SASI_AES_PADDING_PKCS7.
    • Must be >= 16 and a multiple of 16 bytes, if direction is SASI_AES_DECRYPT and padding type is SASI_AES_PADDING_PKCS7.
    • Must be a multiple of 16 bytes, otherwise.
[in]pDataInPointer of the input data buffer. For TZ, the size of the scatter/gather list representing the data buffer is limited to 128 entries, and the size of each entry is limited to 64KB (fragments larger than 64KB are broken into fragments <= 64KB). For ARM CryptoCell 3xx, The buffer must be contiguous and limited to 64KB.
[in]dataInBuffSizeSize of pDataIn buffer in bytes.
  • Must be >= dataSize.
  • According to padding type, must be >= dataSize + padding. For PKCS7, padding size is maximum SASI_AES_BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES.
[out]pDataOutPointer to the output buffer. For TZ, the size of the scatter/gather list representing the data buffer is limited to 128 entries, and the size of each entry is limited to 64KB (fragments larger than 64KB are broken into fragments <= 64KB). For ARM CryptoCell 3xx, The buffer must be contiguous and limited to 64KB.
[in,out]dataOutBuffSizeIn - Size of pDataOut buffer in bytes. The output buffer size must be no less than:
  • For CBC-MAC, XCBC-MAC, CMAC modes - 16 bytes (for MAC result).
  • For non-MAC modes - dataInBuffSize.
Out - The size in bytes of the actual output data:
  • If direction is SASI_AES_ENCRYPT and padding type is SASI_AES_PADDING_PKCS7, it is the actual size with the padding.
  • If direction is SASI_AES_DECRYPT and padding type is SASI_AES_PADDING_PKCS7, it is the size without the padding.
  • For CBC-MAC, XCBC-MAC, CMAC modes - always 16 bytes.
SaSiStatus SaSi_AesFree ( SaSiAesUserContext_t pContext)

This function releases and crears resources after AES operations.

SASI_OK on success,
A non-zero value from ssi_aes_error.h on failure.
[in]pContextPointer to the AES context.
SaSiStatus SaSi_AesGetIv ( SaSiAesUserContext_t pContext,
SaSiAesIv_t  pIV 

This function retrieves the current IV, counter or tweak from the AES context.

SASI_OK on success,
A non-zero value from ssi_aes_error.h on failure.
[in]pContextPointer to the AES context.
[out]pIVPointer to the buffer of the IV, counter or tweak.
  • For CBC, CBC-CTS, OFB and CBC-MAC modes - the IV value.
  • For CTR mode - the counter.
  • For XTS mode - the tweak value.
  • For all other modes - N/A.
SaSiStatus SaSi_AesInit ( SaSiAesUserContext_t pContext,
SaSiAesEncryptMode_t  encryptDecryptFlag,
SaSiAesOperationMode_t  operationMode,
SaSiAesPaddingType_t  paddingType 

This function is used to initialize an AES operation context. To operate the AES machine, this must be the first API called.

SASI_OK on success,
A non-zero value from ssi_aes_error.h on failure.
[in]pContextPointer to the AES context buffer that is allocated by the caller and initialized by this API. Should be used in all subsequent calls that are part of the same operation.
[in]encryptDecryptFlagA flag specifying whether an AES Encrypt (SASI_AES_Encrypt) or Decrypt (SASI_AES_Decrypt) operation should be performed. Must be set to CRYS_AES_Encrypt in CBC-MAC, XCBC-MAC and CMAC modes.
[in]operationModeThe operation cipher/mode.
[in]paddingTypeThe padding type for AES operation:
  • NONE - supported for all operation modes.
  • PKCS7 - supported for ECB, CBC, CBC-MAC operation modes.
SaSiStatus SaSi_AesSetIv ( SaSiAesUserContext_t pContext,
SaSiAesIv_t  pIV 

This function sets the IV, counter or tweak data for the following AES operation on the same context. The context must be first initialized by SaSi_AesInit. It must be called at least once prior to the first SaSi_AesBlock operation on the same context - for those ciphers that require it. If needed, it can also be called to override the IV in the middle of a sequence of SaSi_AesBlock operations.

SASI_OK on success,
A non-zero value from ssi_aes_error.h on failure.
[in]pContextPointer to the AES context.
[in]pIVPointer to the buffer of the IV, counter or tweak.
  • For CBC, CBC-CTS, OFB and CBC-MAC modes - the IV value.
  • For CTR mode - the counter.
  • For XTS mode - the tweak value.
  • For all other modes - N/A.
SaSiStatus SaSi_AesSetKey ( SaSiAesUserContext_t pContext,
SaSiAesKeyType_t  keyType,
void *  pKeyData,
size_t  keyDataSize 

This function sets the key information for the AES operation, in the context that was initialized by SaSi_AesInit.

When FIPS certification mode is set to ON, and the mode is AES-XTS, weak keys are not allowed (128/256 lsb bits must be different than 128/256 msb bits, according to the key size).
SASI_OK on success,
A non-zero value from ssi_aes_error.h on failure.
[in]pContextPointer to the AES context, after it was initialized by SaSi_AesInit.
[in]keyTypeThe type of key to be used for the AES operation. Currently only SASI_AES_USER_KEY is supported - the key is plaintext and provided in the pKeyData parameter.
[in]pKeyDataPointer to the key data structure (to be casted to the relevant struct type).
[in]keyDataSizeThe size of data passed in pKeyData in bytes.

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