nRF5 SDK v14.1.0
Data Structures | Macros | Functions

Functions for controlling ring buffer. More...

Data Structures

struct  nrf_ringbuf_cb_t
 ring buffer instance control block. More...
struct  nrf_ringbuf_t
 ring buffer instance structure. More...


#define NRF_RINGBUF_DEF(_name, _size)
 Macro for defining a ring buffer instance. More...


void nrf_ringbuf_init (nrf_ringbuf_t const *p_ringbuf)
 Initializes a ring buffer instance. More...
ret_code_t nrf_ringbuf_alloc (nrf_ringbuf_t const *p_ringbuf, uint8_t **pp_data, size_t *p_length, bool start)
 Function for allocating memory from a ring buffer. More...
ret_code_t nrf_ringbuf_put (nrf_ringbuf_t const *p_ringbuf, size_t length)
 Function for commiting data to a ring buffer. More...
ret_code_t nrf_ringbuf_cpy_put (nrf_ringbuf_t const *p_ringbuf, uint8_t const *p_data, size_t *p_length)
 Function for copying data directly into the ring buffer. More...
ret_code_t nrf_ringbuf_get (nrf_ringbuf_t const *p_ringbuf, uint8_t **pp_data, size_t *p_length, bool start)
ret_code_t nrf_ringbuf_free (nrf_ringbuf_t const *p_ringbuf, size_t length)
 Function for freeing buffer back to a ring buffer. More...
ret_code_t nrf_ringbuf_cpy_get (nrf_ringbuf_t const *p_ringbuf, uint8_t *p_data, size_t *p_length)
 Function for copying data directly out of the ring buffer. More...

Detailed Description

Functions for controlling ring buffer.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define NRF_RINGBUF_DEF (   _name,
static uint8_t CONCAT_2(_name,_buf)[_size]; \
static nrf_ringbuf_cb_t CONCAT_2(_name,_cb); \
static const nrf_ringbuf_t _name = { \
.p_buffer = CONCAT_2(_name,_buf), \
.bufsize_mask = _size - 1, \
.p_cb = &CONCAT_2(_name,_cb), \

Macro for defining a ring buffer instance.

_nameInstance name.
_sizeSize of ring buffer (must be power of 2).

Function Documentation

ret_code_t nrf_ringbuf_alloc ( nrf_ringbuf_t const *  p_ringbuf,
uint8_t **  pp_data,
size_t *  p_length,
bool  start 

Function for allocating memory from a ring buffer.

Function attempts to allocate amount of memory requested by the user, or smaller amount if requested amount is not available. If start flag is set then exclusive access to allocation is established. nrf_ringbuf_put frees access to allocation. If start flag is not set then exclusive access check is omitted.

[in]p_ringbufPointer to Ring buffer instance.
[in]pp_dataPointer to pointer to the allocated buffer.
[in,out]p_lengthPointer to length. Length is set to requested amount and filled by the function with actually allocated amount.
[in]startSet to true if exclusive access should be controlled.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSSuccessful allocation (can be smaller amount than requested). NRF_ERROR_BUSY Ring buffer allocation process (alloc-put) is ongoing.
ret_code_t nrf_ringbuf_cpy_get ( nrf_ringbuf_t const *  p_ringbuf,
uint8_t *  p_data,
size_t *  p_length 

Function for copying data directly out of the ring buffer.

This function is copying available data from the ring buffer to user buffer.

[in]p_ringbufPointer to Ring buffer instance.
[in]p_dataPointer to the input buffer.
[in,out]p_lengthAmount of bytes to copy. Amount of bytes copied.
NRF_SUCCESS on successful put or error.
ret_code_t nrf_ringbuf_cpy_put ( nrf_ringbuf_t const *  p_ringbuf,
uint8_t const *  p_data,
size_t *  p_length 

Function for copying data directly into the ring buffer.

This function is copying user buffer to the ring buffer.

[in]p_ringbufPointer to Ring buffer instance.
[in]p_dataPointer to the input buffer.
[in,out]p_lengthAmount of bytes to copy. Amount of bytes copied.
NRF_SUCCESS on successful put or error.
ret_code_t nrf_ringbuf_free ( nrf_ringbuf_t const *  p_ringbuf,
size_t  length 

Function for freeing buffer back to a ring buffer.

When buffer with data taken from the ring buffer (see nrf_ringbuf_get) has been processed it must be freed to make it available for further use. This function frees the buffer (can be smaller amount than get).

[in]p_ringbufPointer to Ring buffer instance.
[in]lengthAmount of bytes to free.
NRF_SUCCESS on successful put or error.
ret_code_t nrf_ringbuf_get ( nrf_ringbuf_t const *  p_ringbuf,
uint8_t **  pp_data,
size_t *  p_length,
bool  start 

Function for getting data from the ring buffer.

Function attempts to get requested amount of data from the ring buffer. If start flag is set then exclusive access to getting data from the ring buffer is established. nrf_ringbuf_free frees access to getting data from the ring buffer. If start flag is not set then exclusive access check is omitted.

[in]p_ringbufPointer to Ring buffer instance.
[in]pp_dataPointer to pointer to the buffer with data.
[in,out]p_lengthPointer to length. Length is set to requested amount and filled by the function with actual amount.
[in]startSet to true if exclusive access should be controlled.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSSuccessful getting (can be smaller amount than requested). NRF_ERROR_BUSY Ring buffer getting process (get-free) is ongoing.
void nrf_ringbuf_init ( nrf_ringbuf_t const *  p_ringbuf)

Initializes a ring buffer instance.

p_ringbufPointer to Ring buffer instance.
ret_code_t nrf_ringbuf_put ( nrf_ringbuf_t const *  p_ringbuf,
size_t  length 

Function for commiting data to a ring buffer.

When allocated buffer (see nrf_ringbuf_alloc) has been filled with data it must be committed to make it available for nrf_ringbuf_get and nrf_ringbuf_cpy_get. This function commits the data (can be smaller amount than allocated).

[in]p_ringbufPointer to Ring buffer instance.
[in]lengthAmount of bytes to put.
NRF_SUCCESS on successful put or error.

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