nRF5 SDK v14.1.0
Modules | Data Structures | Macros | Functions
Block memory allocator

This module handles block memory allocator features. More...


 Macros for preparing debug flags for block allocator module.
 Block allocator module configuration

Data Structures

struct  nrf_balloc_cb_t
 Block memory allocator control block. More...
struct  nrf_balloc_t
 Block memory allocator pool instance. The pool is made of elements of the same size. More...


 Default debug flags for Block memory allocator. This is used by the NRF_BALLOC_DEF macro. Flags can be changed in SDK configuration header file.
#define NRF_BALLOC_BLOCK_SIZE(_element_size, _debug_flags)   ALIGN_NUM(sizeof(uint32_t), (_element_size))
 Get total memory consumed by single block (element size with overhead caused by debug flags). More...
#define NRF_BALLOC_ELEMENT_SIZE(_p_balloc)   (_p_balloc)->block_size
 Get element size ( excluding debugging overhead is present) flags). More...
#define __NRF_BALLOC_ASSIGN_DEBUG_FLAGS(_debug_flags)
#define NRF_BALLOC_DBG_DEF(_name, _element_size, _pool_size, _debug_flags)
 Create a block allocator instance with custom debug flags. More...
#define NRF_BALLOC_DEF(_name, _element_size, _pool_size)   NRF_BALLOC_DBG_DEF(_name, _element_size, _pool_size, NRF_BALLOC_DEFAULT_DEBUG_FLAGS)
 Create a block allocator instance. More...
#define NRF_BALLOC_INTERFACE_DEC(_type, _name)
 Create a block allocator interface. More...
#define NRF_BALLOC_INTERFACE_CUSTOM_DEF(_attr, _type, _name, _p_pool)
 Define a custom block allocator interface. More...
#define NRF_BALLOC_INTERFACE_DEF(_type, _name, _p_pool)   NRF_BALLOC_INTERFACE_CUSTOM_DEF(/* empty */, _type, _name, _p_pool)
 Define block allocator interface. More...
#define NRF_BALLOC_INTERFACE_LOCAL_DEF(_type, _name, _p_pool)   NRF_BALLOC_INTERFACE_CUSTOM_DEF(static, _type, _name, _p_pool)
 Define a local block allocator interface. More...


ret_code_t nrf_balloc_init (nrf_balloc_t const *p_pool)
 Function for initializing a block memory allocator pool. More...
void * nrf_balloc_alloc (nrf_balloc_t const *p_pool)
 Function for allocating an element from the pool. More...
void nrf_balloc_free (nrf_balloc_t const *p_pool, void *p_element)
 Function for freeing an element back to the pool. More...
__STATIC_INLINE uint8_t nrf_balloc_max_utilization_get (nrf_balloc_t const *p_pool)
 Function for getting maximum memory pool utilization. More...

Detailed Description

This module handles block memory allocator features.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define NRF_BALLOC_BLOCK_SIZE (   _element_size,
)    ALIGN_NUM(sizeof(uint32_t), (_element_size))

Get total memory consumed by single block (element size with overhead caused by debug flags).

[in]_element_sizeSize of an element.
[in]_debug_flagsDebug flags.
#define NRF_BALLOC_DBG_DEF (   _name,
STATIC_ASSERT((_pool_size) <= UINT8_MAX); \
static uint8_t CONCAT_2(_name, _nrf_balloc_pool_stack)[(_pool_size)]; \
static uint32_t CONCAT_2(_name,_nrf_balloc_pool_mem) \
[NRF_BALLOC_BLOCK_SIZE(_element_size, _debug_flags) * (_pool_size) / sizeof(uint32_t)]; \
static nrf_balloc_cb_t CONCAT_2(_name,_nrf_balloc_cb); \
static const nrf_balloc_t _name = \
{ \
.p_cb = &CONCAT_2(_name,_nrf_balloc_cb), \
.p_stack_base = CONCAT_2(_name,_nrf_balloc_pool_stack), \
.p_stack_limit = CONCAT_2(_name,_nrf_balloc_pool_stack) + (_pool_size), \
.p_memory_begin = CONCAT_2(_name,_nrf_balloc_pool_mem), \
.block_size = NRF_BALLOC_BLOCK_SIZE(_element_size, _debug_flags), \

Create a block allocator instance with custom debug flags.

This macro reserves memory for the given block allocator instance.
[in]_nameName of the allocator.
[in]_element_sizeSize of one element.
[in]_pool_sizeSize of the pool.
[in]_debug_flagsDebug flags (Macros for preparing debug flags for block allocator module.).
#define NRF_BALLOC_DEF (   _name,
)    NRF_BALLOC_DBG_DEF(_name, _element_size, _pool_size, NRF_BALLOC_DEFAULT_DEBUG_FLAGS)

Create a block allocator instance.

This macro reserves memory for the given block allocator instance.
[in]_nameName of the allocator.
[in]_element_sizeSize of one element.
[in]_pool_sizeSize of the pool.
#define NRF_BALLOC_ELEMENT_SIZE (   _p_balloc)    (_p_balloc)->block_size

Get element size ( excluding debugging overhead is present) flags).

[in]_p_ballocPointer to balloc instance.
_attr _type * CONCAT_2(_name,_alloc)(void) \
{ \
GCC_PRAGMA("GCC diagnostic push") \
GCC_PRAGMA("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Waddress\"") \
ASSERT((_p_pool) != NULL); \
ASSERT((_p_pool)->block_size >= \
NRF_BALLOC_BLOCK_SIZE(sizeof(_type), (_p_pool)->debug_flags)); \
GCC_PRAGMA("GCC diagnostic pop") \
return (_type *)(nrf_balloc_alloc(_p_pool)); \
} \
_attr void CONCAT_2(_name,_free)(_type * p_element) \
{ \
GCC_PRAGMA("GCC diagnostic push") \
GCC_PRAGMA("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Waddress\"") \
ASSERT((_p_pool) != NULL); \
ASSERT((_p_pool)->block_size >= \
NRF_BALLOC_BLOCK_SIZE(sizeof(_type), (_p_pool)->debug_flags)); \
GCC_PRAGMA("GCC diagnostic pop") \
nrf_balloc_free((_p_pool), p_element); \

Define a custom block allocator interface.

[in]_attrFunction attribute that will be added to allocator function definition.
[in]_typeType which is allocated.
[in]_nameName of the allocator.
[in]_p_poolPool from which data will be allocated.
#define NRF_BALLOC_INTERFACE_DEC (   _type,
_type * CONCAT_2(_name,_alloc)(void); \
void CONCAT_2(_name,_free)(_type * p_element)

Create a block allocator interface.

[in]_typeType which is allocated.
[in]_nameName of the allocator.
#define NRF_BALLOC_INTERFACE_DEF (   _type,
)    NRF_BALLOC_INTERFACE_CUSTOM_DEF(/* empty */, _type, _name, _p_pool)

Define block allocator interface.

[in]_typeType which is allocated.
[in]_nameName of the allocator.
[in]_p_poolPool from which data will be allocated.
)    NRF_BALLOC_INTERFACE_CUSTOM_DEF(static, _type, _name, _p_pool)

Define a local block allocator interface.

[in]_typeType which is allocated.
[in]_nameName of the allocator.
[in]_p_poolPool from which data will be allocated.

Function Documentation

void* nrf_balloc_alloc ( nrf_balloc_t const *  p_pool)

Function for allocating an element from the pool.

This module guarantees that the returned memory is aligned to 4.
[in]p_poolPointer to the memory pool from which the element will be allocated.
Allocated element or NULL if the specified pool is empty.
void nrf_balloc_free ( nrf_balloc_t const *  p_pool,
void *  p_element 

Function for freeing an element back to the pool.

[in]p_poolPointer to the memory pool.
[in]p_elementElement to be freed.
ret_code_t nrf_balloc_init ( nrf_balloc_t const *  p_pool)

Function for initializing a block memory allocator pool.

[out]p_poolPointer to the pool that is to be initialized.
NRF_SUCCESS on success, otherwise error code.
__STATIC_INLINE uint8_t nrf_balloc_max_utilization_get ( nrf_balloc_t const *  p_pool)

Function for getting maximum memory pool utilization.

[in]p_poolPointer to the memory pool instance.
Maximum number of elements allocated from the pool.

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