nRF5 SDK v14.1.0
Modules | Data Structures | Typedefs | Functions

FIFO implementation that allows for making atomic transactions without locking interrupts. More...


 Atomic operations API
 This module implements C11 stdatomic.h simplified API. At this point only Cortex-M3/M4 cores are supported (LDREX/STREX instructions). Atomic types are limited to nrf_atomic_u32_t and nrf_atomic_flag_t.
 FIFO instance macros

Data Structures

struct  nrf_atfifo_postag_pos_s
 Read and write position structure. More...
union  nrf_atfifo_postag_u
 End data index tag. More...
struct  nrf_atfifo_s
 The FIFO instance. More...
struct  nrf_atfifo_item_put_s
 FIFO write operation item context. More...
struct  nrf_atfifo_rcontext_s
 FIFO read operation item context. More...


typedef struct
 Read and write position structure. More...
typedef union nrf_atfifo_postag_u nrf_atfifo_postag_t
 End data index tag. More...
typedef struct nrf_atfifo_s nrf_atfifo_t
 The FIFO instance. More...
typedef struct
 FIFO write operation item context. More...
typedef struct
 FIFO read operation item context. More...


ret_code_t nrf_atfifo_init (nrf_atfifo_t *const p_fifo, void *p_buf, uint16_t buf_size, uint16_t item_size)
 Function for initializing the FIFO. More...
ret_code_t nrf_atfifo_clear (nrf_atfifo_t *const p_fifo)
 Function for clearing the FIFO. More...
ret_code_t nrf_atfifo_alloc_put (nrf_atfifo_t *const p_fifo, void const *const p_var, size_t size, bool *const p_visible)
 Function for atomically putting data into the FIFO. More...
void * nrf_atfifo_item_alloc (nrf_atfifo_t *const p_fifo, nrf_atfifo_item_put_t *p_context)
 Function for opening the FIFO for writing. More...
bool nrf_atfifo_item_put (nrf_atfifo_t *const p_fifo, nrf_atfifo_item_put_t *p_context)
 Function for closing the writing operation. More...
ret_code_t nrf_atfifo_get_free (nrf_atfifo_t *const p_fifo, void *const p_var, size_t size, bool *p_released)
 Function for getting a single value from the FIFO. More...
void * nrf_atfifo_item_get (nrf_atfifo_t *const p_fifo, nrf_atfifo_item_get_t *p_context)
 Function for opening the FIFO for reading. More...
bool nrf_atfifo_item_free (nrf_atfifo_t *const p_fifo, nrf_atfifo_item_get_t *p_context)
 Function for closing the reading operation. More...

Detailed Description

FIFO implementation that allows for making atomic transactions without locking interrupts.

There are two types of functions to prepare the FIFO writing:

Typedef Documentation

FIFO read operation item context.

Context structure used to mark an opened get operation to properly free an item after reading.

FIFO write operation item context.

Context structure used to mark an allocated space in FIFO that is ready for put. All the data required to properly put allocated and written data.

Read and write position structure.

A structure that holds the read and write position used by the FIFO head and tail.

End data index tag.

A tag used to mark the end of data. To properly realize atomic data committing, the whole variable has to be accessed atomically.

typedef struct nrf_atfifo_s nrf_atfifo_t

The FIFO instance.

The instance of atomic FIFO. Used with all FIFO functions.

Function Documentation

ret_code_t nrf_atfifo_alloc_put ( nrf_atfifo_t *const  p_fifo,
void const *const  p_var,
size_t  size,
bool *const  p_visible 

Function for atomically putting data into the FIFO.

It uses memcpy function inside and in most situations, it is more suitable to use nrf_atfifo_item_alloc, write the data, and nrf_atfifo_item_put to store a new value in a FIFO.

[in,out]p_fifoFIFO object.
[in]p_varVariable to copy.
[in]sizeSize of the variable to copy. Can be smaller or equal to the FIFO item size.
[out]p_visibleSee value returned by nrf_atfifo_item_put. It may be NULL if the caller does not require the current operation status.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf an element has been successfully added to the FIFO.
NRF_ERROR_NO_MEMIf the FIFO is full.
To avoid data copying, you can use the nrf_atfifo_item_alloc and nrf_atfifo_item_put functions pair.
ret_code_t nrf_atfifo_clear ( nrf_atfifo_t *const  p_fifo)

Function for clearing the FIFO.

Function for clearing the FIFO.

If this function is called during an opened and uncommitted write operation, the FIFO is cleared up to the currently ongoing commit. There is no possibility to cancel an ongoing commit.

If this function is called during an opened and unflushed read operation, the read position in the head is set, but copying it into the write head position is left to read closing operation.

This way, there is no more data to read, but the memory is released in the moment when it is safe.

[in,out]p_fifoFIFO object.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSFIFO totally cleared.
NRF_ERROR_BUSYFunction called in the middle of writing or reading operation. If it is called in the middle of writing operation, FIFO was cleared up to the already started and uncommitted write. If it is called in the middle of reading operation, write head was only moved. It will be copied into read tail when the reading operation is flushed.
ret_code_t nrf_atfifo_get_free ( nrf_atfifo_t *const  p_fifo,
void *const  p_var,
size_t  size,
bool *  p_released 

Function for getting a single value from the FIFO.

This function gets the value from the top of the FIFO. The value is removed from the FIFO memory.

[in,out]p_fifoFIFO object.
[out]p_varPointer to the variable to store the data.
[in]sizeSize of the data to be loaded.
[out]p_releasedSee the values returned by nrf_atfifo_item_free.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSElement was successfully copied from the FIFO memory.
ret_code_t nrf_atfifo_init ( nrf_atfifo_t *const  p_fifo,
void *  p_buf,
uint16_t  buf_size,
uint16_t  item_size 

Function for initializing the FIFO.

Preparing the FIFO instance to work.

[out]p_fifoFIFO object to initialize.
[in,out]p_bufFIFO buffer for storing data.
[in]buf_sizeTotal buffer size (has to be divisible by item_size).
[in]item_sizeSize of a single item held inside the FIFO.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf initialization was successful.
NRF_ERROR_NULLIf a NULL pointer is provided as the buffer.
NRF_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTHIf size of the buffer provided is not divisible by item_size.
Buffer size must be able to hold one element more than the designed FIFO capacity. This one, empty element is used for overflow checking.
void* nrf_atfifo_item_alloc ( nrf_atfifo_t *const  p_fifo,
nrf_atfifo_item_put_t p_context 

Function for opening the FIFO for writing.

Function called to start the FIFO write operation and access the given FIFO buffer directly.

[in,out]p_fifoFIFO object.
[out]p_contextOperation context, required by nrf_atfifo_item_put.
Pointer to the space where variable data can be stored. NULL if there is no space in the buffer.
bool nrf_atfifo_item_free ( nrf_atfifo_t *const  p_fifo,
nrf_atfifo_item_get_t p_context 

Function for closing the reading operation.

Function used to finish the reading operation. If this reading operation does not interrupt another reading operation, the head write buffer is moved. If this reading operation is placed in the middle of another reading, only the new read pointer is written.

[in,out]p_fifoFIFO object.
[in]p_contextContext of the reading operation to be closed.
Return values
trueThis operation is not generated in the middle of another read operation and the write head will be updated to the read head (space is released).
falseThis operation was performed in the middle of another read operation and the write buffer head was not moved (no space is released).
void* nrf_atfifo_item_get ( nrf_atfifo_t *const  p_fifo,
nrf_atfifo_item_get_t p_context 

Function for opening the FIFO for reading.

Function called to start the FIFO read operation and access the given FIFO buffer directly.

[in,out]p_fifoFIFO object.
[out]p_contextThe operation context, required by nrf_atfifo_item_free
Pointer to data buffer or NULL if there is no data in the FIFO.
bool nrf_atfifo_item_put ( nrf_atfifo_t *const  p_fifo,
nrf_atfifo_item_put_t p_context 

Function for closing the writing operation.

Puts a previously allocated context into FIFO. This function must be called to commit an opened write operation. It sets all the buffers and marks the data, so that it is visible to read.

[in,out]p_fifoFIFO object.
[in]p_contextOperation context, filled by the nrf_atfifo_item_alloc function.
Return values
trueData is currently ready and will be visible to read.
falseThe internal commit was marked, but the writing operation interrupted another writing operation. The data will be available to read when the interrupted operation is committed.

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