nRF5 SDK v14.1.0
Modules | Data Structures | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
TFTP Application Interface for Nordic's IPv6 stack

Trivial File Transfer Protocol module provides implementation of TFTP Client. More...


 TFTP Client/Server configuration

Data Structures

struct  iot_tftp_evt_err_t
 TFTP error event structure. More...
struct  iot_tftp_evt_data_received_t
 TFTP data received event structure. More...
union  iot_tftp_evt_param_t
 TFTP event structure. More...
struct  iot_tftp_evt_t
 Asynchronous event type. More...
struct  iot_tftp_trans_params_t
 TFTP Transmission initialization structure (both GET and PUT). More...
struct  iot_tftp_init_t
 TFTP initialization structure. More...


typedef uint32_t iot_tftp_t
 TFTP global instance number.
typedef void(* iot_tftp_callback_t )(iot_tftp_t *p_tftp, iot_tftp_evt_t *p_evt)
 User callback from TFTP module. More...


enum  iot_tftp_evt_id_t {
 TFTP module Events. More...


uint32_t iot_tftp_init (iot_tftp_t *p_tftp, iot_tftp_init_t *p_init_params)
 Initializes TFTP client. More...
uint32_t iot_tftp_set_params (iot_tftp_t *p_tftp, iot_tftp_trans_params_t *p_params)
 Function used in order to change initial connection parameters. More...
uint32_t iot_tftp_get (iot_tftp_t *p_tftp, iot_file_t *p_file, const char *p_path)
 Retrieves file from remote server into p_file. More...
uint32_t iot_tftp_put (iot_tftp_t *p_tftp, iot_file_t *p_file, const char *p_path)
 Sends local file p_file to a remote server. More...
uint32_t iot_tftp_hold (iot_tftp_t *p_tftp)
 Holds transmission of ACK (use in order to slow transmission). More...
uint32_t iot_tftp_resume (iot_tftp_t *p_tftp)
 Resumes transmission. More...
uint32_t iot_tftp_abort (iot_tftp_t *p_tftp)
 Resets TFTP client instance, so it is possible to make another request after error. More...
uint32_t iot_tftp_uninit (iot_tftp_t *p_tftp)
 Frees assigned sockets. More...
void iot_tftp_timeout_process (iot_timer_time_in_ms_t wall_clock_value)
 Function for performing retransmissions of TFTP acknowledgments. More...

Detailed Description

Trivial File Transfer Protocol module provides implementation of TFTP Client.

Typedef Documentation

typedef void(* iot_tftp_callback_t)(iot_tftp_t *p_tftp, iot_tftp_evt_t *p_evt)

User callback from TFTP module.

TFTP module user callback will be invoked even if user asks TFTP to abort (TFTP error event).
[in]p_tftpPointer to the TFTP instance.
[in]p_evtPointer to the TFTP event structure, describing reason.
Return values

Enumeration Type Documentation

TFTP module Events.


Event code indicating that an error occurred.


Event code indicating that a data packet was received during read transfer.


Event code indicating that transfer read was completed.


Event code indicating that transfer write was completed.

Function Documentation

uint32_t iot_tftp_abort ( iot_tftp_t p_tftp)

Resets TFTP client instance, so it is possible to make another request after error.

[in]p_tftpPointer to the TFTP instance.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSon successful execution of procedure, else an error code indicating reason for failure.
uint32_t iot_tftp_get ( iot_tftp_t p_tftp,
iot_file_t p_file,
const char *  p_path 

Retrieves file from remote server into p_file.

If p_file is a NULL pointer, the content of received file can be retrieved by handling IOT_TFTP_EVT_TRANSFER_DATA_RECEIVED event. This event is generated each time a data packet (containing a chunk of requested file) is received. IOT_TFTP_EVT_TRANSFER_GET_COMPLETE event is generated after download is complete.

This function should not be called until previous download operation is completed.
[in]p_tftpPointer to the TFTP instance.
[in]p_fileReference to the file from which data should be read.
[in]p_pathPath of the requested file on the remote server. Shall not be NULL.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSon successful execution of procedure, else an error code indicating reason for failure.
uint32_t iot_tftp_hold ( iot_tftp_t p_tftp)

Holds transmission of ACK (use in order to slow transmission).

[in]p_tftpPointer to the TFTP instance.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSon successful execution of procedure, else an error code indicating reason for failure.
uint32_t iot_tftp_init ( iot_tftp_t p_tftp,
iot_tftp_init_t p_init_params 

Initializes TFTP client.

[in]p_tftpPointer to the TFTP instance. Should not be NULL.
[in]p_init_paramsInitialization structure for TFTP client. Should not be NULL.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSon successful execution of procedure, else an error code indicating reason for failure.
uint32_t iot_tftp_put ( iot_tftp_t p_tftp,
iot_file_t p_file,
const char *  p_path 

Sends local file p_file to a remote server.

[in]p_tftpPointer to the TFTP instance.
[in]p_fileReference to the file to which data should be stored. Should not be NULL.
[in]p_pathPath of the file on the remote server. Shall not be NULL.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSon successful execution of procedure, else an error code indicating reason for failure.
uint32_t iot_tftp_resume ( iot_tftp_t p_tftp)

Resumes transmission.

[in]p_tftpPointer to the TFTP instance.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSon successful execution of procedure, else an error code indicating reason for failure.
uint32_t iot_tftp_set_params ( iot_tftp_t p_tftp,
iot_tftp_trans_params_t p_params 

Function used in order to change initial connection parameters.

[in]p_tftpReference to the TFTP instance.
[in]p_paramsPointer to transmission parameters structure. Should not be NULL.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSif parameters successfully set, else an error code indicating reason for failure.
void iot_tftp_timeout_process ( iot_timer_time_in_ms_t  wall_clock_value)

Function for performing retransmissions of TFTP acknowledgments.

TFTP module implements the retransmission mechanism by invoking this function periodically. So that method has to be added to IoT Timer client list and has to be called with minimum of TFTP_RETRANSMISSION_INTERVAL resolution.
[in]wall_clock_valueThe value of the wall clock that triggered the callback.
Return values
uint32_t iot_tftp_uninit ( iot_tftp_t p_tftp)

Frees assigned sockets.

[in]p_tftpPointer to the TFTP instance.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSon successful execution of procedure, else an error code indicating reason for failure.

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