nRF5 SDK v14.1.0
Modules | Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
BSD Socket interface

Nordic socket interface for IoT. More...


 Values for socket_family_t
 Values for socket_type_t
 Values for socket_protocol_t
 Socket send/recv flags
 Values for socket_opt_lvl_t
 Medium socket option level types
 fcntl commands
 fcntl flags
 API for file descriptor set

Data Structures

struct  timeval
 Structure specifying time interval. More...
struct  sockaddr
 Generic socket address. More...
struct  in6_addr
 IPv6 address. More...
struct  in_addr
 IPv4 address structure. More...
struct  sockaddr_in6
 Address record for IPv6 addresses. More...
struct  sockaddr_in
 Address record for IPv4 addresses. More...


#define htons(x)   HTONS(x)
#define htonl(x)   HTONL(x)
#define ntohs(x)   NTOHS(x)
#define ntohl(x)   NTOHL(x)


typedef int32_t ssize_t
typedef uint32_t socklen_t
 Socket module size type.
typedef uint16_t in_port_t
 Socket port type.
typedef int socket_family_t
 Socket families. More...
typedef socket_family_t sa_family_t
typedef int socket_type_t
 Socket types. More...
typedef int socket_protocol_t
 Socket protocols. More...
typedef int socket_opt_lvl_t
 Socket option levels. More...
typedef uint32_t in_addr_t
 IPv4 address.
typedef struct sockaddr sockaddr_t
typedef struct sockaddr_in6 sockaddr_in6_t
typedef struct in6_addr in6_addr_t
typedef struct sockaddr_in sockaddr_in_t


int socket (socket_family_t family, socket_type_t type, socket_protocol_t protocol)
 Function for creating a socket. More...
int close (int sock)
 Function for closing a socket and freeing any resources held by it. More...
int fcntl (int fd, int cmd, int flags)
 Function for controlling file descriptor options. More...
int connect (int sock, const void *p_servaddr, socklen_t addrlen)
 Function for connecting to an endpoint with a given address. More...
ssize_t send (int sock, const void *p_buff, size_t nbytes, int flags)
 Function for sending data through a socket. More...
ssize_t sendto (int sock, const void *p_buff, size_t nbytes, int flags, const void *p_servaddr, socklen_t addrlen)
 Function for sending datagram through a socket. More...
ssize_t write (int sock, const void *p_buff, size_t nbytes)
 Function for writing data to a socket. See send() for details. More...
ssize_t recv (int sock, void *p_buff, size_t nbytes, int flags)
 Function for receiving data on a socket. More...
ssize_t recvfrom (int sock, void *p_buff, size_t nbytes, int flags, void *p_cliaddr, socklen_t *p_addrlen)
 Function for receiving datagram on a socket. More...
ssize_t read (int sock, void *p_buff, size_t nbytes)
 Function for reading data from a socket. See recv() for details. More...
int select (int nfds, fd_set *p_readset, fd_set *p_writeset, fd_set *p_exceptset, const struct timeval *p_timeout)
 Function for waiting for read, write, or exception events on a socket. More...
int setsockopt (int sock, socket_opt_lvl_t level, int optname, const void *p_optval, socklen_t optlen)
 Function for setting socket options for a given socket. More...
int getsockopt (int sock, socket_opt_lvl_t level, int optname, void *p_optval, socklen_t *p_optlen)
 Function for getting socket options for a given socket. More...
int bind (int sock, const void *p_myaddr, socklen_t addrlen)
 Function for binding a socket to an address and port. More...
int listen (int sock, int backlog)
 Function for marking a socket as listenable. More...
int accept (int sock, void *p_cliaddr, socklen_t *p_addrlen)
 Function for waiting for the next client to connect. More...
int inet_pton (socket_family_t af, const char *p_src, void *p_dst)
 Function for converting a human-readable IP address to a form usable by the socket API. More...


struct in6_addr in6addr_any
 Global IPv6 any-address.
struct in_addr inaddr_any
 Global IPv4 any-address.

Detailed Description

Nordic socket interface for IoT.

This module provides the socket interface for writing IoT applications. The API is designed to be compatible with the POSIX/BSD socket interface for the purpose of making porting easy. The socket options API has been extended to support configuring Nordic BLE stack, tuning of RF parameters as well as security options.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define htonl (   x)    HTONL(x)

Convert byte order from host to network (long).

#define htons (   x)    HTONS(x)

Convert byte order from host to network (short).

#define ntohl (   x)    NTOHL(x)

Convert byte order from network to host (long).

#define ntohs (   x)    NTOHS(x)

Convert byte order from network to host (short).

Typedef Documentation

typedef int socket_family_t

Socket families.

For a list of valid values, refer to Values for socket_family_t.

typedef int socket_opt_lvl_t

Socket option levels.

For a list of valid values, refer to Values for socket_opt_lvl_t.

typedef int socket_protocol_t

Socket protocols.

Use 0 if you do not want do specify socket protocol, which should be sufficient for most users. Other values are only provided for socket API compatibility, see Values for socket_protocol_t.

typedef int socket_type_t

Socket types.

For a list of valid values refer to Values for socket_type_t.

Function Documentation

int accept ( int  sock,
void *  p_cliaddr,
socklen_t p_addrlen 

Function for waiting for the next client to connect.

This function will block if there are no clients attempting to connect.

[in]sockThe socket descriptor to use for waiting on client connections.
[out]p_cliaddrSocket address that will be set to the client's address.
[out]p_addrlenThe size of the p_cliaddr passed. Might be modified by the function.
Return values
Anon-negative client descriptor on success, or -1 on error.
int bind ( int  sock,
const void *  p_myaddr,
socklen_t  addrlen 

Function for binding a socket to an address and port.

The provided address must be supported by the socket protocol family.

[in]sockThe socket descriptor to bind.
[in]p_myaddrThe address to bind this socket to.
[in]addrlenThe size of p_myaddr.
Return values
0on success, or -1 on error.
int close ( int  sock)

Function for closing a socket and freeing any resources held by it.

If the socket is already closed, this function is a noop.

[in]sockThe socket to close.
Return values
0on success, or -1 on error.
int connect ( int  sock,
const void *  p_servaddr,
socklen_t  addrlen 

Function for connecting to an endpoint with a given address.

The socket handle must be a valid handle that has not yet been connected. Running connect on a connected handle will return an error.

[in]sockThe socket to use for connection.
[in]p_servaddrThe address of the server to connect to. Currently, sockaddr_in6 is the only supported type.
[in]addrlenThe size of the p_servaddr argument.
Return values
0on success, or -1 on error.
int fcntl ( int  fd,
int  cmd,
int  flags 

Function for controlling file descriptor options.

Set or get file descriptor options or flags. For a list of supported commands, refer to fcntl commands. For a list of supported flags, refer to fcntl flags.

[in]fdThe descriptor to set options on.
[in]cmdThe command class for options.
[in]flagsThe flags to set.
int getsockopt ( int  sock,
socket_opt_lvl_t  level,
int  optname,
void *  p_optval,
socklen_t p_optlen 

Function for getting socket options for a given socket.

The options are grouped by level, and the option value is the value described by the option name.

[in]sockThe socket for which to set the option.
[in]levelThe level or group to which the option belongs.
[in]optnameThe name of the socket option.
[out]p_optvalPointer to the storage for the option value.
[in,out]p_optlenThe size of p_optval. Can be modified to the actual size of p_optval.
Return values
0on success, or -1 on error.
int inet_pton ( socket_family_t  af,
const char *  p_src,
void *  p_dst 

Function for converting a human-readable IP address to a form usable by the socket API.

This function will convert a string form of addresses and encode it into a byte array.

[in]afAddress family. Only AF_INET6 supported.
[in]p_srcNull-terminated string containing the address to convert.
[out]p_dstPointer to a struct in6_addr where the address will be stored.
Return values
1on success, 0 if src does not contain a valid address, -1 if af is not a valid address family.
int listen ( int  sock,
int  backlog 

Function for marking a socket as listenable.

Once a socket is marked as listenable, it cannot be unmarked. It is important to consider the backlog parameter, as it will affect how much memory your application will use in the worst case.

[in]sockThe socket descriptor on which to set the listening options.
[in]backlogThe max length of the queue of pending connections. A value of 0 means infinite.
Return values
0on success, or -1 on error.
ssize_t read ( int  sock,
void *  p_buff,
size_t  nbytes 

Function for reading data from a socket. See recv() for details.

[in]sockThe socket to receive data from.
[out]p_buffBuffer to hold the data to be read.
[in]nbytesNumber of bytes to read. Should not be larger than the size of p_buff.
Return values
Thenumber of bytes that were read, or -1 on error.
ssize_t recv ( int  sock,
void *  p_buff,
size_t  nbytes,
int  flags 

Function for receiving data on a socket.

API for receiving data from a socket. By default, this function will block, unless the O_NONBLOCK socket option has been set, or MSG_DONTWAIT is passed as a flag.

[in]sockThe socket to receive data from.
[out]p_buffBuffer to hold the data to be read.
[in]nbytesNumber of bytes to read. Should not be larger than the size of p_buff.
[in]flagsFlags to control receive behavior.
Return values
Thenumber of bytes that were read, or -1 on error.
ssize_t recvfrom ( int  sock,
void *  p_buff,
size_t  nbytes,
int  flags,
void *  p_cliaddr,
socklen_t p_addrlen 

Function for receiving datagram on a socket.

API for receiving data from a socket. By default, this function will block, unless the O_NONBLOCK socket option has been set, or MSG_DONTWAIT is passed as a flag.

[in]sockThe socket to receive data from.
[out]p_buffBuffer to hold the data to be read.
[in]nbytesNumber of bytes to read. Should not be larger than the size of p_buff.
[in]flagsFlags to control receive behavior.
[out]p_cliaddrSocket address that will be set to the client's address.
[in,out]p_addrlenThe size of the p_cliaddr passed. Might be modified by the function.
Return values
Thenumber of bytes that were read, or -1 on error.
int select ( int  nfds,
fd_set *  p_readset,
fd_set *  p_writeset,
fd_set *  p_exceptset,
const struct timeval p_timeout 

Function for waiting for read, write, or exception events on a socket.

Wait for a set of socket descriptors to be ready for reading, writing, or having exceptions. The set of socket descriptors is configured before calling this function. This function will block until any of the descriptors in the set has any of the required events. This function is mostly useful when using O_NONBLOCK or MSG_DONTWAIT options to enable async operation.

[in]nfdsThe highest socket descriptor value contained in the sets.
[in,out]p_readsetThe set of descriptors for which to wait for read events. Set to NULL if not used.
[in,out]p_writesetThe set of descriptors for which to wait for write events. Set to NULL if not used.
[in,out]p_exceptsetThe set of descriptors for which to wait for exception events. Set to NULL if not used.
[in]p_timeoutThe timeout to use for select call. Set to NULL if waiting forever.
Return values
Thenumber of ready descriptors contained in the descriptor sets on success, or -1 on error.
ssize_t send ( int  sock,
const void *  p_buff,
size_t  nbytes,
int  flags 

Function for sending data through a socket.

By default, this function will block unless the O_NONBLOCK socket option has been set, OR MSG_DONTWAIT is passed as a flag. In that case, the method will return immediately.

[in]sockThe socket to write data to.
[in]p_buffBuffer containing the data to send.
[in]nbytesSize of data contained on p_buff.
[in]flagsFlags to control send behavior.
Return values
Thenumber of bytes that were sent on success, or -1 on error.
ssize_t sendto ( int  sock,
const void *  p_buff,
size_t  nbytes,
int  flags,
const void *  p_servaddr,
socklen_t  addrlen 

Function for sending datagram through a socket.

By default, this function will block if the lower layers are not able to process the packet, unless the O_NONBLOCK socket option has been set, OR MSG_DONTWAIT is passed as a flag. In that case, the method will return immediately.

[in]sockThe socket to write data to.
[in]p_buffBuffer containing the data to send.
[in]nbytesSize of data contained in p_buff.
[in]flagsFlags to control send behavior.
[in]p_servaddrThe address of the server to send to. Currently, sockaddr_in6 is the only supported type.
[in]addrlenThe size of the p_servaddr argument.
Return values
Thenumber of bytes that were sent on success, or -1 on error.
int setsockopt ( int  sock,
socket_opt_lvl_t  level,
int  optname,
const void *  p_optval,
socklen_t  optlen 

Function for setting socket options for a given socket.

The options are grouped by level, and the option value should be the expected for the given option, and the lifetime must be longer than that of the socket.

[in]sockThe socket for which to set the option.
[in]levelThe level or group to which the option belongs.
[in]optnameThe name of the socket option.
[in]p_optvalThe value to be stored for this option.
[in]optlenThe size of p_optval.
Return values
0on success, or -1 on error.
int socket ( socket_family_t  family,
socket_type_t  type,
socket_protocol_t  protocol 

Function for creating a socket.

API to create a socket that can be used for network communication independently of lower protocol layers.

[in]familyThe protocol family of the network protocol to use. Currently, only AF_INET6 is supported.
[in]typeThe protocol type to use for this socket.
[in]protocolThe transport protocol to use for this socket.
Return values
Anon-negative socket descriptor on success, or -1 on error.
ssize_t write ( int  sock,
const void *  p_buff,
size_t  nbytes 

Function for writing data to a socket. See send() for details.

[in]sockThe socket to write data to.
[in]p_buffBuffer containing the data to send.
[in]nbytesSize of data contained in p_buff.
Return values
Thenumber of bytes that were sent on success, or -1 on error.

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