nRF5 SDK v14.0.0
Data Fields
RSAPrivContext_t Struct Reference

#include <crys_rsa_types.h>

Data Fields

CRYS_RSAUserPrivKey_t PrivUserKey
uint8_t PKCS1_Version
uint8_t MGF_2use
uint16_t SaltLen
CRYS_RSAPrimeData_t PrimeData
uint32_t CRYSPKAHashCtxBuff [60]
CRYS_HASH_Result_t HASH_Result
uint16_t HASH_Result_Size
CRYS_RSA_HASH_OpMode_t RsaHashOperationMode
CRYS_HASH_OperationMode_t HashOperationMode
uint16_t HashBlockSize
bool doHash
uint32_t EBD [((2048+64)/32)]
uint32_t EBDSizeInBits
uint8_t T_Buf [(((2048+64)/32)*sizeof(uint32_t))]
uint16_t T_BufSize
uint32_t BER [((2048+64)/32)]
uint16_t BERSize
uint8_t DummyBufAESBlockSize [16]

Detailed Description

Context definition for operations that use the RSA private key.

Field Documentation

uint32_t RSAPrivContext_t::BER[((2048+64)/32)]

Buffer for the use of the Ber encoder in the case of PKCS#1 Ver 1.5.

uint16_t RSAPrivContext_t::BERSize

Ber encoder buffer size.

uint32_t RSAPrivContext_t::CRYSPKAHashCtxBuff[60]

HASH context buffer.

bool RSAPrivContext_t::doHash

HASH flag.

uint8_t RSAPrivContext_t::DummyBufAESBlockSize[16]

Internal buffer.

uint32_t RSAPrivContext_t::EBD[((2048+64)/32)]

Internal buffer.

uint32_t RSAPrivContext_t::EBDSizeInBits

Internal bufffer used size in bits.

CRYS_HASH_Result_t RSAPrivContext_t::HASH_Result

HASH result buffer.

uint16_t RSAPrivContext_t::HASH_Result_Size

HASH result size in words.

uint16_t RSAPrivContext_t::HashBlockSize

HASH block size (in words).

CRYS_HASH_OperationMode_t RSAPrivContext_t::HashOperationMode

HASH operation mode.

uint8_t RSAPrivContext_t::MGF_2use

MGF to be used for the PKCS1 Ver 2.1 sign or verify operations.

uint8_t RSAPrivContext_t::PKCS1_Version

RSA PKCS#1 Version 1.5 or 2.1

CRYS_RSAPrimeData_t RSAPrivContext_t::PrimeData

Internal buffer.

CRYS_RSAUserPrivKey_t RSAPrivContext_t::PrivUserKey

Private key data.

CRYS_RSA_HASH_OpMode_t RSAPrivContext_t::RsaHashOperationMode

RSA HASH operation mode (all modes RSA supports).

uint16_t RSAPrivContext_t::SaltLen

Salt random length for PKCS#1 PSS Ver 2.1

uint8_t RSAPrivContext_t::T_Buf[(((2048+64)/32)*sizeof(uint32_t))]

Internal buffer.

uint16_t RSAPrivContext_t::T_BufSize

Internal buffer used size.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

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