nRF5 SDK v13.1.0
Data Fields
CRYS_RSAUserPubKey_t Struct Reference

#include <crys_rsa_types.h>

Data Fields

uint32_t valid_tag
uint32_t PublicKeyDbBuff [sizeof(CRYSRSAPubKey_t)/sizeof(uint32_t)+1]

Detailed Description

The public key's user structure prototype. This structure must be saved by the user, and is used as input to the RSA functions (such as SaSi_RsaSchemesEncrypt etc.)

Field Documentation

uint32_t CRYS_RSAUserPubKey_t::PublicKeyDbBuff[sizeof(CRYSRSAPubKey_t)/sizeof(uint32_t)+1]

Public key data.

uint32_t CRYS_RSAUserPubKey_t::valid_tag

Validation tag.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

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