nRF5 SDK v13.1.0
Modules | Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
Enhanced ShockBurst

Enhanced ShockBurst (ESB) is a basic protocol that supports two-way data packet communication including packet buffering, packet acknowledgment, and automatic retransmission of lost packets. More...


 ESB resources

Data Structures

struct  nrf_esb_payload_t
 Enhanced ShockBurst payload. More...
struct  nrf_esb_evt_t
 Enhanced ShockBurst event. More...
struct  nrf_esb_config_t
 Main configuration structure for the module. More...


#define DEBUGPIN1   12
#define DEBUGPIN2   13
#define DEBUGPIN3   14
#define DEBUGPIN4   15
#define DEBUG_PIN_SET(a)
#define DEBUG_PIN_CLR(a)
#define NRF_ESB_TX_FIFO_SIZE   8
#define NRF_ESB_RX_FIFO_SIZE   8
#define NRF_ESB_SYS_TIMER_IRQ_Handler   TIMER2_IRQHandler
#define NRF_ESB_PPI_TX_START   13
#define NRF_ESB_INT_TX_FAILED_MSK   0x02
#define NRF_ESB_INT_RX_DR_MSK   0x04
#define NRF_ESB_PID_MAX   3
#define ESB_EVT_IRQ   SWI0_IRQn
#define ESB_EVT_IRQHandler   SWI0_IRQHandler
#define NRF_ESB_CREATE_PAYLOAD(_pipe,...)


typedef void(* nrf_esb_event_handler_t )(nrf_esb_evt_t const *p_event)
 Definition of the event handler for the module.


enum  nrf_esb_protocol_t {
 Enhanced ShockBurst protocols.
enum  nrf_esb_mode_t {
 Enhanced ShockBurst modes.
enum  nrf_esb_bitrate_t {
 Enhanced ShockBurst bitrate modes. More...
enum  nrf_esb_crc_t {
 Enhanced ShockBurst CRC modes. More...
enum  nrf_esb_tx_power_t {
 Enhanced ShockBurst radio transmission power modes. More...
enum  nrf_esb_tx_mode_t {
 Enhanced ShockBurst transmission modes.
enum  nrf_esb_evt_id_t {
 Enhanced ShockBurst event IDs used to indicate the type of the event. More...


 STATIC_ASSERT (32<=252)
uint32_t nrf_esb_init (nrf_esb_config_t const *p_config)
 Function for initializing the Enhanced ShockBurst module. More...
uint32_t nrf_esb_suspend (void)
 Function for suspending the Enhanced ShockBurst module. More...
uint32_t nrf_esb_disable (void)
 Function for disabling the Enhanced ShockBurst module. More...
bool nrf_esb_is_idle (void)
 Function for checking if the Enhanced ShockBurst module is idle. More...
uint32_t nrf_esb_write_payload (nrf_esb_payload_t const *p_payload)
 Function for writing a payload for transmission or acknowledgment. More...
uint32_t nrf_esb_read_rx_payload (nrf_esb_payload_t *p_payload)
 Function for reading an RX payload. More...
uint32_t nrf_esb_start_tx (void)
 Function for starting transmission. More...
uint32_t nrf_esb_start_rx (void)
 Function for starting to transmit data from the FIFO buffer. More...
uint32_t nrf_esb_stop_rx (void)
 Function for stopping data reception. More...
uint32_t nrf_esb_flush_tx (void)
 Function for removing remaining items from the TX buffer. More...
uint32_t nrf_esb_pop_tx (void)
 Function for removing the first item from the TX buffer. More...
uint32_t nrf_esb_flush_rx (void)
 Function for removing remaining items from the RX buffer. More...
uint32_t nrf_esb_set_address_length (uint8_t length)
 Function for setting the length of the address. More...
uint32_t nrf_esb_set_base_address_0 (uint8_t const *p_addr)
 Function for setting the base address for pipe 0. More...
uint32_t nrf_esb_set_base_address_1 (uint8_t const *p_addr)
 Function for setting the base address for pipe 1 to pipe 7. More...
uint32_t nrf_esb_set_prefixes (uint8_t const *p_prefixes, uint8_t num_pipes)
 Function for setting the number of pipes and the pipe prefix addresses. More...
uint32_t nrf_esb_enable_pipes (uint8_t enable_mask)
 Function for enabling pipes. More...
uint32_t nrf_esb_update_prefix (uint8_t pipe, uint8_t prefix)
 Function for updating the prefix for a pipe. More...
uint32_t nrf_esb_set_rf_channel (uint32_t channel)
 Function for setting the channel to use for the radio. More...
uint32_t nrf_esb_get_rf_channel (uint32_t *p_channel)
 Function for getting the current radio channel. More...
uint32_t nrf_esb_set_tx_power (nrf_esb_tx_power_t tx_output_power)
 Function for setting the radio output power. More...

Detailed Description

Enhanced ShockBurst (ESB) is a basic protocol that supports two-way data packet communication including packet buffering, packet acknowledgment, and automatic retransmission of lost packets.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define ESB_EVT_IRQ   SWI0_IRQn

The ESB event IRQ number when running on an nRF5x device.

#define ESB_EVT_IRQHandler   SWI0_IRQHandler

The handler for ESB_EVT_IRQ when running on an nRF5x device.

{ \
.base_addr_p0 = { 0xE7, 0xE7, 0xE7, 0xE7 }, \
.base_addr_p1 = { 0xC2, 0xC2, 0xC2, 0xC2 }, \
.pipe_prefixes = { 0xE7, 0xC2, 0xC3, 0xC4, 0xC5, 0xC6, 0xC7, 0xC8 }, \
.addr_length = 5, \
.num_pipes = 8, \
.rf_channel = 2, \
.rx_pipes_enabled = 0xFF \

Default address configuration for ESB. Roughly equal to the nRF24Lxx default (except for the number of pipes, because more pipes are supported).


The CRC reset value.

#define NRF_ESB_CREATE_PAYLOAD (   _pipe,
{.pipe = _pipe, .length = NUM_VA_ARGS(__VA_ARGS__), .data = {__VA_ARGS__}}; \

Macro to create an initializer for a TX data packet.

This macro generates an initializer. Using the initializer is more efficient than setting the individual parameters dynamically.

[in]_pipeThe pipe to use for the data packet.
[in]...Comma separated list of character data to put in the TX buffer. Supported values consist of 1 to 63 characters.
Initializer that sets up the pipe, length, and byte array for content of the TX data.
{.protocol = NRF_ESB_PROTOCOL_ESB_DPL, \
.mode = NRF_ESB_MODE_PTX, \
.event_handler = 0, \
.bitrate = NRF_ESB_BITRATE_2MBPS, \
.tx_output_power = NRF_ESB_TX_POWER_0DBM, \
.retransmit_delay = 250, \
.retransmit_count = 3, \
.tx_mode = NRF_ESB_TXMODE_AUTO, \
.radio_irq_priority = 1, \
.event_irq_priority = 2, \
.payload_length = 32, \
.selective_auto_ack = false \

Default radio parameters. Roughly equal to the nRF24Lxx default parameters (except for CRC, which is set to 16 bit, and protocol, which is set to DPL).

#define NRF_ESB_INT_RX_DR_MSK   0x04

The flag used to indicate that a packet was received since the last event.

#define NRF_ESB_INT_TX_FAILED_MSK   0x02

The flag used to indicate a failure since the last event.


The flag used to indicate a success since the last event.

{.protocol = NRF_ESB_PROTOCOL_ESB, \
.mode = NRF_ESB_MODE_PTX, \
.event_handler = 0, \
.bitrate = NRF_ESB_BITRATE_2MBPS, \
.crc = NRF_ESB_CRC_8BIT, \
.tx_output_power = NRF_ESB_TX_POWER_0DBM, \
.retransmit_delay = 600, \
.retransmit_count = 3, \
.tx_mode = NRF_ESB_TXMODE_AUTO, \
.radio_irq_priority = 1, \
.event_irq_priority = 2, \
.payload_length = 32, \
.selective_auto_ack = false \

Default legacy radio parameters, identical to the nRF24Lxx defaults.


The maximum size of the payload. Valid values are 1 to 252.

#define NRF_ESB_PID_MAX   3

The maximum value for PID.


Invalid PID value that is guaranteed to not collide with any valid PID value.


The PPI channel used for RX time-out.


The PPI channel used for timer start.


The PPI channel used for timer stop.

#define NRF_ESB_PPI_TX_START   13

The PPI channel used for starting TX.

#define NRF_ESB_RX_FIFO_SIZE   8

The size of the reception first-in, first-out buffer.


The timer that is used by the module.

#define NRF_ESB_SYS_TIMER_IRQ_Handler   TIMER2_IRQHandler

The handler that is used by NRF_ESB_SYS_TIMER.

#define NRF_ESB_TX_FIFO_SIZE   8

The size of the transmission first-in, first-out buffer.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Enhanced ShockBurst bitrate modes.


2 Mb radio mode.


1 Mb radio mode.


250 Kb radio mode.


1 Mb radio mode using Bluetooth low energy radio parameters.

Enhanced ShockBurst CRC modes.


Use two-byte CRC.


Use one-byte CRC.


Disable CRC.

Enhanced ShockBurst event IDs used to indicate the type of the event.


Event triggered on TX success.


Event triggered on TX failure.


Event triggered on RX received.

Enhanced ShockBurst radio transmission power modes.


4 dBm radio transmit power.


0 dBm radio transmit power.


-4 dBm radio transmit power.


-8 dBm radio transmit power.


-12 dBm radio transmit power.


-16 dBm radio transmit power.


-20 dBm radio transmit power.


-30 dBm radio transmit power.

Function Documentation

uint32_t nrf_esb_disable ( void  )

Function for disabling the Enhanced ShockBurst module.

Calling this function disables the Enhanced ShockBurst module immediately. Doing so might stop ongoing communications.

All queues are flushed by this function.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf Enhanced ShockBurst was disabled.
uint32_t nrf_esb_enable_pipes ( uint8_t  enable_mask)

Function for enabling pipes.

The enable_mask parameter must contain the same number of pipes as has been configured with nrf_esb_set_prefixes.

enable_maskBitfield mask to enable or disable pipes. Setting a bit to 0 disables the pipe. Setting a bit to 1 enables the pipe.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf the pipes were enabled and disabled successfully.
NRF_ERROR_BUSYIf the function failed because the radio is busy.
uint32_t nrf_esb_flush_rx ( void  )

Function for removing remaining items from the RX buffer.

Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf the pending items in the RX buffer were successfully cleared.
NRF_INVALID_STATEIf the module is not initialized.
uint32_t nrf_esb_flush_tx ( void  )

Function for removing remaining items from the TX buffer.

This function clears the TX FIFO buffer.

Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf pending items in the TX buffer were successfully cleared.
NRF_INVALID_STATEIf the module is not initialized.
uint32_t nrf_esb_get_rf_channel ( uint32_t *  p_channel)

Function for getting the current radio channel.

[in,out]p_channelPointer to the channel data.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf the operation completed successfully.
NRF_ERROR_NULLIf the required parameter was NULL.
uint32_t nrf_esb_init ( nrf_esb_config_t const *  p_config)

Function for initializing the Enhanced ShockBurst module.

p_configParameters for initializing the module.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf initialization was successful.
NRF_ERROR_NULLIf the p_config argument was NULL.
NRF_ERROR_BUSYIf the function failed because the radio is busy.
bool nrf_esb_is_idle ( void  )

Function for checking if the Enhanced ShockBurst module is idle.

Return values
trueIf the module is idle.
falseIf the module is busy.
uint32_t nrf_esb_pop_tx ( void  )

Function for removing the first item from the TX buffer.

Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf the operation completed successfully.
NRF_INVALID_STATEIf the module is not initialized.
NRF_ERROR_BUFFER_EMPTYIf there are no items in the queue to remove.
uint32_t nrf_esb_read_rx_payload ( nrf_esb_payload_t p_payload)

Function for reading an RX payload.

[in,out]p_payloadPointer to the structure that contains information and state of the payload.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf the data was read successfully.
NRF_ERROR_NULLIf the required parameter was NULL.
NRF_INVALID_STATEIf the module is not initialized.
uint32_t nrf_esb_set_address_length ( uint8_t  length)

Function for setting the length of the address.

[in]lengthLength of the ESB address (in bytes).
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf the address length was set successfully.
NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMIf the address length was invalid.
NRF_ERROR_BUSYIf the function failed because the radio is busy.
uint32_t nrf_esb_set_base_address_0 ( uint8_t const *  p_addr)

Function for setting the base address for pipe 0.

[in]p_addrPointer to the address data.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf the base address was set successfully.
NRF_ERROR_BUSYIf the function failed because the radio is busy.
NRF_ERROR_NULLIf the required parameter was NULL.
uint32_t nrf_esb_set_base_address_1 ( uint8_t const *  p_addr)

Function for setting the base address for pipe 1 to pipe 7.

[in]p_addrPointer to the address data.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf the base address was set successfully.
NRF_ERROR_BUSYIf the function failed because the radio is busy.
NRF_ERROR_NULLIf the required parameter was NULL.
uint32_t nrf_esb_set_prefixes ( uint8_t const *  p_prefixes,
uint8_t  num_pipes 

Function for setting the number of pipes and the pipe prefix addresses.

This function configures the number of available pipes, enables the pipes, and sets their prefix addresses.

[in]p_prefixesPointer to a char array that contains the prefix for each pipe.
[in]num_pipesNumber of pipes.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf the prefix addresses were set successfully.
NRF_ERROR_BUSYIf the function failed because the radio is busy.
NRF_ERROR_NULLIf a required parameter was NULL.
NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMIf an invalid number of pipes was given.
uint32_t nrf_esb_set_rf_channel ( uint32_t  channel)

Function for setting the channel to use for the radio.

The module must be in an idle state to call this function. As a PTX, the application must wait for an idle state and as a PRX, the application must stop RX before changing the channel. After changing the channel, operation can be resumed.

[in]channelChannel to use for radio.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf the operation completed successfully.
NRF_INVALID_STATEIf the module is not initialized.
NRF_ERROR_BUSYIf the module was not in idle state.
NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMIf the channel is invalid (larger than 100).
uint32_t nrf_esb_set_tx_power ( nrf_esb_tx_power_t  tx_output_power)

Function for setting the radio output power.

[in]tx_output_powerOutput power.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf the operation completed successfully.
NRF_ERROR_BUSYIf the function failed because the radio is busy.
uint32_t nrf_esb_start_rx ( void  )

Function for starting to transmit data from the FIFO buffer.

Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf the transmission was started successfully.
NRF_ERROR_BUSYIf the function failed because the radio is busy.
uint32_t nrf_esb_start_tx ( void  )

Function for starting transmission.

Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf the TX started successfully.
NRF_ERROR_BUFFER_EMPTYIf the TX does not start because the FIFO buffer is empty.
NRF_ERROR_BUSYIf the function failed because the radio is busy.
uint32_t nrf_esb_stop_rx ( void  )

Function for stopping data reception.

Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf data reception was stopped successfully.
NRF_ESB_ERROR_NOT_IN_RX_MODEIf the function failed because the module is not in RX mode.
uint32_t nrf_esb_suspend ( void  )

Function for suspending the Enhanced ShockBurst module.

Calling this function stops ongoing communications without changing the queues.

Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf Enhanced ShockBurst was suspended.
NRF_ERROR_BUSYIf the function failed because the radio is busy.
uint32_t nrf_esb_update_prefix ( uint8_t  pipe,
uint8_t  prefix 

Function for updating the prefix for a pipe.

pipePipe for which to set the prefix.
prefixPrefix to set for the pipe.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf the operation completed successfully.
NRF_ERROR_BUSYIf the function failed because the radio is busy.
NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMIf the given pipe number was invalid.
uint32_t nrf_esb_write_payload ( nrf_esb_payload_t const *  p_payload)

Function for writing a payload for transmission or acknowledgment.

This function writes a payload that is added to the queue. When the module is in PTX mode, the payload is queued for a regular transmission. When the module is in PRX mode, the payload is queued for when a packet is received that requires an acknowledgment with payload.

[in]p_payloadPointer to the structure that contains information and state of the payload.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf the payload was successfully queued for writing.
NRF_ERROR_NULLIf the required parameter was NULL.
NRF_INVALID_STATEIf the module is not initialized.
NRF_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTEDIf p_payload->noack was false, but selective acknowledgment is not enabled.
NRF_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTHIf the payload length was invalid (zero or larger than the allowed maximum).
STATIC_ASSERT ( 32<=  252)
252The maximum size of the payload. Valid values are 1 to 252.

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