nRF5 SDK v13.1.0
Modules | Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions

nRF52840 only: Quad serial peripheral interface (QSPI) driver. More...


 QSPI peripheral driver. configuration

Data Structures

struct  nrf_drv_qspi_config_t
 QSPI driver instance configuration structure. More...


 QSPI instance default configuration. More...
 QSPI custom instruction helper with default configuration. More...


typedef void(* nrf_drv_qspi_handler_t )(nrf_drv_qspi_evt_t event, void *p_context)
 QSPI driver event handler type.


enum  nrf_drv_qspi_evt_t { NRF_DRV_QSPI_EVENT_DONE }
 QSPI master driver event types, passed to the handler routine provided during initialization. More...


ret_code_t nrf_drv_qspi_init (nrf_drv_qspi_config_t const *p_config, nrf_drv_qspi_handler_t handler, void *p_context)
 Function for initializing the QSPI driver instance. More...
void nrf_drv_qspi_uninit (void)
 Function for uninitializing the QSPI driver instance.
ret_code_t nrf_drv_qspi_read (void *p_rx_buffer, size_t rx_buffer_length, uint32_t src_address)
 Function for reading data from QSPI memory. More...
ret_code_t nrf_drv_qspi_write (void const *p_tx_buffer, size_t tx_buffer_length, uint32_t dst_address)
 Function for writing data to QSPI memory. More...
ret_code_t nrf_drv_qspi_erase (nrf_qspi_erase_len_t length, uint32_t start_address)
 Function for starting erasing of one memory block - 4KB, 64KB, or the whole chip. More...
ret_code_t nrf_drv_qspi_chip_erase (void)
 Function for starting an erase operation of the whole chip. More...
ret_code_t nrf_drv_qspi_mem_busy_check (void)
 Function for getting the current driver status and status byte of memory device with testing WIP (write in progress) bit. More...
ret_code_t nrf_drv_qspi_cinstr_xfer (nrf_qspi_cinstr_conf_t const *p_config, void const *p_tx_buffer, void *p_rx_buffer)
 Function for sending operation code, sending data, and receiving data from the memory device. More...
ret_code_t nrf_drv_qspi_cinstr_quick_send (uint8_t opcode, nrf_qspi_cinstr_len_t length, void const *p_tx_buffer)
 Function for sending operation code and data to the memory device with simpler configuration. More...

Detailed Description

nRF52840 only: Quad serial peripheral interface (QSPI) driver.

Macro Definition Documentation

{ \
.opcode = (opc), \
.length = (len), \
.io2_level = false, \
.io3_level = false, \
.wipwait = false, \
.wren = false \

QSPI custom instruction helper with default configuration.

{ \
.pins = { \
.sck_pin = QSPI_PIN_SCK, \
.csn_pin = QSPI_PIN_CSN, \
.io0_pin = QSPI_PIN_IO0, \
.io1_pin = QSPI_PIN_IO1, \
.io2_pin = QSPI_PIN_IO2, \
.io3_pin = QSPI_PIN_IO3, \
}, \
.irq_priority = (uint8_t)QSPI_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY, \
.prot_if = { \
.dpmconfig = false, \
}, \
.phy_if = { \
.sck_delay = (uint8_t) QSPI_CONFIG_SCK_DELAY, \
.dpmen = false \
} \

QSPI instance default configuration.

Enumeration Type Documentation

QSPI master driver event types, passed to the handler routine provided during initialization.


Transfer done.

Function Documentation

ret_code_t nrf_drv_qspi_chip_erase ( void  )

Function for starting an erase operation of the whole chip.

Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf the operation was successful (blocking mode) or operation was commissioned (handler mode).
NRF_ERROR_BUSYIf the driver currently handles another operation.
ret_code_t nrf_drv_qspi_cinstr_quick_send ( uint8_t  opcode,
nrf_qspi_cinstr_len_t  length,
void const *  p_tx_buffer 

Function for sending operation code and data to the memory device with simpler configuration.

Use this function to transfer configuration data to memory and to receive data from memory. This function is a synchronous function and should be used only if necessary.

[in]opcodeOperation code. Sending first.
[in]lengthLength of the data to send and opcode. See nrf_qspi_cinstr_len_t.
[in]p_tx_bufferPointer to input data array.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf the operation was successful.
NRF_ERROR_BUSYIf the driver currently handles another operation.
ret_code_t nrf_drv_qspi_cinstr_xfer ( nrf_qspi_cinstr_conf_t const *  p_config,
void const *  p_tx_buffer,
void *  p_rx_buffer 

Function for sending operation code, sending data, and receiving data from the memory device.

Use this function to transfer configuration data to memory and to receive data from memory. Pointers can be addresses from flash memory. This function is a synchronous function and should be used only if necessary. See more: Experimental: QSPI.

[in]p_configPointer to the structure with opcode and transfer configuration.
[in]p_tx_bufferPointer to the array with data to send. Can be NULL if only opcode is transmitted.
[out]p_rx_bufferPointer to the array for data to receive. Can be NULL if there is nothing to receive.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf the operation was successful.
NRF_ERROR_BUSYIf the driver currently handles other operation.
ret_code_t nrf_drv_qspi_erase ( nrf_qspi_erase_len_t  length,
uint32_t  start_address 

Function for starting erasing of one memory block - 4KB, 64KB, or the whole chip.

Write, read, and erase operations check memory device busy state before starting the operation. If the memory is busy, the resulting action depends on the mode in which the erase operation is used:

  • blocking mode (without handler) - a delay occurs until the last operation still runs and until operation data is still being sent.
  • interrupt mode (with handler) - event emission occurs after the last operation and sending of operation data are finished. To manually control operation execution in the memory device, use nrf_drv_qspi_mem_busy_check after executing the erase function. Remember that an incoming event signalizes only that data was sent to the memory device and the periheral before the erase operation checked if memory was busy.
[in]lengthSize of data to erase. See nrf_qspi_erase_len_t.
[in]start_addressMemory address to start erasing. If chip erase is performed, address field is ommited.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf the operation was successful (blocking mode) or operation was commissioned (handler mode).
NRF_ERROR_BUSYIf the driver currently handles another operation.
ret_code_t nrf_drv_qspi_init ( nrf_drv_qspi_config_t const *  p_config,
nrf_drv_qspi_handler_t  handler,
void *  p_context 

Function for initializing the QSPI driver instance.

[in]p_configPointer to the structure with the initial configuration.
[in]handlerEvent handler provided by the user. If NULL, transfers will be performed in blocking mode.
[in]p_contextPointer to context. Use in interrupt handler.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf initialization was successful.
NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATEIf the driver was already initialized.
NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMIf the pin configuration was incorrect.
ret_code_t nrf_drv_qspi_mem_busy_check ( void  )

Function for getting the current driver status and status byte of memory device with testing WIP (write in progress) bit.

Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf the driver and memory are ready to handle a new operation.
NRF_ERROR_BUSYIf the driver or memory currently handle another operation.
ret_code_t nrf_drv_qspi_read ( void *  p_rx_buffer,
size_t  rx_buffer_length,
uint32_t  src_address 

Function for reading data from QSPI memory.

Write, read, and erase operations check memory device busy state before starting the operation. If the memory is busy, the resulting action depends on the mode in which the read operation is used:

  • blocking mode (without handler) - a delay occurs until the last operation still runs and until operation data is still being read.
  • interrupt mode (with handler) - event emission occurs after the last operation and reading of data are finished.
[out]p_rx_bufferPointer to the receive buffer.
[in]rx_buffer_lengthSize of the data to read.
[in]src_addressAddress in memory to read from.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf the operation was successful (blocking mode) or operation was commissioned (handler mode).
NRF_ERROR_BUSYIf the driver currently handles another operation.
NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDRIf the provided buffer is not placed in the Data RAM region.
ret_code_t nrf_drv_qspi_write ( void const *  p_tx_buffer,
size_t  tx_buffer_length,
uint32_t  dst_address 

Function for writing data to QSPI memory.

Write, read, and erase operations check memory device busy state before starting the operation. If the memory is busy, the resulting action depends on the mode in which the write operation is used:

  • blocking mode (without handler) - a delay occurs until the last operation still runs and until operation data is still being sent.
  • interrupt mode (with handler) - event emission occurs after the last operation and sending of operation data are finished. To manually control operation execution in the memory device, use nrf_drv_qspi_mem_busy_check after executing the write function. Remember that an incoming event signalizes only that data was sent to the memory device and the periheral before the write operation checked if memory was busy.
[in]p_tx_bufferPointer to the writing buffer.
[in]tx_buffer_lengthSize of the data to write.
[in]dst_addressAddress in memory to write to.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSIf the operation was successful (blocking mode) or operation was commissioned (handler mode).
NRF_ERROR_BUSYIf the driver currently handles other operation.
NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDRIf the provided buffer is not placed in the Data RAM region.

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