nRF5 SDK v13.1.0
Application configuration

Configuration settings for the application. More...


 Configuration option to specify whether the BLE address should be randomized when advertising EIDs.
 Beacon lock code. More...
#define APP_CONFIG_CALIBRATED_RANGING_DATA   {-49, -39, -29, -24, -19, -14, -9, -7, -5}
 Calibrated TX power at 0 m. See the nRF52 Product Specification for corresponding TX values.
 How often should the data in the TLM frame be updated.
 How often should the TLM frame be advertised.
 Maximum allowed advertisement interval. Can be undefined without int.
 Minimum time between advertisement frames. Imposes limit on minumum accepted advertisement interval.
 The time that is reqired for preparing an eTLM slot. Imposes limit on minimum accepted advertisement interval.
 Maximum amount of users that can be registered with the es_stopwatch module.
 Initial time (as recommended by Google) to test the TK rollover behavior.
 Initializing value for the timing value of security slots.
 How often should the temperature of the beacon be updated when TLM slot is configured.
 How often should the battery voltage of the beacon be updated when TLM slot is configured.
 Button to push when putting the beacon in registration mode.
#define USE_ECB_ENCRYPT_HW   1
 Configuration option to use the hardware peripheral (1) or the software library (0) for ECB encryption (decryption always uses the software library).
#define APP_DEVICE_NAME   "nRF5x_Eddystone"
 Advertised device name in the scan response when in connectable mode.
 Information whether the service changed characteristic is available. If it is not enabled, the server's database cannot be changed for the lifetime of the device.
#define MAX_ADV_INTERVAL   (10240)
 Maximum connection interval (in ms).
#define MIN_CONN_ADV_INTERVAL   (20)
 Minimum connection interval (in ms).
 Minimum advertisement interval for non-connectable advertisements (in ms).
 Number of central links used by the application. When changing this number, remember to adjust the RAM settings.
 Number of peripheral links used by the application. When changing this number, remember to adjust the RAM settings.
 Time for which the device must be advertising in non-connectable mode (in seconds). 0 disables the time-out.
 The advertising interval for non-connectable advertisement (in milliseconds). This value can vary between 100 ms and 10.24 s.
 Time for which the device must be advertising in connectable mode (in seconds). 0 disables the time-out.
 The advertising interval for connectable advertisement (in milliseconds). This value can vary between 20 ms and 10.24 s.
 Default TX power of the radio.
 Minimum acceptable connection interval (20 ms). The connection interval uses 1.25 ms units.
 Maximum acceptable connection interval (75 ms). The connection interval uses 1.25 ms units.
#define SLAVE_LATENCY   0
 Slave latency.
 Connection supervision time-out (4 seconds). The supervision time-out uses 10 ms units.
 Time from initiating an event (connection or start of notification) to the first time sd_ble_gap_conn_param_update is called (5 seconds).
 Time between each call to sd_ble_gap_conn_param_update after the first call (30 seconds).
 Number of attempts before giving up the connection parameter negotiation.
#define APP_MAX_ADV_SLOTS   5
 Maximum number of advertisement slots.
 Maximum number of EID slots. More...
 Information whether variable advertisement intervals are supported.
 Information whether variable advertisement TX power is supported.
 Information whether the UID frame is supported.
 Information whether the URL frame is supported.
 Information whether the TLM frame is supported.
 Information whether the EID frame is supported.
 Information whether the 'remain connectable' option is supported.
#define APP_ES_UUID   0xFEAA
 UUID for Eddystone beacons according to specification.
 UID frame type (fixed at 0x00).
 Mock values for 10-byte Eddystone UID ID namespace. More...
#define APP_ES_UID_ID
 Mock values for 6-byte Eddystone UID ID instance. More...
#define APP_ES_UID_RFU   0x00, 0x00
 Reserved for future use according to specification.
 URL Frame type (fixed at 0x10).
#define APP_ES_URL_SCHEME   0x01
 URL prefix scheme according to specification (0x01 = "https://www").
#define APP_ES_URL_URL
 "". Last byte suffix 0x00 = ".com" according to specification. More...
 Frame type of default frame.
 Default frame TX power.
 This value should mimic the data that would be written to the RW ADV Slot characteristic (for example, no RSSI for UID).
 1 - Frame Type, 1 - TX - power 1 - URL Scheme, URL - 11 = 14
 Maximum size of the scheduler event data.
#define SCHED_QUEUE_SIZE   10
 Size of the scheduler queue.

Detailed Description

Configuration settings for the application.

These configuration settings are defined in the application. You can find the configuration file at examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_eddystone\es_app_config.h.

Macro Definition Documentation

{0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, \
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, \
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, \
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}

Beacon lock code.

This lock code must be changed before going to production.
#define APP_ES_UID_ID
0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, \
0x05, 0x06

Mock values for 6-byte Eddystone UID ID instance.

0xAA, 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xBB, \
0xCC, 0xCC, 0xDD, 0xDD, \
0xEE, 0xEE

Mock values for 10-byte Eddystone UID ID namespace.

#define APP_ES_URL_URL
0x6e, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x64, \
0x69, 0x63, 0x73, 0x65, \
0x6d,0x69, 0x00

"". Last byte suffix 0x00 = ".com" according to specification.


Maximum number of EID slots.

The maximum number of EID slots must be equal to the maximum number of advertisement slots (APP_MAX_ADV_SLOTS). If your application does not adhere to this convention, you must modify the Security module, because the security module maps the security slots' slot numbers 1 to 1 to the slots'.

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