nRF5 SDK v12.3.0
Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions

This file contains all of the enums and definitions that are used for the CRYS SRP APIs, as well as the APIs themselves. More...

Data Structures

struct  CRYS_SRP_GroupParam_t
struct  CRYS_SRP_Context_t


#define CRYS_SRP_MODULUS_SIZE_1024_BITS   1024
#define CRYS_SRP_MODULUS_SIZE_1536_BITS   1536
#define CRYS_SRP_MODULUS_SIZE_2048_BITS   2048
#define CRYS_SRP_MODULUS_SIZE_3072_BITS   3072
#define CRYS_SRP_MIN_SALT_SIZE   (8)
#define CRYS_SRP_MAX_SALT_SIZE   (64)
#define CRYS_SRP_HK_INIT(srpType, srpModulus, srpGen, modSizeInBits, pUserName, userNameSize, pPwd, pwdSize, pRndCtx, pCtx)   CRYS_SRP_Init(srpType, CRYS_SRP_VER_HK, srpModulus, srpGen, modSizeInBits, CRYS_HASH_SHA512_mode, pUserName, userNameSize, pPwd, pwdSize, pRndCtx, pCtx)


typedef uint8_t CRYS_SRP_Modulus_t [(3072/8)]
typedef uint8_t CRYS_SRP_Digest_t [(16 *(sizeof(uint32_t)))]
typedef uint8_t CRYS_SRP_Secret_t [2 *(16 *(sizeof(uint32_t)))]
typedef struct
typedef struct CRYS_SRP_Context_t CRYS_SRP_Context_t


enum  CRYS_SRP_Version_t {
  CRYS_SRP_VER_3 = 0,
  CRYS_SRP_VER_6 = 1,
  CRYS_SRP_VER_6A = 2,
  CRYS_SRP_VersionLast = 0x7FFFFFFF
enum  CRYS_SRP_Entity_t {
  CRYS_SRP_EntityLast = 0x7FFFFFFF


CRYSError_t CRYS_SRP_Init (CRYS_SRP_Entity_t srpType, CRYS_SRP_Version_t srpVer, CRYS_SRP_Modulus_t srpModulus, uint8_t srpGen, size_t modSizeInBits, CRYS_HASH_OperationMode_t hashMode, uint8_t *pUserName, size_t userNameSize, uint8_t *pPwd, size_t pwdSize, CRYS_RND_Context_t *pRndCtx, CRYS_SRP_Context_t *pCtx)
 This function initiates the SRP context. More...
CRYSError_t CRYS_SRP_PwdVerCreate (size_t saltSize, uint8_t *pSalt, CRYS_SRP_Modulus_t pwdVerifier, CRYS_SRP_Context_t *pCtx)
 This function calculates pSalt & password verifier. More...
CRYSError_t CRYS_SRP_Clear (CRYS_SRP_Context_t *pCtx)
 Clears the SRP context. More...
CRYSError_t CRYS_SRP_HostPubKeyCreate (size_t ephemPrivSize, CRYS_SRP_Modulus_t pwdVerifier, CRYS_SRP_Modulus_t hostPubKeyB, CRYS_SRP_Context_t *pCtx)
 This function generates host public & private ephemeral key, known as B & b in RFC. More...
CRYSError_t CRYS_SRP_HostProofVerifyAndCalc (size_t saltSize, uint8_t *pSalt, CRYS_SRP_Modulus_t pwdVerifier, CRYS_SRP_Modulus_t userPubKeyA, CRYS_SRP_Modulus_t hostPubKeyB, CRYS_SRP_Digest_t userProof, CRYS_SRP_Digest_t hostProof, CRYS_SRP_Secret_t sharedSecret, CRYS_SRP_Context_t *pCtx)
 Verifies the user Proof and calculates the Host message proof. More...
CRYSError_t CRYS_SRP_UserPubKeyCreate (size_t ephemPrivSize, CRYS_SRP_Modulus_t userPubKeyA, CRYS_SRP_Context_t *pCtx)
 This function generates user public & private ephemeral key, known as A & a in RFC. More...
CRYSError_t CRYS_SRP_UserProofCalc (size_t saltSize, uint8_t *pSalt, CRYS_SRP_Modulus_t userPubKeyA, CRYS_SRP_Modulus_t hostPubKeyB, CRYS_SRP_Digest_t userProof, CRYS_SRP_Secret_t sharedSecret, CRYS_SRP_Context_t *pCtx)
 This function calculates the user proof. More...
CRYSError_t CRYS_SRP_UserProofVerify (CRYS_SRP_Secret_t sharedSecret, CRYS_SRP_Modulus_t userPubKeyA, CRYS_SRP_Digest_t userProof, CRYS_SRP_Digest_t hostProof, CRYS_SRP_Context_t *pCtx)
 This function verifies the host proof. More...

Detailed Description

This file contains all of the enums and definitions that are used for the CRYS SRP APIs, as well as the APIs themselves.

Macro Definition Documentation


The SRP HASH digest max size in bytes.

#define CRYS_SRP_MIN_SALT_SIZE   (8)

The SRP salt size range.

#define CRYS_SRP_MODULUS_SIZE_1024_BITS   1024

The SRP modulus sizes.


The SRP private number size range.

Typedef Documentation

typedef uint8_t CRYS_SRP_Digest_t[(16 *(sizeof(uint32_t)))]

Defines the SRP digest sized buffer.

typedef uint8_t CRYS_SRP_Modulus_t[(3072/8)]

Defines the SRP modulus sized buffer.

typedef uint8_t CRYS_SRP_Secret_t[2 *(16 *(sizeof(uint32_t)))]

Defines the SRP secret sized buffer.

Enumeration Type Documentation

SRP entity type


Host entity, called also server, verifier, or Accessory in Home-Kit


User entity, called also client, or Device in Home-Kit

SRP supported versions









Function Documentation

CRYSError_t CRYS_SRP_Clear ( CRYS_SRP_Context_t pCtx)

Clears the SRP context.

CRYS_OK on success.
A non-zero value on failure as defined crys_srp_error.h.
[in,out]pCtxA Pointer to the SRP context.
CRYSError_t CRYS_SRP_HostProofVerifyAndCalc ( size_t  saltSize,
uint8_t *  pSalt,
CRYS_SRP_Modulus_t  pwdVerifier,
CRYS_SRP_Modulus_t  userPubKeyA,
CRYS_SRP_Modulus_t  hostPubKeyB,
CRYS_SRP_Digest_t  userProof,
CRYS_SRP_Digest_t  hostProof,
CRYS_SRP_Secret_t  sharedSecret,
CRYS_SRP_Context_t pCtx 

Verifies the user Proof and calculates the Host message proof.

CRYS_OK on success.
A non-zero value on failure as defined crys_srp_error.h.
[in]saltSizeThe size of the random salt, The range is between CRYS_SRP_MIN_SALT_SIZE to CRYS_SRP_MAX_SALT_SIZE.
[in]pSaltA Pointer to the pSalt number.
[in]pwdVerifierA Pointer to the password verifier (v).
[in]userPubKeyAA Pointer to the user ephemeral public key (A).
[in]hostPubKeyBA Pointer to the host ephemeral public key (B).
[in]userProofA Pointer to the SRP user proof buffer (M1).
[out]hostProofA Pointer to the SRP host proof buffer (M2).
[out]sharedSecretA Pointer to the SRP shared secret (K).
[in]pCtxA Pointer to the SRP context.
CRYSError_t CRYS_SRP_HostPubKeyCreate ( size_t  ephemPrivSize,
CRYS_SRP_Modulus_t  pwdVerifier,
CRYS_SRP_Modulus_t  hostPubKeyB,
CRYS_SRP_Context_t pCtx 

This function generates host public & private ephemeral key, known as B & b in RFC.

CRYS_OK on success.
A non-zero value on failure as defined crys_srp_error.h.
[in]ephemPrivSizeThe size of the generated ephemeral private key (b). The range is between CRYS_SRP_PRIV_NUM_MIN_SIZE to CRYS_SRP_PRIV_NUM_MAX_SIZE
[in]pwdVerifierA Pointer to the verifier (v).
[out]hostPubKeyBA Pointer to the host ephemeral public key (B).
[in,out]pCtxA Pointer to the SRP context.
CRYSError_t CRYS_SRP_Init ( CRYS_SRP_Entity_t  srpType,
CRYS_SRP_Version_t  srpVer,
CRYS_SRP_Modulus_t  srpModulus,
uint8_t  srpGen,
size_t  modSizeInBits,
CRYS_HASH_OperationMode_t  hashMode,
uint8_t *  pUserName,
size_t  userNameSize,
uint8_t *  pPwd,
size_t  pwdSize,
CRYS_RND_Context_t pRndCtx,
CRYS_SRP_Context_t pCtx 

This function initiates the SRP context.

CRYS_OK on success.
A non-zero value on failure as defined crys_srp_error.h.
[in]srpTypeSRP entity type.
[in]srpVerSRP version.
[in]srpModulusA pointer to the SRP modulus, BE byte buffer.
[in]srpGenThe SRP generator param.
[in]modSizeInBitsThe SRP modulus size in bits:1024, 1536, 2048 & 3072
[in]hashModeEnumerator defining the HASH mode.
[in]pUserNameA Pointer to user name.
[in]userNameSizeThe user name buffer size > 0.
[in]pPwdA Pointer to user password.
[in]pwdSizeThe user password buffer size > 0 if pPwd is valid.
[in]pRndCtxA Pointer to RND context.
[out]pCtxA Pointer to the SRP host context.
CRYSError_t CRYS_SRP_PwdVerCreate ( size_t  saltSize,
uint8_t *  pSalt,
CRYS_SRP_Modulus_t  pwdVerifier,
CRYS_SRP_Context_t pCtx 

This function calculates pSalt & password verifier.

CRYS_OK on success.
A non-zero value on failure as defined crys_srp_error.h.
[in]saltSizeThe size of the random salt to generate, The range is between CRYS_SRP_MIN_SALT_SIZE to CRYS_SRP_MAX_SALT_SIZE.
[out]pSaltA Pointer to the pSalt number (s).
[out]pwdVerifierA Pointer to the password verifier (v).
[out]pCtxA Pointer to the SRP context.
CRYSError_t CRYS_SRP_UserProofCalc ( size_t  saltSize,
uint8_t *  pSalt,
CRYS_SRP_Modulus_t  userPubKeyA,
CRYS_SRP_Modulus_t  hostPubKeyB,
CRYS_SRP_Digest_t  userProof,
CRYS_SRP_Secret_t  sharedSecret,
CRYS_SRP_Context_t pCtx 

This function calculates the user proof.

CRYS_OK on success.
A non-zero value on failure as defined crys_srp_error.h.
[in]saltSizeThe size of the random salt, The range is between CRYS_SRP_MIN_SALT_SIZE to CRYS_SRP_MAX_SALT_SIZE.
[in]pSaltA Pointer to the pSalt number.
[in]userPubKeyAA Pointer to the user public ephmeral key (A).
[in]hostPubKeyBA Pointer to the host public ephmeral key (B).
[out]userProofA Pointer to the SRP user proof buffer (M1).
[out]sharedSecretA Pointer to the SRP shared secret (K).
[out]pCtxA Pointer to the SRP context.
CRYSError_t CRYS_SRP_UserProofVerify ( CRYS_SRP_Secret_t  sharedSecret,
CRYS_SRP_Modulus_t  userPubKeyA,
CRYS_SRP_Digest_t  userProof,
CRYS_SRP_Digest_t  hostProof,
CRYS_SRP_Context_t pCtx 

This function verifies the host proof.

CRYS_OK on success.
A non-zero value on failure as defined crys_srp_error.h.
[in]sharedSecretA Pointer to the SRP shared secret (K).
[in]userPubKeyAA Pointer to the user public ephmeral key (A).
[in]userProofA Pointer to the SRP user proof buffer (M1).
[in]hostProofA Pointer to the SRP host proof buffer (M2).
[out]pCtxA Pointer to the SRP user context.
CRYSError_t CRYS_SRP_UserPubKeyCreate ( size_t  ephemPrivSize,
CRYS_SRP_Modulus_t  userPubKeyA,
CRYS_SRP_Context_t pCtx 

This function generates user public & private ephemeral key, known as A & a in RFC.

CRYS_OK on success.
A non-zero value on failure as defined crys_srp_error.h.
[in]ephemPrivSizeThe size of the generated ephemeral private key (a). The range is between CRYS_SRP_PRIV_NUM_MIN_SIZE to CRYS_SRP_PRIV_NUM_MAX_SIZE
[out]userPubKeyAA Pointer to the user ephemeral public key (A).
[in,out]pCtxA Pointer to the SRP context.

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