nRF5 SDK v12.3.0
Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Functions

This module defines the API that supports Diffie-Hellman domain. More...

Data Structures

struct  CRYS_DHKGData_t
struct  CRYS_DHKG_CheckTemp_t


#define DH_X942_PRIME_MOD_MIN_VAL   1024
#define DH_X942_PRIME_MOD_MAX_VAL   2048
#define DH_X942_PGEN_COUNTER_CONST   4096
#define DH_X942_HASH_SIZE_BITS   160


typedef struct CRYS_DHKGData_t CRYS_DHKGData_t
typedef struct


CRYSError_t CRYS_DH_CreateDomainParams (CRYS_RND_Context_t *rndContext_ptr, uint32_t modPsizeBits, uint32_t orderQsizeBits, uint32_t seedSizeBits, uint8_t *modP_ptr, uint8_t *orderQ_ptr, uint8_t *generatorG_ptr, uint32_t *generGsizeBytes_ptr, uint8_t *factorJ_ptr, uint32_t *JsizeBytes_ptr, uint8_t *seedS_ptr, int8_t generateSeed, uint32_t *pgenCounter_ptr, CRYS_DHKGData_t *DHKGbuff_ptr)
 This function generates DH domain parameters in Galois prime field according to standard [ANS X9.42]. It receives the required sizes (in bits) of the modulus, the generator's order, and the seed, and then generates the prime modulus and the generator according to these parameters. If generateSeed argument is set to 1, the function generates and outputs the random seed. Otherwise (if set to 0), the seed has to be passed as an input argument. According to implementation value of the user passed seed should be not greate, than (2^seedSizeBits - 2^32). The Seed and some additional parameters, generated by the function (factorJ, pgenCounter), are used for checking that all domain parameters are generated according to the standard and not forged. More...
CRYSError_t CRYS_DH_CheckDomainParams (CRYS_RND_Context_t *rndContext_ptr, uint8_t *modP_ptr, uint32_t modPsizeBytes, uint8_t *orderQ_ptr, uint32_t orderQsizeBytes, uint8_t *generatorG_ptr, uint32_t generatorSizeBytes, uint8_t *seedS_ptr, uint32_t seedSizeBits, uint32_t pgenCounter, CRYS_DHKG_CheckTemp_t *checkTempBuff_ptr)
 This function receives DH domain parameters, seed and prime generation counter and then verifies that the domain was created according to the standard [ANS X9.42]. According to implementation value of the user passed seed should be not greate, than (2^seedSizeBits - 2^32). Otherwise an error is returned. More...

Detailed Description

This module defines the API that supports Diffie-Hellman domain.

Function Documentation

CRYSError_t CRYS_DH_CheckDomainParams ( CRYS_RND_Context_t rndContext_ptr,
uint8_t *  modP_ptr,
uint32_t  modPsizeBytes,
uint8_t *  orderQ_ptr,
uint32_t  orderQsizeBytes,
uint8_t *  generatorG_ptr,
uint32_t  generatorSizeBytes,
uint8_t *  seedS_ptr,
uint32_t  seedSizeBits,
uint32_t  pgenCounter,
CRYS_DHKG_CheckTemp_t checkTempBuff_ptr 

This function receives DH domain parameters, seed and prime generation counter and then verifies that the domain was created according to the standard [ANS X9.42]. According to implementation value of the user passed seed should be not greate, than (2^seedSizeBits - 2^32). Otherwise an error is returned.

All buffer parameters should be in Big-Endian form. For a description of the parameters see _DX_ECPKI_BuildPublKey.
CRYS_OK on success.
A non-zero value on failure as defined crys_dh_error.h.
[in,out]rndContext_ptrPointer to the RND context buffer.
[in]modP_ptrPointer to the modulus (Prime).
[in]modPsizeBytesSize of the modulus (Prime) in bytes.
[in]orderQ_ptrPointer to the order Q of generator. The size of the buffer for output generated value must be no less than the order size.
[in]orderQsizeBytesSize of the Generator's order in bytes.
[in]generatorG_ptrPointer to the generator of the multiplicative subgroup in GF(P).
[in]generatorSizeBytesSize of the generator in bytes.
[in]seedS_ptrRandom seed used for prime generation.
[in]seedSizeBitsSeed size in bits.
[in]pgenCounterCounter of prime generation attempts.
[in]checkTempBuff_ptrTemporary buffer for internal calculations.
CRYSError_t CRYS_DH_CreateDomainParams ( CRYS_RND_Context_t rndContext_ptr,
uint32_t  modPsizeBits,
uint32_t  orderQsizeBits,
uint32_t  seedSizeBits,
uint8_t *  modP_ptr,
uint8_t *  orderQ_ptr,
uint8_t *  generatorG_ptr,
uint32_t *  generGsizeBytes_ptr,
uint8_t *  factorJ_ptr,
uint32_t *  JsizeBytes_ptr,
uint8_t *  seedS_ptr,
int8_t  generateSeed,
uint32_t *  pgenCounter_ptr,
CRYS_DHKGData_t DHKGbuff_ptr 

This function generates DH domain parameters in Galois prime field according to standard [ANS X9.42]. It receives the required sizes (in bits) of the modulus, the generator's order, and the seed, and then generates the prime modulus and the generator according to these parameters. If generateSeed argument is set to 1, the function generates and outputs the random seed. Otherwise (if set to 0), the seed has to be passed as an input argument. According to implementation value of the user passed seed should be not greate, than (2^seedSizeBits - 2^32). The Seed and some additional parameters, generated by the function (factorJ, pgenCounter), are used for checking that all domain parameters are generated according to the standard and not forged.

All buffer parameters should be in Big-Endian form.
CRYS_OK on success.
A non-zero value on failure as defined crys_dh_error.h.
[in,out]rndContext_ptrPointer to the RND context buffer.
[in]modPsizeBitsSize of the modulus (Prime) in bits equal 256*n, where n >= 4. FIPS 186-4 defines sizes 1024 and 2048 bit.
[in]orderQsizeBitsSize of the Generator's order in bits. FIPS 186-4 defines orderQSizeBits = 160 for modulus 1024 bit and 224 or 256 bit for modPSizeBits = 2048. We not recommend sizes > 256 and returns an error if orderQSizeBits > modPSizeBits/4
[in]seedSizeBitsSeed size in bits. Requirements: modPSizeBits >= seedSizeBits >= orderQSizeBits (the first is required by our implementation).
[out]modP_ptrPointer to the modulus (Prime) buffer of defined structure. The size of the buffer for output generated value must be no less than modulus size.
[out]orderQ_ptrPointer to the order Q of generator. The size of the buffer for output generated value must be no less than the order size.
[out]generatorG_ptrPointer to the generator of multiplicative subgroup in GF(P). If the user does not need this output, then both the pointer and the buffer size must be set to 0.
[in,out]generGsizeBytes_ptrPointer to the one word buffer for outputting the generator's size. The passed size (if needed) must be no less than modulus size. The function returns the actual size of the generator.
[out]factorJ_ptrPointer to the buffer for integer factor J. If NULL, the function does not output this parameter.
[in,out]JsizeBytes_ptrPointer to the size of integer factor J. If NULL, the function does not output this parameter.
[in,out]seedS_ptrRandom seed used for prime generation. The size of the buffer for output generated value must be at least the seed size.
[in]generateSeedFlag defining whether the seed should be generated randomly by the function (1) or passed by the user (0).
[out]pgenCounter_ptrPointer to counter of tries to generate the primes. If NULL, the function does not output this parameter.
[out]DHKGbuff_ptrThe temp buffer of defined structure for internal calculations.

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