nRF5 SDK v12.3.0
Data Structures | Macros | Functions
GAP Functions for managing memory for security keys in the application device.

GAP Application auxiliary functions for synchronizing the GAP security keys with the ones stored in the connectivity device. More...

Data Structures

struct  ser_ble_gap_app_keyset_t
 GAP connection - keyset mapping structure. More...




uint32_t app_ble_gap_sec_context_create (uint16_t conn_handle, uint32_t *p_index)
 Allocates the instance in m_app_keys_table[] for storage of encryption keys. More...
uint32_t app_ble_gap_sec_context_destroy (uint16_t conn_handle)
 Release the instance identified by a connection handle. More...
uint32_t app_ble_gap_sec_context_find (uint16_t conn_handle, uint32_t *p_index)
 Finds index of instance identified by a connection handle in m_app_keys_table[]. More...

Detailed Description

GAP Application auxiliary functions for synchronizing the GAP security keys with the ones stored in the connectivity device.

Function Documentation

uint32_t app_ble_gap_sec_context_create ( uint16_t  conn_handle,
uint32_t *  p_index 

Allocates the instance in m_app_keys_table[] for storage of encryption keys.

[out]p_indexPointer to the index of the allocated instance.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSContext allocated.
NRF_ERROR_NO_MEMNo free instance available.
uint32_t app_ble_gap_sec_context_destroy ( uint16_t  conn_handle)

Release the instance identified by a connection handle.

Return values
NRF_SUCCESSContext released.
NRF_ERROR_NOT_FOUNDInstance with conn_handle not found.
uint32_t app_ble_gap_sec_context_find ( uint16_t  conn_handle,
uint32_t *  p_index 

Finds index of instance identified by a connection handle in m_app_keys_table[].

[out]p_indexPointer to the index of the entry in the context table corresponding to the given conn_handle.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSContext found.
NRF_ERROR_NOT_FOUNDInstance with conn_handle not found.

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