nRF5 SDK v12.2.0
Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
USB Device raw IP driver

nRF52840 only: USB Device raw IP driver. More...

Data Structures

struct  nrf_drv_usbd_evt_t
 Event structure. More...
struct  nrf_drv_usbd_transfer_t
 The structure to be filled with the information about next transfer. More...
struct  nrf_drv_usbd_transfer_handler_desc_t
 USBD transfer callback structure. More...
struct  nrf_drv_usbd_setup_t
 Setup packet structure. More...


#define NRF_DRV_USBD_EPSIZE   64
 Number of bytes in the endpoint. More...
#define NRF_DRV_USBD_ISOSIZE   1024
 Number of bytes for isochronous endpoints. More...
#define NRF_DRV_USBD_EP_TRANSFER_EVENT(name, endpont, ep_stat)
 Helper macro to create endpoint transfer event. More...
#define NRF_DRV_USBD_TRANSFER_IN(name, tx_buff, tx_size)
 Helper macro for declaring IN transfer item (nrf_drv_usbd_transfer_t) More...
#define NRF_DRV_USBD_TRANSFER_OUT(name, rx_buff, rx_size)
 Helper macro for declaring OUT transfer item (nrf_drv_usbd_transfer_t) More...


typedef void(* nrf_drv_usbd_event_handler_t )(nrf_drv_usbd_evt_t const *const p_event)
 USBD event callback function type. More...
typedef bool(* nrf_drv_usbd_next_transfer_handler_t )(nrf_drv_usbd_transfer_t *p_next, void *p_context)
 USBD event callback for the endpoint. More...


enum  nrf_drv_usbd_ep_t {
 Endpoint identifier. More...
enum  nrf_drv_usbd_event_type_t {
 Events generated by the library. More...
enum  nrf_drv_usbd_ep_status_t {
 Possible endpoint error codes. More...


ret_code_t nrf_drv_usbd_init (nrf_drv_usbd_event_handler_t const event_handler)
 Library initialization. More...
ret_code_t nrf_drv_usbd_uninit (void)
 Library deinitialization.
void nrf_drv_usbd_enable (void)
 Enable the USBD port. More...
void nrf_drv_usbd_disable (void)
 Disable the USBD port. More...
void nrf_drv_usbd_start (bool enable_sof)
 Start USB functionality. More...
void nrf_drv_usbd_stop (void)
 Stop USB functionality. More...
bool nrf_drv_usbd_is_initialized (void)
 Check if driver is initialized. More...
bool nrf_drv_usbd_is_enabled (void)
 Check if driver is enabled. More...
bool nrf_drv_usbd_is_started (void)
 Check if driver is started. More...
void nrf_drv_usbd_ep_max_packet_size_set (nrf_drv_usbd_ep_t ep, uint16_t size)
 Configure packet size that should be supported by the endpoint. More...
uint16_t nrf_drv_usbd_ep_max_packet_size_get (nrf_drv_usbd_ep_t ep)
 Get configured endpoint packet size. More...
void nrf_drv_usbd_ep_enable (nrf_drv_usbd_ep_t ep)
 Enable selected endpoint. More...
void nrf_drv_usbd_ep_disable (nrf_drv_usbd_ep_t ep)
 Disable selected endpoint. More...
ret_code_t nrf_drv_usbd_ep_transfer (nrf_drv_usbd_ep_t ep, nrf_drv_usbd_transfer_t const *const p_transfer, nrf_drv_usbd_transfer_handler_desc_t const *const p_handler)
 Start sending data over endpoint. More...
ret_code_t nrf_drv_usbd_ep_status_get (nrf_drv_usbd_ep_t ep, nrf_drv_usbd_transfer_t *p_transfer)
 Get the information about last finished transfer. More...
size_t nrf_drv_usbd_epout_size_get (nrf_drv_usbd_ep_t ep)
 Get number of received bytes. More...
bool nrf_drv_usbd_ep_is_busy (nrf_drv_usbd_ep_t ep)
 Check if endpoint buffer is ready or is under USB IP control. More...
void nrf_drv_usbd_ep_stall (nrf_drv_usbd_ep_t ep)
 Stall endpoint. More...
void nrf_drv_usbd_ep_stall_clear (nrf_drv_usbd_ep_t ep)
 Clear stall flag on endpoint. More...
bool nrf_drv_usbd_ep_stall_check (nrf_drv_usbd_ep_t ep)
 Check if endpoint is stalled. More...
void nrf_drv_usbd_setup_get (nrf_drv_usbd_setup_t *const p_setup)
 Get parsed setup data. More...
void nrf_drv_usbd_setup_data_clear (void)
 Clear only for data transmission on setup endpoint. More...
void nrf_drv_usbd_setup_clear (void)
 Clear setup endpoint. More...
void nrf_drv_usbd_setup_stall (void)
 Stall setup endpoint. More...
void usbd_drv_ep_abort (nrf_drv_usbd_ep_t ep)
nrf_drv_usbd_ep_t nrf_drv_usbd_last_setup_dir_get (void)
 Get the information about expected transfer SETUP data direction. More...
void nrf_drv_usbd_transfer_out_drop (nrf_drv_usbd_ep_t ep)
 Drop transfer on OUT endpoint. More...

Possible schemes of DMA scheduling

Definition of available configuration constants used by DMA scheduler

 Highly prioritized access. More...
 Round robin scheme. More...

Macros for creating endpoint identifiers

Auxiliary macros to be used to create Endpoint identifier that is compatible with USB specification.

#define NRF_DRV_USBD_EPIN(n)   ((nrf_drv_usbd_ep_t)NRF_USBD_EPIN(n))
 Create identifier for IN endpoint. More...
#define NRF_DRV_USBD_EPOUT(n)   ((nrf_drv_usbd_ep_t)NRF_USBD_EPOUT(n))
 Create identifier for OUT endpoint. More...

Detailed Description

nRF52840 only: USB Device raw IP driver.

Macro Definition Documentation


Highly prioritized access.

Endpoint with lower number has always higher priority and its data would be transfered first. OUT endpoints ale processed before IN endpoints


Round robin scheme.

All endpoints are processed in round-robin scheme. It means that when one endpoint is processed next in order would be the nearest with lower number. When no endpoints with lower number requires processing - then all endpoints from 0 are tested.

.data = { \
.eptransfer = { \
.ep = endpont, \
.status = ep_stat \
} \
} \

Helper macro to create endpoint transfer event.

#define NRF_DRV_USBD_EPIN (   n)    ((nrf_drv_usbd_ep_t)NRF_USBD_EPIN(n))

Create identifier for IN endpoint.

Simple macro to create IN endpoint identifier for given endpoint number.

[in]nEndpoint number.
Endpoint identifier that connects endpoint number and endpoint direction.
#define NRF_DRV_USBD_EPOUT (   n)    ((nrf_drv_usbd_ep_t)NRF_USBD_EPOUT(n))

Create identifier for OUT endpoint.

Simple macro to create OUT endpoint identifier for given endpoint number.

[in]nEndpoint number.
Endpoint identifier that connects endpoint number and endpoint direction.
#define NRF_DRV_USBD_EPSIZE   64

Number of bytes in the endpoint.

Constant that informs about endpoint size

#define NRF_DRV_USBD_ISOSIZE   1024

Number of bytes for isochronous endpoints.

Number of bytes for isochronous endpoints in total. This number would be shared between IN and OUT endpoint. It may be also assigned totaly to one endpoint.

See Also
#define NRF_DRV_USBD_TRANSFER_IN (   name,
.p_data = { .tx = (tx_buff) }, \
.size = (tx_size), \

Helper macro for declaring IN transfer item (nrf_drv_usbd_transfer_t)

nameInstance name
tx_buffBuffer to transfer
tx_sizeTransfer size
#define NRF_DRV_USBD_TRANSFER_OUT (   name,
.p_data = { .rx = (rx_buff) }, \
.size = (rx_size), \

Helper macro for declaring OUT transfer item (nrf_drv_usbd_transfer_t)

nameInstance name
rx_buffBuffer to transfer
rx_sizeTransfer size

Typedef Documentation

typedef void(* nrf_drv_usbd_event_handler_t)(nrf_drv_usbd_evt_t const *const p_event)

USBD event callback function type.

[in]p_eventEvent information structure.
typedef bool(* nrf_drv_usbd_next_transfer_handler_t)(nrf_drv_usbd_transfer_t *p_next, void *p_context)

USBD event callback for the endpoint.

[out]p_nextStructure with the data for the next transfer to be filled. Required only if the function returns true.
[in]p_contexContex variable configured with the endpoint.
Return values
falseNothing more to transfer
trueSettings to the next transfer filled into p_next.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Possible endpoint error codes.

Error codes that may be returned with NRF_DRV_USBD_EVT_EPTRANSFER


No error


Data received, no buffer prepared already - waiting for configured transfer


Received number of bytes cannot fit given buffer This error would also be returned when next_transfer function has been defined but currently received data cannot fit completely in current buffer. No data split from single endpoint transmission is supported.

When this error is reported - data is left inside endpoint buffer. Clear endpoint or prepare new buffer and read it.


EP0 transfer can be aborted when new setup comes. Any other transfer can be aborted by USB reset or library stopping.

Endpoint identifier.

Endpoint identifier used in the driver. This endpoint number is consistent with USB 2.0 specification.


Endpoint OUT 0


Endpoint OUT 1


Endpoint OUT 2


Endpoint OUT 3


Endpoint OUT 4


Endpoint OUT 5


Endpoint OUT 6


Endpoint OUT 7


Endpoint OUT 8


Endpoint IN 0


Endpoint IN 1


Endpoint IN 2


Endpoint IN 3


Endpoint IN 4


Endpoint IN 5


Endpoint IN 6


Endpoint IN 7


Endpoint IN 8

Events generated by the library.

Enumeration of possible events that may be generated by the library.


Start Of Frame event on USB bus detected


Reset condition on USB bus detected


This device should go to suspend mode now


This device should resume from suspend now


Setup frame received and decoded


For Rx (OUT: Host->Device):

  1. The packet has been received but there is no buffer prepared for transfer already.
  2. Whole transfer has been finished

For Tx (IN: Device->Host): The last packet from requested transfer has been transfered over USB bus and acknowledged


Number of defined events

Function Documentation

void nrf_drv_usbd_disable ( void  )

Disable the USBD port.

After calling this function USBD peripheral would be disabled. No events would be detected or processed by the library. Clock for the peripheral would be disconnected.

void nrf_drv_usbd_enable ( void  )

Enable the USBD port.

After calling this function USBD peripheral would be enabled. It means that High Frequency clock would be requested and USB LDO would be enabled.

In normal situation this function should be called in reaction to USBDETECTED event from POWER peripheral.

Interrupts and USB pins pull-up would stay disabled until nrf_drv_usbd_start function is called.

void nrf_drv_usbd_ep_disable ( nrf_drv_usbd_ep_t  ep)

Disable selected endpoint.

This function disables endpoint itself and its interrupts.

epEndpoint number to disable
void nrf_drv_usbd_ep_enable ( nrf_drv_usbd_ep_t  ep)

Enable selected endpoint.

This function enables endpoint itself and its interrupts.

epEndpoint number to enable
Max packet size is set to endpoint default maximum value.
See Also
bool nrf_drv_usbd_ep_is_busy ( nrf_drv_usbd_ep_t  ep)

Check if endpoint buffer is ready or is under USB IP control.

Function to test if endpoint is busy. Endpoint that is busy cannot be accessed by MCU. It means that:

  • OUT (TX) endpoint: Last uploaded data is still in endpoint and is waiting to be received by the host.
  • IN (RX) endpoint: Endpoint is ready to receive data from the host and the endpoint does not have any data. When endpoint is not busy:
  • OUT (TX) endpoint: New data can be uploaded.
  • IN (RX) endpoint: New data can be downloaded using nrf_drv_usbd_ep_transfer function.
uint16_t nrf_drv_usbd_ep_max_packet_size_get ( nrf_drv_usbd_ep_t  ep)

Get configured endpoint packet size.

Function to get configured endpoint size on the buffer.

[in]epEndpoint number
Maximum pocket size configured on selected endpoint
void nrf_drv_usbd_ep_max_packet_size_set ( nrf_drv_usbd_ep_t  ep,
uint16_t  size 

Configure packet size that should be supported by the endpoint.

The real endpoint buffer size is always the same. This value sets max packet size that would be transmitted over the endpoint. This is required by the library

[in]epEndpoint number
[in]sizeRequired maximum packet size
Endpoint size is always set to NRF_DRV_USBD_EPSIZE or NRF_DRV_USBD_ISOSIZE / 2 when nrf_drv_usbd_ep_enable function is called.
void nrf_drv_usbd_ep_stall ( nrf_drv_usbd_ep_t  ep)

Stall endpoint.

Stall endpoit to send error information during next transfer request from the host.

To stall endpoint it is safer to use nrf_drv_usbd_setup_stall
Stalled endpoint would not be cleared when DMA transfer finishes.
epEndpoint number to stall
bool nrf_drv_usbd_ep_stall_check ( nrf_drv_usbd_ep_t  ep)

Check if endpoint is stalled.

This function gets stall state of selected endpoint

epEndpoint number to check
void nrf_drv_usbd_ep_stall_clear ( nrf_drv_usbd_ep_t  ep)

Clear stall flag on endpoint.

This function clears endpoint that is stalled.

If it is OUT endpoint (receiving) it would be also prepared for reception. It means that busy flag would be set.
In endpoint (transmitting) would not be cleared - it gives possibility to write new data before transmitting.
ret_code_t nrf_drv_usbd_ep_status_get ( nrf_drv_usbd_ep_t  ep,
nrf_drv_usbd_transfer_t p_transfer 

Get the information about last finished transfer.

Function returns the status of the last buffer set for transfer on selected endpoint. The status considers last buffer set by nrf_drv_usbd_ep_transfer function or by transfer callback function.

[in]epEndpoint number.
[out]p_transferStructure that would be filled by transfer details: buffer pointer and number of bytes received.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSTransfer already finished
NRF_ERROR_BUSYOngoing transfer
NRF_ERROR_DATA_SIZEToo much of data received that cannot fit into buffer and cannot be splited into chunks. This may happen if buffer size is not a multiplication of endpoint buffer size.
ret_code_t nrf_drv_usbd_ep_transfer ( nrf_drv_usbd_ep_t  ep,
nrf_drv_usbd_transfer_t const *const  p_transfer,
nrf_drv_usbd_transfer_handler_desc_t const *const  p_handler 

Start sending data over endpoint.

Function initializes endpoint transmission. This is asynchronous function - it finishes immediately after configuration for transmission is prepared.

Data buffer pointed by p_data have to be kept active till NRF_DRV_USBD_EVT_EPTRANSFER event is generated.
[in]epEndpoint number. For IN endpoint sending would be initiated. For OUT endpoint receiving would be initiated.
[in]p_handlerDescription of transfer handler to be called when buffer is ready. Can be NULL when not required by the caller.
Return values
NRF_ERROR_BUSYSelected endpoint is pending.
NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDRUnexpected transfer on EPIN0 or EPOUT0.
NRF_ERROR_FORBIDDENEndpoint stalled.
NRF_SUCCESSTransfer queued or started.
size_t nrf_drv_usbd_epout_size_get ( nrf_drv_usbd_ep_t  ep)

Get number of received bytes.

Get the number of received bytes. The function behavior is undefined when called on IN endpoint.

epEndpoint number.
Number of received bytes
ret_code_t nrf_drv_usbd_init ( nrf_drv_usbd_event_handler_t const  event_handler)

Library initialization.

[in]event_handlerEvent handler provided by the user.
bool nrf_drv_usbd_is_enabled ( void  )

Check if driver is enabled.

Return values
falseDriver is disabled
trueDriver is enabled
bool nrf_drv_usbd_is_initialized ( void  )

Check if driver is initialized.

Return values
falseDriver is not initialized
trueDriver is initialized
bool nrf_drv_usbd_is_started ( void  )

Check if driver is started.

Return values
falseDriver is not started
trueDriver is started (fully functional)
The USBD peripheral interrupt state is checked
nrf_drv_usbd_ep_t nrf_drv_usbd_last_setup_dir_get ( void  )

Get the information about expected transfer SETUP data direction.

Function returns the information about last expected transfer direction.

Return values
NRF_DRV_USBD_EPOUT0Expecting OUT (Host->Device) direction or no data
NRF_DRV_USBD_EPIN0Expecting IN (Device->Host) direction
void nrf_drv_usbd_setup_clear ( void  )

Clear setup endpoint.

This function acknowledges setup when SETUP command was received and processed. It has to be called if no data respond for the SETUP command is sent.

When there is any data transmission after SETUP command the data transmission itself would clear the endpoint.

void nrf_drv_usbd_setup_data_clear ( void  )

Clear only for data transmission on setup endpoint.

This function may be called if any more data in control write transfer is expected. Clears only OUT endpoint to be able to take another OUT data token. It does not allow STATUS stage.

See Also
void nrf_drv_usbd_setup_get ( nrf_drv_usbd_setup_t *const  p_setup)

Get parsed setup data.

Function fills the parsed setup data structure.

[out]p_setupPointer to data structure that would be filled by parsed data.
void nrf_drv_usbd_setup_stall ( void  )

Stall setup endpoint.

Mark and error on setup endpoint.

void nrf_drv_usbd_start ( bool  enable_sof)

Start USB functionality.

After calling this function USBD peripheral should be fully functional and all new incoming events / interrupts would be processed by the library.

Also only after calling this function host sees new connected device.

Call this function when USBD power LDO regulator is ready - on USBPWRRDY event from POWER peripheral.

enable_sofThe flag that is used to enable SOF processing. If it is false, SOF interrupt is left disabled and will not be generated. This improves power saving if SOF is not required.
If the isochronous endpoints are going to be used, it is required to enable the SOF. In other case any isochronous endpoint would stay busy after first transmission.
void nrf_drv_usbd_stop ( void  )

Stop USB functionality.

This function disables USBD pull-up and interrupts.

This function can also be used to logically disconnect USB from the HOST that would force it to enumerate device after calling nrf_drv_usbd_start.
void nrf_drv_usbd_transfer_out_drop ( nrf_drv_usbd_ep_t  ep)

Drop transfer on OUT endpoint.

[in]epOUT endpoint ID
void usbd_drv_ep_abort ( nrf_drv_usbd_ep_t  ep)
This function locks interrupts that may be costly. It is good idea to test if the endpoint is still busy before calling this function:
(m_ep_dma_waiting & (1U << ep2bit(ep)))
This function would check it again, but it makes it inside critical section.

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