nRF5 SDK v11.0.0
Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
NFC Type 2 Tag library

nRF52 only: Type 2 Tag library. More...


#define NFC_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE   988
#define NFC_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE_RAW   1008 /* No NDEF-TLV and no implicit lock bytes at the end */


typedef void(* NfcCallbackFunction )(void *context, NfcEvent event, const char *data, size_t dataLength)
 Callback to pass events from NFCLib to application. More...


enum  NfcRetval {
 Return values generated by NFC_LIB functions.
enum  NfcEvent {
 Events passed to the callback function.
enum  NfcParamId { NFC_PARAM_TESTING }


NfcRetval nfcSetup (NfcCallbackFunction callback, void *cbContext)
 Function for registering the application callback for event signaling. More...
NfcRetval nfcSetParameter (NfcParamId id, void *data, size_t dataLength)
 Function for setting an NFC parameter. More...
NfcRetval nfcGetParameter (NfcParamId id, void *data, size_t *maxDataLength)
 Function for querying an NFC parameter value. More...
NfcRetval nfcSetPayload (const char *payload, size_t payloadLength)
 Function for registering the payload to send on reception of a READ request. More...
NfcRetval nfcSetPayloadRaw (const char *payload, size_t payloadLength)
 Function for registering the raw payload to send on reception of a READ request. More...
NfcRetval nfcSetInternal (const char *data, size_t dataLength)
 Function for registering the sequence of internal bytes. More...
NfcRetval nfcStartEmulation (void)
 Function for activating the NFC frontend. More...
NfcRetval nfcStopEmulation (void)
 Function for deactivating the NFC frontend. More...
NfcRetval nfcDone (void)
 Function for releasing the reference to the application callback. More...

Detailed Description

nRF52 only: Type 2 Tag library.

Typedef Documentation

typedef void(* NfcCallbackFunction)(void *context, NfcEvent event, const char *data, size_t dataLength)

Callback to pass events from NFCLib to application.

contextApplication context for callback execution.
eventThe event that occurred.
dataData to send to the application (event specific).
dataLengthLength of the data.

Function Documentation

NfcRetval nfcDone ( void  )

Function for releasing the reference to the application callback.

After calling this function, the passed callback pointer is no longer considered valid.

Return values
OKThis function always succeeds.
NfcRetval nfcGetParameter ( NfcParamId  id,
void *  data,
size_t *  maxDataLength 

Function for querying an NFC parameter value.

Not implemented. For future use.

The queried value will be placed into the passed data buffer. If the buffer is too small, maxDataLength will contain the required buffer size. If the buffer is big enough, maxDataLength will contain the actual size of the data.

idID of the parameter to query.
dataPointer to a buffer receiving the queried data.
maxDataLengthSize of the buffer, receives actual size of queried data.
Return values
OKIf the parameter was received successfully. If one of the arguments was invalid (for example, the buffer was too small), an error code is returned.
NfcRetval nfcSetInternal ( const char *  data,
size_t  dataLength 

Function for registering the sequence of internal bytes.

This refers to the first 10 bytes of the tag memory. The library will set a sensible default for these bytes. The application can use this function to override the default.

Passing a NULL pointer reverts back to the default sequence. The data will be copied by NFCLib, so the memory does not have to remain valid after the function returns.

When modifying the internal bytes, remember that they must be consistent with the NFC hardware register settings (see Internal bytes).
dataPointer to the memory area containing the data.
dataLengthSize of the data in bytes.
Return values
OKIf the operation was successful. If the data was not NULL and the data length was not 10, an error code is returned.
NfcRetval nfcSetParameter ( NfcParamId  id,
void *  data,
size_t  dataLength 

Function for setting an NFC parameter.

Not implemented. For future use.

This function allows to set any parameter defined as available by HAL_NFC.

idID of the parameter to set.
dataPointer to a buffer containing the data to set.
dataLengthSize of the buffer containing the data to set.
Return values
OKIf the parameter was set successfully. If one of the arguments was invalid (for example, a wrong data length), an error code is returned.
NfcRetval nfcSetPayload ( const char *  payload,
size_t  payloadLength 

Function for registering the payload to send on reception of a READ request.

The payload is considered to only contain the NDEF message to deliver to a reader. The required NDEF TLV will be created implicitly by NFCLib.

The pointer to the payload must stay valid for the duration of the library execution, or until it is explicitly released.

If the pointer is not NULL, but the length is zero, the paypload is considered to be an empty NDEF message.

If a new payload is registered, the previously registered one is considered released.

Passing a NULL pointer releases the current payload without registering a new one.

If an invalid size is given (too big), the function returns with an error and the currently registered payload is left unchanged.

payloadPointer to the memory area containing the payload to send.
payloadLengthSize of the payload in bytes.
Return values
OKIf the operation was successful. If one of the arguments was invalid, an error code is returned.
NfcRetval nfcSetPayloadRaw ( const char *  payload,
size_t  payloadLength 

Function for registering the raw payload to send on reception of a READ request.

The payload will be delivered directly as-is to the reader, without implicitly adding an NDEF TLV container. This can be used if the application wants to define the TLVs itself, for example, to provide a different memory layout.

The pointer to the payload must stay valid for the duration of the library execution, or until it is explicitly released.

If a new payload is registered, the previously registered one is considered released.

Passing a NULL pointer releases the current payload, without registering a new one.

If an invalid size is given (too big), the function returns with an error and the currently registered payload is left unchanged.

payloadPointer to the memory area containing the payload to send.
payloadLengthSize of the payload in bytes.
Return values
OKIf the operation was successful. If one of the arguments was invalid, an error code is returned.
NfcRetval nfcSetup ( NfcCallbackFunction  callback,
void *  cbContext 

Function for registering the application callback for event signaling.

The callback will be called by NFCLib to notify the application of relevant events. It will be called from the HAL_NFC callback context.

callbackFunction pointer to the callback.
cbContextPointer to a memory area used by the callback for execution (optional).
Return values
OKIf the application callback was registered successfully. If one of the arguments was invalid, an error code is returned.
NfcRetval nfcStartEmulation ( void  )

Function for activating the NFC frontend.

You must call this function so that events are posted to the application callback.

Return values
OKIf the NFC frontend was activated successfully. If the lower layer could not be started, an error code is returned.
NfcRetval nfcStopEmulation ( void  )

Function for deactivating the NFC frontend.

After calling this function, no more events will be posted to the application callback.

Return values
OKIf the NFC frontend was deactivated successfully. If the lower layer could not be stopped, an error code is returned.

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