S140 SoftDevice v7.2.0
Data Fields
ble_gattc_opt_uuid_disc_t Struct Reference

UUID discovery option. More...

#include <ble_gattc.h>

Data Fields

uint8_t auto_add_vs_enable: 1

Detailed Description

UUID discovery option.

Used with sd_ble_opt_set to enable and disable automatic insertion of discovered 128-bit UUIDs to the Vendor Specific UUID table. Disabled by default.

sd_ble_opt_get is not supported for this option.
Return values
NRF_SUCCESSSet successfully.

Field Documentation

uint8_t ble_gattc_opt_uuid_disc_t::auto_add_vs_enable

Set to 1 to enable (or 0 to disable) automatic insertion of discovered 128-bit UUIDs.

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