38 #ifndef MESH_STACK_H__ 39 #define MESH_STACK_H__ 42 #include "config_server_events.h" 43 #include "health_server.h" 44 #include "nrf_mesh_prov_events.h" 147 bool * p_device_provisioned);
198 const uint8_t * p_devkey);
void mesh_stack_power_down(void)
Start the power down procedure.
void mesh_stack_config_clear(void)
Clear the saved configuration and network state of the mesh node.
uint32_t mesh_stack_start(void)
Start dynamic behavior on the mesh stack.
mesh_stack_models_init_cb_t models_init_cb
Pointer to a function used to allow initialization of application-specific models.
uint8_t health_server_num_selftests
Number of self-tests provided by p_health_server_selftest_array.
nrf_mesh_init_params_t core
Core initialization parameters structure.
void(* mesh_stack_models_init_cb_t)(void)
Models initialization callback.
config_server_evt_cb_t config_server_cb
Pointer to a function used to inform about events from the configuration server.
uint32_t mesh_stack_init(const mesh_stack_init_params_t *p_init_params, bool *p_device_provisioned)
Initialize the mesh stack.
void(* config_server_evt_cb_t)(const config_server_evt_t *p_evt)
Config server event callback type.
health_server_attention_cb_t health_server_attention_cb
Attention callback function.
void mesh_stack_device_reset(void)
Resets the device.
Initialization parameters structure.
Mesh stack configuration parameters.
void(* health_server_attention_cb_t)(const health_server_t *p_server, bool attention_state)
Callback function for the attention state.
Provisioning data to transmit to a device.
uint32_t mesh_stack_persistence_flash_usage(const uint32_t **pp_start, uint32_t *p_length)
Gets which flash areas used by the mesh stack for storing persistent data.
uint32_t mesh_stack_provisioning_data_store(const nrf_mesh_prov_provisioning_data_t *p_prov_data, const uint8_t *p_devkey)
Store received provisioning data in flash.
const health_server_selftest_t * p_health_server_selftest_array
Self-test function array.
health_server_t * mesh_stack_health_server_get(void)
Gets a pointer to the Health Server instance in the primary element.
Structure defining a self-test function.
bool mesh_stack_is_device_provisioned(void)
Check if the device has been provisioned.