nRF5 SDK for Mesh v5.0.0
Power-down feature

The power-down feature is Nordic Semiconductor's proprietary functionality of the Bluetooth mesh stack. It prepares the stack to power off in situations of expected critical power shortage, for example when the battery that powers the device is about to fully discharge.

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The power-down mode is triggered with the mesh_stack_power_down() function. Calling this function stops all ongoing activity of the stack and makes it store all data that has not been stored yet in the Bluetooth mesh configuration submodule.

When the power-down procedure is completed, the event NRF_MESH_EVT_READY_TO_POWER_OFF indicates the stack's readiness for power-off. In this state, the stack is turned off, but the application timer and timeslots continue to work, and the application can continue to work as well.

The entry point for the power-down mode is located in high-level management API. However, the power-down functionality collaborates with multiple components within the stack.

Power-down functionality overview

Power-down sequence

The following sequence chart provides an overview of the collaboration flow between the power-down functionality and other components, after the triggering of the functionality.

Power-down sequence flow

After you call the mesh_stack_power_down() API, the following actions are executed by the API:

  1. The stack switches off the scanner as the first step to minimize the power consumption and to prevent the reception of new data from the radio channel.
  2. The stack stops the activities of the proxy server (if it is used). At this point, the advertising of beacons with Node ID and Network ID is stopped. The device also closes the active GATT connection (if any), and stops and disables the proxy functionality.
  3. The stack stops the timer scheduler. Since the advertisement-based bearers depend on the timer scheduler for their operation, it is enough to stop the timer scheduler to stop transmitting any data and to stop any other periodic tasks in the stack.
  4. Using the mesh configuration module, the power-down functionality starts storing all data that has not been stored yet.
    No Bluetooth mesh config entries should be updated at this point. The Bluetooth mesh stack can accept them, which might lead to conflicts with the power-down functionality and cause unpredictable behavior.
  5. The Bluetooth mesh configuration module completes storing of the data and sends the NRF_MESH_EVT_CONFIG_STABLE event to the power-down functionality.
  6. The power-down functionality disables an internal scheduler that is responsible for fitting all activities within the provided timeslots from the SoftDevice.
  7. The low-level scheduler sends the NRF_MESH_EVT_DISABLED event to the power-down functionality to notify about stopping of all activities. The power-down functionality sends the NRF_MESH_EVT_READY_TO_POWER_OFF event to the application to notify about being ready for power-off.

Power consumption example

The following diagram shows an example of power consumption for a device that is preparing to power down.

Power-down power consumption overview

The diagram is very contextual and depends on many aspects, including the amount of data waiting to be stored at the moment of power-down, nRF chip variant, and more.

In this case, the device is running the light switch server example on nRF52832 in a network of four devices (two light switch servers, one light switch client, and one static provisioner), and its replay list contained only a couple of entries.

The width of the power consumption waveform (that is, the pattern within the red circle) depends on the number and size of entries that need to be stored in the flash memory.

Power-down usage and dependencies

The Bluetooth mesh stack never triggers the power-down on its own. However, when power-down is triggered by the user application it has an impact on the Bluetooth mesh configuration module, which is discussed in the following sections.

Power-down files

The configuration module allows you to create files with the storing strategy labeled as MESH_CONFIG_STRATEGY_ON_POWER_DOWN.

Data is stored in these files only after the power-down is triggered. This helps to increase the lifetime of the flash memory, as the flash memory area that is allocated for these files is kept empty.

When the application calls the mesh_stack_power_down() function, the working mode of the configuration module changes. All data from these files is then stored during the power-down preparation. When the Bluetooth mesh stack comes back from the power-off, it restores data from all files. It also cleans up the flash area for files that are created with the power-down storing strategy before the next power-down API call.

Emergency cache

The Bluetooth mesh configuration system and flash manager are separate components that work in parallel in the stack. When the power-down is about to happen, they might be busy with defragmenting flash pages in the background, as part of the wear leveling algorithm. To prevent unpredictable delays caused by the defragmentation process, the power-down functionality uses the emergency cache, a special flash memory area that is prepared before and always ready for storing data.

The data from files labeled as MESH_CONFIG_STRATEGY_CONTINUOUS is stored in the emergency cache file. As part of this strategy, the power-down functionality freezes all defragmentation activities and uses the emergency cache to save all data that has not been stored yet. The reason for using the cache instead of general areas for the data is that the general areas might not be ready because of the pending defragmentation.

The emergency cache has descriptors for fake entries. These descriptors are configured beforehand and are used only for flash memory allocation. Real entries from different files are wrapped up by the service information and are stored in the emergency cache.

The cache file is created dynamically. The application must provide the number of allocated flash memory pages for the emergency cache that is used dynamically during the power-down. The parameter responsible for the emergency cache area configuration is EMERGENCY_CACHE_RESERVED_PAGE_NUMBER. The area is cleared before the device is ready for the next power-down API usage.

Replay protection cache

The replay protection is a feature of the transport layer that allows for storing the replay protection cache into persistent memory, also in a power-down scenario.

The replay protection cache is stored into the persistent memory to avoid replay protection attacks after device power cycle. The interaction with the persistent memory (MCU flash) is implemented through the Mesh configuration module.

The replay protection cache is declared as a separate file. It is possible to choose one of the following storing strategy options for this file:

Getting power-down time

Use the mesh_config_power_down_time_get() function to calculate the longest time required for writing to flash with the strategy based on MESH_CONFIG_STRATEGY_ON_POWER_DOWN. The function returns the theoretical maximum value based on the maximum file sizes and on the MCU flash writing time from the MCU datasheet.

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