nRF5 SDK for Mesh v5.0.0


 The sequence number value that triggers the start of an IV update procedure. More...
 The sequence number value that triggers the end of an IV update procedure. More...
 Number of sequence numbers between every write to flash. More...
 Number of sequence numbers left before allocating the next block. More...

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation



The sequence number value that triggers the start of an IV update procedure.

This value should be set so that there are enough sequence numbers left for running the IV update procedure.

Definition at line 255 of file nrf_mesh_config_core.h.



The sequence number value that triggers the end of an IV update procedure.

This value should be set so that there are enough sequence numbers left for finishing any ongoing Transport SAR sessions.

Definition at line 263 of file nrf_mesh_config_core.h.



Number of sequence numbers between every write to flash.

In case of power failure, the device will resume transmissions with the first sequence number in the next block. A larger block size means that the device can do fewer resets between every IV Update, while a smaller will result in a reduced lifetime for the flash hardware.

Definition at line 281 of file nrf_mesh_config_core.h.



Number of sequence numbers left before allocating the next block.

Allocating a new block can take at least 200ms, and the device would be blocked from sending new messages if it runs out.

Definition at line 289 of file nrf_mesh_config_core.h.

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