nRF5 SDK for Mesh v4.2.0
Configuring and performing DFU over Mesh

The following guide offers step-by-step instructions on how to prepare and program the DFU example application, create a DFU file that contains example firmware, and transfer it. This guide should make it easy to use the mesh DFU to transfer any firmware to any device on the mesh network.

Make sure you are familiar with the whole Mesh DFU protocol documentation before configuring DFU over Mesh. The DFU example included in the nRF5 SDK for Mesh demonstrates the background mode DFU.

Table of contents


To perform DFU transfers over mesh:

Optional preparation steps

Before you start properly preparing your devices for the Mesh DFU, you can decide whether you want to generate a signing file with nrfutil and add the public key from nrfutil to your device page.

Generating a signing key file with nrfutil

DFU images can be signed to ensure they stem from a trusted source. If you want to use this signature verification functionality, you need a signing key.

Use the nrfutil tool to generate a signing key. Run the following command:

mesh-sdk$ nrfutil keys --gen-key private_key.txt

This command creates a private_key.txt file in your current directory.

This key must only be shared with trusted sources. If you lose it, you also lose the authorization to do DFU updates to your devices in the future. The only way to recover from the loss of the private key is to reflash the device manually.

Adding the public key from nrfutil to device page

Now that you have a private key, you can generate the public key for it, which you can safely share with everyone. You must then add this public key to the bootloader configurator file, which is used to create the device page. For details about the device page generator script, see DFU Utilities and Tools.

Complete the following steps:

  1. Run the following command:
    mesh-sdk$ nrfutil keys --show-vk hex private_key.txt
    The result will be an output similar to the following example lines:
    Verification key Qx: ed09a58df6db5cd15b8637304f31d31f4042492ed7c7e4839fbe903f260a2ba1
    Verification key Qy: a855e92b72885825481ad56282bcf549ad7455ec46f000f0f62d97eeec883ba6
    These two HEX strings make up your public key.
  2. In the tools/dfu folder, edit the bootloader_config_default.json file to prepare the device page:
    1. Create a new property named "public_key".
    2. Assign the concatenated values of Qx and Qy strings to this key. For example:
      "bootloader_config": {
      "bootloader_id": 1,
      "bootloader_version": 1,
      "company_id": 89,
      "application_id": 1,
      "application_version": 1,
      "public_key": "ed09a58df6db5cd15b8637304f31d31f4042492ed7c7e4839fbe903f260a2ba1a855e92b72885825481ad56282bcf549ad7455ec46f000f0f62d97eeec883ba6"
      This allows your device to verify that the person that has initiated the DFU transfer has the private key associated with this public key.

Optionally, you can also change the company ID entry in the device page. The company ID works as a namespace for application IDs in the mesh DFU. In this way, any company with an assigned company ID can use any application ID for its products, without risking an application ID conflict.

In the example, the company ID is set to 89, which is the decimal version of Nordic Semiconductor's Company ID assigned by Bluetooth SIG. If your company has an assigned ID, you can use that ID number. If you do not represent a company with an assigned ID, use a random 32-bit number higher than 65535.

Preparing for DFU

Complete the following steps to prepare your devices for the background mode mesh DFU:

  1. Generate a DFU archive with nrfutil
  2. Generate a HEX version of device page with the tool in `tools/dfu`
  3. Erase chip memory and flash SoftDevice on all devices
  4. Flash the serial bootloader on all devices
  5. Flash the first application on all devices
  6. Flash the device page on all devices and reset the device

Step 1: Generate a DFU file with nrfutil

To do a DFU transfer, you must create a DFU archive with nrfutil, giving arguments that match the device page. The DFU archive is a zip file that contains the application binary along with some metadata.

You need the HEX file of an example application that causes a LED to blink on the boards. The file is generated when you build the mesh stack and is located in the bin/blinky folder. Use the HEX file that corresponds to the chip and the SoftDevice you are using.

To generate the DFU archive, run the nrfutil command that corresponds to your SoftDevice. For example:

This command generates a DFU archive called in the current directory. You can call nrfutil dfu genpkg --help to get a list of possible command line arguments and their meaning.

  • For ease of demonstration, the sample bin/blinky application does not include the support for DFU over Mesh. Once you upgrade your existing application with blinky, the device cannot be upgraded further using DFU over Mesh.
  • If you completed optional configuration steps, the --company-id and the --application-id values must match the values used for generating the device page. The --application-version must be higher than the version number that you used for the previous firmware image.
  • Some of the command line options do not apply to the mesh DFU, because the tool also supports the regular Nordic Semiconductor DFU transfer.
  • The example commands use the Nordic Semiconductor company ID, so make sure you use your own instead.
  • The application version is set to 2. A device only accepts application transfers that match its current company and application IDs and have a higher version number.

Step 2: Generate a HEX version of device page

To generate a HEX version of your device page, use the script located in the device page file folder: tools/dfu. For details about the device page generator script, see DFU Utilities and Tools.

You have to specify the device series (-d option), and the SoftDevice version (-sd option). All device pages contain a SD_VERSION entry, which must match the --sd-req value passed to nrfutil when generating the DFU archive in the previous step. Failing to match the SoftDevice version requirement parameters will make the device reject the transfer, as its own firmware ID will not match the one in the transfer.

To generate a device page hex file for an nRF52 Series device (for example, nRF52832) using s132 SoftDevice version 7.0.1, run the following command from inside the tools/dfu folder:

dfu$ python -d nrf52832_xxAA -sd "s132_7.0.1"

This creates a device page HEX file in the tools\dfu\bin folder. This file will be used for flashing the first application on all devices.

Step 3: Erase chip memory and flash SoftDevice on all devices

Steps 3 to 6 must be executed in order.

Use nrfjprog (available on to erase all data on your device (including UICR) and flash the SoftDevice.

SoftDevices for the nRF51 and nRF52 chips are located in the bin/softdevice folder.

Run the following nrfjprog command with the correct name of the HEX file:

mesh-sdk$ nrfjprog --program bin/softdevice/<SoftDevice HEX file> --chiperase

For example, to erase data and flash the S132 SoftDevice v7.0.1, run the following command:

mesh-sdk$ nrfjprog --program bin/softdevice/s132_nrf52_7.0.1_softdevice.hex --chiperase

Step 4: Flash the serial bootloader on all devices

For this step, use the precompiled bootloader with the serial support. You can find the precompiled versions of the bootloader under bin/. The bootloader version must match your chip version, as per table.

Chip version Bootloader
nRF51422_xxAC mesh_bootloader_serial_<compiler>_nrf51422_xxAC.hex
nRF52832_xxAA mesh_bootloader_serial_<compiler>_nrf52832_xxAA.hex
nRF52833_xxAA mesh_bootloader_serial_<compiler>_nrf52833_xxAA.hex
nRF52840_xxAA mesh_bootloader_serial_<compiler>_nrf52840_xxAA.hex

Flash the precompiled bootloader with the following nrfjprog command:

mesh-sdk$ nrfjprog --program bin/bootloader/<compiler>/<bootloader serial HEX file>

For example, you can run the following command to flash a bootloader compiled with GCC ARM compiler on an nRF52832_xxAA device:

mesh-sdk$ nrfjprog --program bin/bootloader/gccarmemb/mesh_bootloader_serial_gccarmemb_nrf52832_xxAA.hex

Step 5: Flash the first application on all devices

This step assumes that you have built the mesh examples with CMake as described in Building the mesh stack. If you have built them with SEGGER Embedded Studio, move to the next step.

To be able to do Device Firmware Updates, you must flash an application that supports DFU. You can use the DFU example application in examples/dfu/.

You must flash the DFU example application from your build folder, using the HEX file that matches your chip version and SoftDevice. For example, build/examples/dfu/dfu_nrf52832_xxAA_s132_7.0.1.hex if your device is an nRF52832_xxAA with the s132 SoftDevice v7.0.1.

Run the following nrfjprog command:

mesh-sdk$ nrfjprog --program build/examples/dfu/dfu_nrf52832_xxAA_s132_7.0.1.hex

Step 6: Flash the device page on all devices and reset the device

To flash the device page HEX file to the devices, run the following nrfjprog command:

mesh-sdk$ nrfjprog --program tools/dfu/bin/device_page_nrf52832_xxAA_s132_7.0.1.hex

Then, reset the device to start the application:

nrfjprog --reset

After the reset, observe that for every development kit that you programmed, all LEDs are OFF. At this point, you have everything ready for performing the DFU over the mesh.

Transferring the DFU archive over serial with nrfutil

Before you start transfering data:

To start the DFU transfer, run the following command:

nrfutil dfu serial -pkg -p <COM port> -b 115200 -fc --mesh

A progress bar appears. The transfer takes a couple of minutes.

To get a more verbose output, you can add --verbose before the arguments, as follows: nrfutil --verbose dfu serial -pkg -p <COM port> -b 115200 -fc --mesh.

When finished, the bootloader switches to the application and one of the LEDs starts blinking on each kit. Note that you cannot do the DFU twice with the same DFU archive, because the application version in the device page on your device is incremented to the latest version. Therefore, the bootloader will reject any attempt to transfer the same firmware again.

If your newly transferred application also includes the DFU support, you can update it again in the future when needed. To carry out a subsequent DFU transfer, run the preparation steps and the transfer command again, but with an increased version number. For example, --application-version 3. Also, use the new zip file.

To verify that the bootloader is working correctly, run the bootloader verification script.

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