nRF5 SDK for Thread v0.9.0
Data Fields
RadioPacket Struct Reference

#include <radio.h>

Data Fields

uint8_t * mPsdu
 The PSDU.
uint8_t mLength
 Length of the PSDU.
uint8_t mChannel
 Channel used to transmit/receive the frame.
int8_t mPower
 Transmit/receive power in dBm.
uint8_t mLqi
 Link Quality Indicator for received frames.
uint8_t mMaxTxAttempts
 Max number of transmit attempts for an outbound frame.
bool mSecurityValid: 1
 Security Enabled flag is set and frame passes security checks.
bool mDidTX: 1
 Set to true if this packet sent from the radio. Ignored by radio driver.
bool mIsARetx: 1
 Set to true if this packet is a retransmission. Should be ignored by radio driver.

Detailed Description

This structure represents an IEEE 802.15.4 radio frame.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

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