nRF5 SDK for Thread
Getting Started with Thread

nRF5 SDK for Thread is intended for use with the nRF52840 Development Kit.

The SDK provides the precompiled OpenThread library. The library was built on Linux with arm-none-eabi-gcc version 6.3.0 with the following parameters:

make -f examples/Makefile-nrf52840 COMMISSIONER=1 JOINER=1 COAP=1

OpenThread is natively developed in POSIX environment, and it is a recommended setup to build and test the examples. However, it is possible to build the examples on Windows with the MinGW environment. If you have already built regular SDK examples with GCC compiler on you machine, you should be able to build Thread examples as well without additional effort.

The following peripherals are owned by the OpenThread stack and cannot be used directly by an application:

OpenThread API can be used to access the hardware random number generator.

Environment setup

You must install a set of tools to complete the environment setup process.



First, make sure that you have the make tool installed on your system. To do this, run the following command:

$ which make

If the command does not provide output, you must install the make tool. Refer to the documentation of your Linux distribution for information on how to download and install it.

GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain

To be able to compile projects for the nRF52840 Development Kit, you must install GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain in version 4.9.3. You can download this version from GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain. Make sure to install it in the /usr/local/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_9-2015q3 folder.

If you already have another version of arm-none-eabi installed, you can modify the default path in the following file: <InstallFolder>/components/toolchain/gcc/Makefile.posix.


To enable communication between devices, you need the SEGGER J-Link utility. Recommended version is 5.12j, which can be downloaded from J-Link Download page.


You need the nrfjprog tool to program the nRF52840 chips. The latest version of this tool can be found on the nRF52840 product website.



The make tool, required to build GCC projects, is not natively available on Windows. However, the MinGW package can be used to install it:

  1. Download the MinGW installer.
  2. Run the downloaded binary and select a folder where the MinGW toolchain will be installed. The recommended path is C:\MinGW
  3. When the first part of the installation is finished, the MinGW Installation Manager opens.
    MinGW Installation Manager

  4. From the package list, select mingw32-base and msys-base. Then, click Installation -> Apply changes to install the selected items.
  5. Add the following paths to the PATH variable in your system:
    • C:\MinGW\bin
    • C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin
      To do so, right-click My computer, select Properties -> Advanced system settings -> Environment Variables and double-click the PATH variable. Then, append the existing string with the two paths, each preceded by a semicolon, for example:
      …; C:\MinGW\bin;C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin
  6. After the installation process finishes, open the command prompt and verify that it succeeded. To do this, check that the Msys environment was set up correctly by running the following command:
    uname -–operating-system
    You should receive the following result:
    System information
  7. Additionally, check that the make tool was installed correctly by typing make --version and pressing Enter. If there are no errors during installation, the following message is displayed:
    Version information
    GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain

To be able to compile projects for the nRF52840 Development Kit, you must install GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain in version 4.9.3. You can download this version from GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain. It is recommended to install it in the default directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\GNU Tools ARM Embedded\4.9 2015q3.

If you already have another version of arm-none-eabi installed, or have installed it in a different directory, you can modify the default path in the following file: <InstallFolder>\components\toolchain\gcc\

nRF5x Command Line Tools

To communicate with and program the nRF52840 Development Kit, you need the SEGGER J-Link and nrfjprog tools. Download and install the latest version of nRF5x Command Line Tools from the nRF52840 product website. This package includes the latest version of SEGGER J-Link and nrfjprog utilities.

After the installation is complete, add nrfjprog installation directory (for example C:\Program Files (x86)\Nordic Semiconductor\nrf5x\bin\) to your system PATH variable.

If you experience communication issues with the nRF52840 Development Kit, it is recommended to downgrade SEGGER J-Link to version 5.12j. To do so, uninstall the current version of SEGGER J-Link, and then install the recommended version manually. The installer can be found on the J-Link Download page.

Building and running examples

Building an example

To build an example, perform the following steps:

  1. Open Windows command line or Linux terminal.
  2. Navigate to the selected example folder, and then to the armgcc project directory, for example: <InstallFolder>/examples/thread/experimental/cli/pca10056/blank/armgcc.
  3. Run the make command in this folder. If the environment was set up correctly, the build process will start.
  4. The build process produces the HEX file inside the _build folder: <InstallFolder>/examples/thread/experimental/cli/pca10056/blank/armgcc/_build/nrf52840_xxaa.hex.
    If you experience difficulties when running the make command on Windows, make sure that you do not have any other make instances from other toolsets like Cygwin or GnuWin32 in your PATH variable.

Running an example

To program the nRF52840 Development Kit, first connect it to your computer with a USB cable. When your board is detected, type the following commands:

You can use RTT Viewer to view the log messages produced by the example.

Building the latest OpenThread libraries

It is recommended to use the provided, precompiled version of the OpenThread library. However, it is possible to compile the latest version from GitHub. Currently, only the POSIX environment is supported, so you need Linux or Mac to build the OpenThread library.

Support for hardware-accelerated cryptography utilizing ARM CryptoCell-310 is only available in mbedTLS library (libmbedcrypto.a) provided with the SDK. The library available in OpenThread repository does not support hardware acceleration. You can still use it, but the commissioning procedure takes much more time in such case. For the best performance, use the library provided with the SDK.

Follow these steps to build the library:

  1. Make sure you have GNU Autotools installed on your system. Refer to the documentation of your distribution for information on how to download and install them.
  2. Download or clone the OpenThread repository.
  3. Navigate into the repository root folder.
  4. Run the following commands:
    $ ./bootstrap
    $ make –f examples/Makefile-nrf52840 COAP=1 COMMISSIONER=1 JOINER=1
    You can experiment with the build parameters, but make sure you include the parameters presented above. Otherwise, some examples might not compile or work properly. To run the Thread certification tests you must run make with the following parameters:
    $ make –f examples/Makefile-nrf52840 COMMISSIONER=1 JOINER=1 DHCP6_SERVER=1 DHCP6_CLIENT=1 CERT_LOG=1 DEFAULT_LOGGING=1 COAP=1
  5. Copy the libraries from <OpenThreadFolder>/output/lib to the SDK folder: /external/openthread/lib/gcc. Do not overwrite the libmbedcrypto.a library if you want to use hardware accelerator for cryptographic operations.
  6. Copy the <OpenThreadFolder>/include folder into the /external/openthread folder.
  7. Now, you can recompile the examples with the latest libraries.
    Over time, the OpenThread API might change, and the examples might not compile with the latest OpenThread right away without fixes.

Building mbedTLS library with CryptoCell support

If you want to update the mbedTLS library with CryptoCell support, for example when OpenThread updates the mbedTLS version it uses, you can build the new library within SDK.

To build the new library, perform the following steps:

  1. Manually update the mbedTLS source files in /external/openthread/lib/gcc.
  2. Navigate to the /components/thread/experimental/crypto/lib_nrf52/armgcc folder.
  3. Run make to build the library.
  4. Copy the libmbedcrypto.a library into the OpenThread folder: /external/openthread/lib/gcc.

More information

See the following topics for further introduction into Nordic Semiconductor's Thread implementation.

OpenThread libraries

Border Router Quick Start Guide

nRF Thread Topology Monitor

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