nRF5 SDK for Thread
Data Fields
RadioPacket Struct Reference

#include <radio.h>

Data Fields

uint8_t * mPsdu
 The PSDU.
uint8_t mLength
 Length of the PSDU.
uint8_t mChannel
 Channel used to transmit/receive the frame.
int8_t mPower
 Transmit/receive power in dBm.
uint8_t mLqi
 Link Quality Indicator for received frames.
bool mSecurityValid: 1
 Security Enabled flag is set and frame passes security checks.
bool mDidTX: 1
 Set to true if this packet sent from the radio. Ignored by radio driver.

Detailed Description

This structure represents an IEEE 802.15.4 radio frame.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

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