nRF5 SDK for Thread and Zigbee v2.0.0
Data Fields
zb_aps_hdr_s Struct Reference

Parsed APS header. More...

#include <zboss_api_aps.h>

Data Fields

zb_uint8_t fc
zb_uint16_t src_addr
zb_uint16_t dst_addr
zb_uint16_t group_addr
zb_uint8_t dst_endpoint
zb_uint8_t src_endpoint
zb_uint16_t clusterid
zb_uint16_t profileid
zb_uint8_t aps_counter
zb_uint16_t mac_src_addr
zb_uint16_t mac_dst_addr
zb_uint8_t tsn

Detailed Description

Parsed APS header.

Field Documentation

zb_uint8_t zb_aps_hdr_s::aps_counter

APS Counter for check APS dup command.

zb_uint16_t zb_aps_hdr_s::clusterid

The identifier of the cluster on the source device.

zb_uint16_t zb_aps_hdr_s::dst_addr

The destination address of the packet.

zb_uint8_t zb_aps_hdr_s::dst_endpoint

The destination endpoint of the packet receiver.

zb_uint8_t zb_aps_hdr_s::fc

Frame control.

zb_uint16_t zb_aps_hdr_s::group_addr

If send to group then group address destination else 0.

zb_uint16_t zb_aps_hdr_s::mac_dst_addr

Next hop address used for frame transmission.

zb_uint16_t zb_aps_hdr_s::mac_src_addr

Source address of device that transmit that packet.

zb_uint16_t zb_aps_hdr_s::profileid

Profile Id

zb_uint16_t zb_aps_hdr_s::src_addr

Source address of packet originator.

zb_uint8_t zb_aps_hdr_s::src_endpoint

The source endpoint from which that packet was send.

zb_uint8_t zb_aps_hdr_s::tsn

Transaction sequence number for ZDO/ZCL command.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

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