nRF5 SDK v15.0.0
Data Fields
ble_advertising_t Struct Reference

Data Fields

bool initialized
bool advertising_start_pending
ble_adv_mode_t adv_mode_current
ble_adv_modes_config_t adv_modes_config
uint8_t conn_cfg_tag
ble_adv_evt_t adv_evt
ble_adv_evt_handler_t evt_handler
ble_adv_error_handler_t error_handler
ble_gap_adv_params_t adv_params
uint8_t adv_handle
uint8_t enc_advdata [BLE_GAP_ADV_SET_DATA_SIZE_MAX]
uint8_t enc_scan_rsp_data [BLE_GAP_ADV_SET_DATA_SIZE_MAX]
ble_gap_adv_data_t adv_data
uint16_t current_slave_link_conn_handle
ble_gap_addr_t peer_address
bool peer_addr_reply_expected
bool whitelist_temporarily_disabled
bool whitelist_reply_expected
bool whitelist_in_use

Field Documentation

ble_gap_adv_data_t ble_advertising_t::adv_data

Advertising data.

ble_adv_evt_t ble_advertising_t::adv_evt

Advertising event propogated to the main application. The event is either a transaction to a new advertising mode, or a request for whitelist or peer address.

uint8_t ble_advertising_t::adv_handle

Handle for the advertising set.

ble_adv_mode_t ble_advertising_t::adv_mode_current

Variable to keep track of the current advertising mode.

ble_adv_modes_config_t ble_advertising_t::adv_modes_config

Struct to keep track of disabled and enabled advertising modes, as well as time-outs and intervals.

ble_gap_adv_params_t ble_advertising_t::adv_params

GAP advertising parameters.

bool ble_advertising_t::advertising_start_pending

Flag to keep track of ongoing operations in flash.

uint8_t ble_advertising_t::conn_cfg_tag

Variable to keep track of what connection settings will be used if the advertising results in a connection.

uint16_t ble_advertising_t::current_slave_link_conn_handle

Connection handle for the active link.

uint8_t ble_advertising_t::enc_advdata[BLE_GAP_ADV_SET_DATA_SIZE_MAX]

Current advertising data in encoded form.

uint8_t ble_advertising_t::enc_scan_rsp_data[BLE_GAP_ADV_SET_DATA_SIZE_MAX]

Current scan response data in encoded form.

ble_adv_error_handler_t ble_advertising_t::error_handler

Handler for the advertising error events.

ble_adv_evt_handler_t ble_advertising_t::evt_handler

Handler for the advertising events. Can be initialized as NULL if no handling is implemented on in the main application.

ble_gap_adv_data_t* ble_advertising_t::p_adv_data

Will be set to point to ble_advertising_t::adv_data for undirected advertising, and will be set to NULL for directed advertising.

bool ble_advertising_t::peer_addr_reply_expected

Flag to verify that peer address is only set when requested.

ble_gap_addr_t ble_advertising_t::peer_address

Address of the most recently connected peer, used for direct advertising.

bool ble_advertising_t::whitelist_in_use

This module needs to be aware of whether or not a whitelist has been set (e.g. using the Peer Manager) in order to start advertising with the proper advertising params (filter policy).

bool ble_advertising_t::whitelist_reply_expected

Flag to verify that the whitelist is only set when requested.

bool ble_advertising_t::whitelist_temporarily_disabled

Flag to keep track of temporary disabling of the whitelist.

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