nRF5 SDK v12.1.0
Data Fields
ble_ancs_c_evt_notif_attr_t Struct Reference

iOS notification attribute structure for incomming attributes. More...

#include <ble_ancs_c.h>

Data Fields

uint32_t notif_uid
uint16_t attr_len
ble_ancs_c_notif_attr_id_values_t attr_id
uint8_t * p_attr_data

Detailed Description

iOS notification attribute structure for incomming attributes.

Field Documentation

ble_ancs_c_notif_attr_id_values_t ble_ancs_c_evt_notif_attr_t::attr_id

Classification of the attribute type, for example, title or date.

uint16_t ble_ancs_c_evt_notif_attr_t::attr_len

Length of the received attribute data.

uint32_t ble_ancs_c_evt_notif_attr_t::notif_uid

UID of the notification that the attribute belongs to.

uint8_t* ble_ancs_c_evt_notif_attr_t::p_attr_data

Pointer to where the memory is allocated for storing incoming attributes.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

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