nRF5 SDK v12.1.0
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
oCadafruit_pn532Information about the communication between the host and the Adafruit PN532 Shield
oCadjust_reason_t"Adjust Reason" field of the Current Time Characteristic
oCant_bpwr_common_data_tData structure for BPWR common data
oCant_bpwr_disp_cb_tBicycle Power Sensor RX control block
oCant_bpwr_disp_config_tBicycle Power Display configuration structure
oCant_bpwr_page16_data_tData structure for Bicycle Power data page 16
oCant_bpwr_page1_data_tData structure for Bicycle Power data page 1
oCant_bpwr_page_torque_data_tCommon data structure for Bicycle Power data pages 17, 18
oCant_bpwr_profile_sBicycle Power profile structure
oCant_bpwr_sens_cb_tBicycle Power Sensor control block
oCant_bpwr_sens_config_tBicycle Power Sensor configuration structure
oCant_bpwr_simulator_cb_tBPWR simulator control block structure
oCant_bpwr_simulator_cfg_tBPWR simulator configuration structure
oCant_bpwr_simulator_tBPWR simulator structure
oCant_bsc_combined_page0_data_tData structure for Bicycle Combined Speed and Cadence data page 0
oCant_bsc_disp_cb_tBSC Display control block
oCant_bsc_disp_config_tBSC Display configuration structure
oCant_bsc_page0_data_tData structure for BSC data page 0
oCant_bsc_page1_data_tData structure for BSC data page 1
oCant_bsc_page2_data_tData structure for BSC data page 2
oCant_bsc_page3_data_tData structure for BSC data page 3
oCant_bsc_page4_data_tData structure for BSC data page 4
oCant_bsc_page5_data_tData structure for BSC data page 5
oCant_bsc_profile_sBSC profile structure
oCant_bsc_sens_cb_tBSC Sensor control block
oCant_bsc_sens_config_tBSC Sensor configuration structure
oCant_bsc_simulator_cb_tBSC simulator control block structure
oCant_bsc_simulator_cfg_tBSC simulator configuration structure
oCant_bsc_simulator_tBSC simulator structure
oCant_channel_config_tANT channel configuration structure
oCant_common_page70_data_tData structure for ANT+ common data page 70
oCant_common_page80_data_tData structure for ANT+ common data page 80
oCant_common_page81_data_tData structure for ANT+ common data page 81
oCant_encrypt_adv_burst_settings_tAdvanced burst settings used by the encrypted channel
oCant_encrypt_channel_settings_tANT channel cryptographic configuration
oCant_encrypt_info_settings_tANT encryption information
oCant_encrypt_stack_settings_tANT stack cryptographic configuration
oCant_evt_tANT stack event type
oCant_hrm_page0_data_tData structure for HRM data page 0
oCant_hrm_page1_data_tData structure for HRM data page 1
oCant_hrm_page2_data_tData structure for HRM data page 2
oCant_hrm_page3_data_tData structure for HRM data page 3
oCant_hrm_page4_data_tData structure for HRM data page 4
oCant_hrm_profile_sHRM profile structure
oCant_hrm_sens_cb_tHRM Sensor control block
oCant_hrm_sens_config_tHRM sensor configuration structure
oCant_hrm_simulator_cb_tHRM simulator control block structure
oCant_hrm_simulator_cfg_tHRM simulator configuration structure
oCant_hrm_simulator_tHRM simulator structure
oCant_request_controller_tANT request controller structure
oCant_sdm_common_data_tData structure for SDM common data
oCant_sdm_disp_cb_tSDM Display control block
oCant_sdm_disp_config_tSDM Display configuration structure
oCant_sdm_page1_data_tData structure for SDM data page 1
oCant_sdm_page22_data_tData structure for SDM data page 22
oCant_sdm_page2_data_tData structure for SDM data page 2
oCant_sdm_page3_data_tData structure for SDM data page 3
oCant_sdm_profile_sSDM profile structure
oCant_sdm_sens_cb_tSDM Sensor control block
oCant_sdm_sens_config_tSDM Sensor configuration structure
oCant_sdm_simulator_cb_tSDM simulator control block structure
oCant_sdm_simulator_cfg_tSDM simulator configuration structure
oCant_sdm_simulator_tSDM simulator structure
oCant_search_config_tANT search configuration structure
oCantfs_beacon_status_byte1_tANT-FS beacon status
oCantfs_dir_header_tANT-FS directory header
oCantfs_dir_struct_tANT-FS directory entry
oCantfs_event_return_tANT-FS <-> application event communication object
oCantfs_params_tANT-FS parameters
oCantfs_request_info_tANT-FS download/upload request context
oCapp_button_cfg_tButton configuration structure
oCapp_fifo_tA FIFO instance structure
oCapp_mailbox_tMailbox definition structure
oCapp_pwm_config_tPWM configuration structure used for initialization
oCapp_pwm_tPWM instance structure
oCapp_twi_queue_tTWI transaction queue
oCapp_twi_tTWI transaction manager instance
oCapp_twi_transaction_tTWI transaction descriptor
oCapp_twi_transfer_tTWI transfer descriptor
oCapp_uart_buffers_tUART buffer for transmitting/receiving data
oCapp_uart_comm_params_tUART communication structure holding configuration settings for the peripheral
oCapp_uart_evt_tStruct containing events from the UART module
oCapp_uart_stream_comm_params_tUART communication structure holding configuration settings for the peripheral
oCassert_info_tStructure containing info about an error of the type NRF_FAULT_ID_SDK_ASSERT
oCble_add_char_params_tAdd characteristic parameters structure
oCble_add_char_user_desc_tCharacteristic User Descriptor parameters
oCble_add_descr_params_tAdd descriptor parameters structure
oCble_adv_init_tInitialization parameters for the Advertising Module
oCble_adv_modes_config_tOptions for the different advertisement modes
oCble_advdata_conn_int_tConnection interval range structure
oCble_advdata_manuf_data_tManufacturer specific data structure
oCble_advdata_service_data_tService data structure
oCble_advdata_tAdvertising data structure. This structure contains all options and data needed for encoding and setting the advertising data
oCble_advdata_tk_value_tSecurity Manager TK value
oCble_advdata_uuid_list_tUUID list type
oCble_ancs_c_attr_list_tIOS notification attribute content wanted by our application
oCble_ancs_c_evt_notif_attr_tIOS notification attribute structure for incomming attributes
oCble_ancs_c_evt_notif_tIOS notification structure
oCble_ancs_c_evt_tANCS client module event structure
oCble_ancs_c_init_tApple Notification client init structure, which contains all options and data needed for initialization of the client
oCble_ancs_c_notif_flags_tFlags for iOS notifications
oCble_ancs_c_service_tStructure used for holding the Apple Notification Center Service found during the discovery process
oCble_ancs_c_tIOS notification structure, which contains various status information for the client
oCble_ans_alert_notification_tAlert Notification structure
oCble_ans_alert_settings_tAlert Notification Setting structure containing the supported alerts in the service
oCble_ans_c_evt_tAlert Notification Event structure
oCble_ans_c_init_tAlert Notification init structure. This contains all options and data needed for initialization of the client
oCble_ans_c_sAlert Notification structure. This contains various status information for the client
oCble_ans_c_service_tStruct to hold information on the Alert Notification Service if found on the server
oCble_ans_control_point_tAlert Notification Control Point structure
oCble_bas_c_db_tStructure containing the handles related to the Battery Service found on the peer
oCble_bas_c_evt_tBattery Service Client Event structure
oCble_bas_c_init_tBattery Service Client initialization structure
oCble_bas_c_sBattery Service Client structure
oCble_bas_evt_tBattery Service event
oCble_bas_init_tBattery Service init structure. This contains all options and data needed for initialization of the service
oCble_bas_sBattery Service structure. This contains various status information for the service
oCble_bps_evt_tBlood Pressure Service event
oCble_bps_init_tBlood Pressure Service init structure. This contains all options and data needed for initialization of the service
oCble_bps_meas_sBlood Pressure Service measurement structure. This contains a Blood Pressure measurement
oCble_bps_sBlood Pressure Service structure. This contains various status information for the service
oCble_button_tStructure containing the Button value received from the peer
oCble_cgms_rec_tCGM Measurement record
oCble_cgms_sStatus information for the CGM Service
oCble_cgms_socp_value_tSpecific Operation Control Point value
oCble_cgms_sst_tRequired data for setting the SST characteristic value
oCble_conn_params_evt_tConnection Parameters Module event
oCble_conn_params_init_tConnection Parameters Module init structure. This contains all options and data needed for initialization of the connection parameters negotiation module
oCble_cs_ctrlpt_init_tSpeed and Cadence Control Point init structure. This contains all options and data needed for initialization of the Speed and Cadence Control Point module
oCble_cscs_evt_tCycling Speed and Cadence Service event
oCble_cscs_init_tCycling Speed and Cadence Service init structure. This contains all options and data needed for initialization of the service
oCble_cscs_meas_sCycling Speed and Cadence Service measurement structure. This contains a Cycling Speed and Cadence Service measurement
oCble_cscs_sCycling Speed and Cadence Service structure. This contains various status information for the service
oCble_cts_c_evt_tCurrent Time Service client event
oCble_cts_c_handles_tStructure containing the handles related to the Heart Rate Service found on the peer
oCble_cts_c_init_tCurrent Time Service client init structure. This structure contains all options and data needed for initialization of the client
oCble_cts_c_sCurrent Time Service client structure. This structure contains status information for the client
oCble_date_time_tDate and Time structure
oCble_db_discovery_evt_tStructure containing the event from the DB discovery module to the application
oCble_db_discovery_tStructure for holding the information related to the GATT database at the server
oCble_dfu_tDFU Service
oCble_dis_init_tDevice Information Service init structure. This contains all possible characteristics needed for initialization of the service
oCble_dis_pnp_id_tPnP ID parameters
oCble_dis_reg_cert_data_list_tIEEE 11073-20601 Regulatory Certification Data List Structure
oCble_dis_sys_id_tSystem ID parameters
oCble_error_log_data_tError Log Data structure
oCble_gatt_db_char_tStructure for holding the characteristic and the handle of its CCCD present on a server
oCble_gatt_db_srv_tStructure for holding information about the service and the characteristics present on a server
oCble_gls_evt_tGlucose Service event
oCble_gls_init_tGlucose Service init structure. This contains all options and data needed for initialization of the service
oCble_gls_meas_context_tGlucose measurement context structure
oCble_gls_meas_tGlucose Measurement structure. This contains glucose measurement value
oCble_gls_rec_tGlucose measurement record
oCble_gls_sGlucose Service structure. This contains various status information for the service
oCble_hids_char_id_tHID Service characteristic id
oCble_hids_evt_tHID Service event
oCble_hids_feature_rep_init_tHID Service Feature Report characteristic init structure. This contains all options and data needed for initialization of one Feature Report characteristic
oCble_hids_hid_information_tHID Information characteristic value
oCble_hids_init_tHID Service init structure. This contains all options and data needed for initialization of the service
oCble_hids_inp_rep_init_tHID Service Input Report characteristic init structure. This contains all options and data needed for initialization of one Input Report characteristic
oCble_hids_outp_rep_init_tHID Service Output Report characteristic init structure. This contains all options and data needed for initialization of one Output Report characteristic
oCble_hids_rep_char_tHID Report characteristic structure
oCble_hids_rep_map_init_tHID Service Report Map characteristic init structure. This contains all options and data needed for initialization of the Report Map characteristic
oCble_hids_sHID Service structure. This contains various status information for the service
oCble_hrm_tStructure containing the heart rate measurement received from the peer
oCble_hrs_c_evt_tHeart Rate Event structure
oCble_hrs_c_init_tHeart Rate Client initialization structure
oCble_hrs_c_sHeart Rate Client structure
oCble_hrs_evt_tHeart Rate Service event
oCble_hrs_init_tHeart Rate Service init structure. This contains all options and data needed for initialization of the service
oCble_hrs_sHeart Rate Service structure. This contains various status information for the service
oCble_hts_evt_tHealth Thermometer Service event
oCble_hts_init_tHealth Thermometer Service init structure. This contains all options and data needed for initialization of the service
oCble_hts_meas_sHealth Thermometer Service measurement structure. This contains a Health Thermometer measurement
oCble_hts_sHealth Thermometer Service structure. This contains various status information for the service
oCble_ias_c_evt_tImmediate Alert Service client event
oCble_ias_c_init_tIAS Client init structure. This contains all options and data needed for initialization of the client
oCble_ias_c_sIAS Client structure. This contains various status information for the client
oCble_ias_evt_tImmediate Alert Service event
oCble_ias_init_tImmediate Alert Service init structure. This contains all options and data needed for initialization of the service
oCble_ias_sImmediate Alert Service structure. This contains various status information for the service
oCble_lbs_c_evt_tLED Button Event structure
oCble_lbs_c_init_tLED Button Client initialization structure
oCble_lbs_c_sLED Button Client structure
oCble_lbs_init_tLED Button Service init structure. This structure contains all options and data needed for initialization of the service
oCble_lbs_sLED Button Service structure. This structure contains various status information for the service
oCble_lls_evt_tLink Loss Service event
oCble_lls_init_tLink Loss Service init structure. This contains all options and data needed for initialization of the service
oCble_lls_sLink Loss Service structure. This contains various status information for the service
oCble_lncp_mask_tA mask can be used to temporarily enable and disable features of the Location and Speed characteristic
oCble_lncp_rsp_tInformation included in a control point write response indication
oCble_lns_evt_tLocation and Navigation event structure. When an event occurs, the data structures of the module are automatically updated
oCble_lns_init_sLocation and Navigation Service init structure. This structure contains all options and data needed to initialize the service
oCble_lns_loc_speed_sLocation and Speed data structure
oCble_lns_navigation_sNavigation data structure
oCble_lns_pos_quality_sPosition quality structure
oCble_lns_route_tDefinition of a navigation route
oCble_lns_sLocation and Navigation Service structure. This structure contains various status information for the service
oCble_nus_c_evt_tStructure containing the NUS event data received from the peer
oCble_nus_c_handles_tHandles on the connected peer device needed to interact with it
oCble_nus_c_init_tNUS Client initialization structure
oCble_nus_c_sNUS Client structure
oCble_nus_init_tNordic UART Service initialization structure
oCble_nus_sNordic UART Service structure
oCble_racp_value_tRecord Access Control Point value structure
oCble_rsc_tStructure containing the Running Speed and Cadence measurement received from the peer
oCble_rscs_c_db_tStructure containing the handles related to the Running Speed and Cadence Service found on the peer
oCble_rscs_c_evt_tRunning Speed and Cadence Event structure
oCble_rscs_c_init_tRunning Speed and Cadence client initialization structure
oCble_rscs_c_sRunning Speed and Cadence client structure
oCble_rscs_evt_tRunning Speed and Cadence Service event
oCble_rscs_init_tRunning Speed and Cadence Service init structure. This contains all options and data needed for initialization of the service
oCble_rscs_meas_sRunning Speed and Cadence Service measurement structure. This contains a Running Speed and Cadence measurement
oCble_rscs_sRunning Speed and Cadence Service structure. This contains various status information for the service
oCble_sc_ctrlpt_evt_tSpeed and Cadence Control point event
oCble_sc_ctrlpt_resp_tSpeed and Cadence Control Point response indication structure
oCble_sc_ctrlpt_sSpeed and Cadence Control Point structure. This contains various status information for the Speed and Cadence Control Point behavior
oCble_socp_rsp_tSpecific Operation Control Point response structure
oCble_srv_cccd_security_mode_tSecurity settings structure
oCble_srv_report_ref_tValue of a Report Reference descriptor
oCble_srv_security_mode_tSecurity settings structure
oCble_srv_utf8_str_tUTF-8 string data type
oCble_tps_init_tTX Power Service init structure. This contains all options and data needed for initialization of the service
oCble_tps_tTX Power Service structure. This contains various status information for the service
oCcurrent_time_char_tData structure for the Current Time Characteristic
oCday_date_time_t"Day Date Time" field of the "Exact Time 256" field of the Current Time Characteristic
oCdfu_progress_tDFU progress
oCerror_info_tStructure containing info about an error of the type NRF_FAULT_ID_SDK_ERROR
oCexact_time_256_t"Exact Time 256" field of the Current Time Characteristic
oCfds_evt_tAn FDS event
oCfds_find_token_tA token to keep information about the progress of fds_record_find, fds_record_find_by_key, and fds_record_find_in_file
oCfds_flash_record_tStructure that can be used to read the contents of a record stored in flash
oCfds_header_tThe record metadata as stored in flash
oCfds_ic_tPart of the record metadata
oCfds_record_chunk_tA chunk of record data to be written to flash
oCfds_record_desc_tThe record descriptor structure that is used to manipulate records
oCfds_record_tA record to be written to flash
oCfds_reserve_token_tA token to a reserved space in flash, created by fds_reserve
oCfds_stat_tFile system statistics
oCfds_tl_tPart of the record metadata
oCfs_config_tFstorage application-specific configuration
oCfs_evt_tAn fstorage event
oCHardFault_stackContents of the stack
oChci_slip_evt_tStructure containing an event from the SLIP layer
oChci_transport_evt_tStruct containing events from the Transport layer
oChrs_db_tStructure containing the handles related to the Heart Rate Service found on the peer
oCieee_float16_tSFLOAT format (IEEE-11073 16-bit FLOAT, defined as a 16-bit vlue with 12-bit mantissa and 4-bit exponent
oCieee_float32_tFLOAT format (IEEE-11073 32-bit FLOAT, defined as a 32-bit value with a 24-bit mantissa and an 8-bit exponent
oClbs_db_tStructure containing the handles related to the LED Button Service found on the peer
oCled_sb_init_params_tStructure holding the initialization parameters
oClow_power_pwm_config_tStructure holding the initialization parameters
oCnfc_ac_rec_data_ref_tCarrier Data Reference and Auxiliary Data Reference descriptor
oCnfc_ac_rec_payload_desc_tAlternative Carrier record payload descriptor
oCnfc_hs_rec_payload_desc_tHandover Select record payload descriptor
oCnfc_ndef_bin_payload_desc_tBinary data descriptor containing the payload for the record
oCnfc_ndef_msg_desc_tNDEF message descriptor
oCnfc_ndef_parser_memo_desc_tType for holding descriptors that are used by the NDEF parser
oCnfc_ndef_record_desc_tNDEF record descriptor
oCnfc_text_rec_payload_desc_tText record payload descriptor
oCnrf_adc_config_tAnalog-to-digital converter configuration
oCnrf_ble_bms_auth_code_tReceived authorization codes
oCnrf_ble_bms_bond_cbs_tBMS bond management callbacks
oCnrf_ble_bms_ctrlpt_tBMS control points
oCnrf_ble_bms_evt_tBMS events
oCnrf_ble_bms_features_tSupported features
oCnrf_ble_bms_init_tBMS initialization structure that contains all information needed to initialize the service
oCnrf_ble_bms_sStatus information for the service
oCnrf_ble_cgm_status_tStatus of the CGM measurement
oCnrf_ble_cgms_calib_tCalibration value
oCnrf_ble_cgms_char_handler_tHandles related to CGM characteristics
oCnrf_ble_cgms_evt_tCGM Service event
oCnrf_ble_cgms_feature_tFeatures supported by the CGM Service
oCnrf_ble_cgms_init_tCGM Service initialization structure that contains all options and data needed for initializing the service
oCnrf_ble_cgms_meas_tCGM measurement
oCnrf_ble_cgms_racp_tRecord Access Control Point transaction data
oCnrf_ble_cgms_sensor_annunc_tCGM Measurement Sensor Status Annunciation
oCnrf_ble_qwr_evt_tQueued Writes module events
oCnrf_ble_qwr_init_tQueued Writes init structure
oCnrf_ble_qwr_tQueued Writes structure
oCnrf_comp_ref_conf_tCOMP reference configuration
oCnrf_comp_th_tCOMP THDOWN and THUP values that are used to calculate the threshold voltages VDOWN and VUP
oCnrf_crypto_key_tCryptographic key
oCnrf_csense_evt_param_tEvent data union for nrf_csense events
oCnrf_csense_evt_tStructure with event parameters
oCnrf_csense_slider_evt_tStructure with slider event data including the measured step
oCnrf_dfu_bank_tDescription of a single bank
oCnrf_dfu_req_tDefinition of a DFU request sent from the transport layer
oCnrf_dfu_res_tResponse used during DFU operations
oCnrf_dfu_settings_tDFU settings for application and bank data
oCnrf_dfu_transport_tDFU transport registration
oCnrf_drv_adc_channel_config_tADC channel configuration
oCnrf_drv_adc_channel_sADC channel
oCnrf_drv_adc_config_tADC configuration
oCnrf_drv_adc_done_evt_tAnalog-to-digital converter driver DONE event
oCnrf_drv_adc_evt_tAnalog-to-digital converter driver event
oCnrf_drv_adc_sample_evt_tAnalog-to-digital converter driver SAMPLE event
oCnrf_drv_comp_config_tCOMP configuration
oCnrf_drv_csense_config_tModule initializing structure
oCnrf_drv_csense_evt_tStructure holding event parameters
oCnrf_drv_gpiote_in_config_tInput pin configuration
oCnrf_drv_gpiote_out_config_tOutput pin configuration
oCnrf_drv_i2s_config_tI2S driver configuration structure
oCnrf_drv_lpcomp_config_tLPCOMP configuration
oCnrf_drv_pdm_config_tPDM interface driver configuration structure
oCnrf_drv_pwm_config_tPWM driver configuration structure
oCnrf_drv_pwm_tPWM driver instance data structure
oCnrf_drv_qdec_config_tQDEC configuration structure
oCnrf_drv_qdec_event_tQDEC event handler structure
oCnrf_drv_qdec_report_data_evt_tQDEC report event data
oCnrf_drv_qdec_sample_data_evt_tQDEC sample event data
oCnrf_drv_rng_config_tStruct for RNG configuration
oCnrf_drv_rtc_config_tRTC driver instance configuration structure
oCnrf_drv_rtc_tRTC driver instance structure
oCnrf_drv_saadc_config_tAnalog-to-digital converter driver configuration structure
oCnrf_drv_saadc_done_evt_tAnalog-to-digital converter driver done event data
oCnrf_drv_saadc_evt_tAnalog-to-digital converter driver event structure
oCnrf_drv_saadc_limit_evt_tAnalog-to-digital converter driver limit event data
oCnrf_drv_spi_config_tSPI master driver instance configuration structure
oCnrf_drv_spi_tSPI master driver instance data structure
oCnrf_drv_spi_xfer_desc_tSingle transfer descriptor structure
oCnrf_drv_spis_config_tSPI peripheral device configuration data
oCnrf_drv_spis_event_tStructure containing the event context from the SPI slave driver
oCnrf_drv_spis_tSPI slave driver instance data structure
oCnrf_drv_timer_config_tTimer driver instance configuration structure
oCnrf_drv_timer_tTimer driver instance data structure
oCnrf_drv_twi_config_tStructure for the TWI master driver instance configuration
oCnrf_drv_twi_evt_tStructure for a TWI event
oCnrf_drv_twi_tStructure for the TWI master driver instance
oCnrf_drv_twi_xfer_desc_tStructure for a TWI transfer descriptor
oCnrf_drv_twis_config_tStructure for TWIS configuration
oCnrf_drv_twis_evt_tTWIS driver event structure
oCnrf_drv_twis_tTWIS driver instance structure
oCnrf_drv_uart_config_tStructure for UART configuration
oCnrf_drv_uart_error_evt_tStructure for UART error event
oCnrf_drv_uart_event_tStructure for UART event
oCnrf_drv_uart_tStructure for the UART driver instance
oCnrf_drv_uart_xfer_evt_tStructure for UART transfer completion event
oCnrf_drv_wdt_config_tStruct for WDT initialization
oCnrf_esb_config_tMain configuration structure for the module
oCnrf_esb_evt_tEnhanced ShockBurst event
oCnrf_esb_payload_tEnhanced ShockBurst payload
oCnrf_gzll_device_tx_info_tData structure containing information about the last packet transmission
oCnrf_gzll_host_rx_info_tData structure containing information about the last packet received
oCnrf_ic_info_tIC information struct containing the IC revision, RAM size, and FLASH size
oCnrf_lpcomp_config_tLPCOMP configuration
oCnrf_pwm_sequence_tStructure for defining a sequence of PWM duty cycles
oCnrf_pwm_values_grouped_tStructure for defining duty cycle values for a sequence loaded in NRF_PWM_LOAD_GROUPED mode
oCnrf_pwm_values_individual_tStructure for defining duty cycle values for a sequence loaded in NRF_PWM_LOAD_INDIVIDUAL mode
oCnrf_pwm_values_tUnion grouping pointers to arrays of duty cycle values applicable to various loading modes
oCnrf_pwm_values_wave_form_tStructure for defining duty cycle values for a sequence loaded in NRF_PWM_LOAD_WAVE_FORM mode
oCnrf_saadc_channel_config_tAnalog-to-digital converter channel configuration structure
oCnrf_saadc_config_tAnalog-to-digital converter configuration structure
oCnrf_svc_func_reg_tType holding the SVC number and the pointer to the corresponding function
oCparsed_ndef_msg_1_tMemory allocated for a one-record message
oCparsed_ndef_msg_2_tMemory allocated for a two-record message
oCpin_transition_tPin transition direction struct
oCpm_conn_sec_config_tConfiguration of a security procedure
oCpm_conn_sec_status_tSecurity status of a connection
oCpm_conn_secure_failed_evt_tParameters specific to the PM_EVT_CONN_SEC_FAILED event
oCpm_conn_secured_evt_tParameters specific to the PM_EVT_CONN_SEC_SUCCEEDED event
oCpm_evt_tAn event from the Peer Manager module
oCpm_failure_evt_tStandard parameters for failure events
oCpm_peer_data_bonding_tData associated with a bond to a peer
oCpm_peer_data_local_gatt_db_tData on a local GATT database
oCpm_peer_data_update_failed_tParameters specific to the PM_EVT_PEER_DATA_UPDATE_FAILED event
oCpm_peer_data_update_succeeded_evt_tParameters specific to the PM_EVT_PEER_DATA_UPDATE_SUCCEEDED event
oCpm_privacy_params_tDevice Privacy
oCregcertdatalist_tIEEE 11073-20601 Regulatory Certification Data List Structure
oCsdk_mapped_flags_key_list_tType used to present a subset of the registered keys
oCsensorsim_cfg_tTriangular waveform sensor simulator configuration
oCsensorsim_state_tTriangular waveform sensor simulator state
oCser_ble_gap_app_keyset_tGAP connection - keyset mapping structure
oCser_ble_gap_conn_keyset_tGAP connection - keyset mapping structure
oCser_ble_user_mem_tConnection - user memory mapping structure
oCser_hal_transport_evt_phy_error_params_tStruct containing parameters of event of type SER_HAL_TRANSP_EVT_PHY_ERROR
oCser_hal_transport_evt_rx_pkt_received_params_tStruct containing parameters of event of type SER_HAL_TRANSP_EVT_RX_PKT_RECEIVED
oCser_hal_transport_evt_tStruct containing events from the Serialization HAL Transport layer
oCser_phy_evt_hw_error_params_tA struct containing parameters of event of type SER_PHY_EVT_HW_ERROR
oCser_phy_evt_rx_buf_request_params_tA struct containing parameters of event of type SER_PHY_EVT_RX_BUF_REQUEST
oCser_phy_evt_rx_pkt_received_params_tA struct containing parameters of event of type SER_PHY_EVT_RX_PKT_RECEIVED
oCser_phy_evt_tA struct containing events from a Serialization PHY module
oCser_phy_hci_evt_hw_error_params_tStruct containing parameters of event of type SER_PHY_HCI_SLIP_EVT_HW_ERROR
oCser_phy_hci_pkt_params_tStruct representing a PHY HCI packet
oCser_phy_hci_slip_evt_tStruct containing events from the Serialization PHY module
oCsercon_ble_user_mem_tConnection - user memory mapping structure
oCsfloat_tSFLOAT format (IEEE-11073 16-bit FLOAT, meaning 4 bits for exponent (base 10) and 12 bits mantissa)
oCsha256_context_tCurrent state of a hash operation
oCspi_master_config_tStruct containing configuration parameters of the SPI master
oCspi_master_evt_tStruct containing parameters of the SPI MASTER event
oCtlv_block_tTLV block descriptor
oCtype_2_tag_capability_container_tDescriptor for the Capability Container (CC) bytes of a Type 2 Tag
oCtype_2_tag_serial_number_tDescriptor for the internal bytes of a Type 2 Tag
oCtype_2_tag_tType 2 Tag descriptor
oCuint8_array_tByte array type
oCulong_union_tUint32_t type presentation as an union
\Cushort_union_tUint16_t type presentation as an union

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