8-bit PCM streaming

Thingy is capable of streaming 8-bit PCM audio from the mobile device to its speaker. Select one of the example audio files to stream it to Thingy.

iOS Android Web
Screenshot: iOS Stream 8-bit PCM
Screenshot: Android Speaker PCM
Screenshot: Web Stream audio
This feature only works properly on iPhone 7 and iPhone 7+ devices with iOS 10 and later, because they support the Data Length Extension (DLE) feature. Older devices do not have this feature and audio streaming will not work properly (lots of chipping and skipping), because they are not fast enough to keep Thingy streaming fully buffered.
Older or low-end devices running Android version earlier than Lollipop may encounter interruptions with audio streaming because of lower MTU sizes. If you notice interruptions during audio streaming, try lowering the maximum connection interval in the Thingy app configuration. However, this might not solve the problem, due to hardware limitations. A mobile device can only stream to one Thingy at a given time due to bandwidth limitations.