Frequency mode

This mode simulates a piano keyboard that plays at different frequencies. Only one note can be played at a time.

iOS Android Web
Screenshot: iOS piano keyboard
Screenshot: Android piano keyboard
Screenshot: Web 'Play tones' buttons

To play a note, tap the respective piano key or tone button.

iOS: Record and Play

Record and Play buttons are available to store user input and replay these commands on Thingy. No actual audio is recorded in that process, just key strokes and durations.

To record input for later playback, press the Record button, play some notes, and press Stop to store the keystrokes.

Whenever there is recorded data, the Play button will appear next to the Record button.

To start playing back the recorded keystrokes, press Play. Playback will stop automatically, or when you press Stop.

iOS: Volume control

Use the volume slider to control the loudness of the sound on Thingy. This slider only affects the notes played on the piano keyboard and not any other sound feature on the device.