Programming interface

A connector for the ARM SWD interface is included on the product example for easy firmware upgrade purposes.

When this interface is connected to a compatible programmer, firmware upgrades can be made directly on the board. The interface is found on the 10 pin connector P1.

Figure 1. Location of SWD interface connector P1
Smart Remote 3 for nRF52 product example: Location of SWD interface connector P1

Firmware update of Smart Remote 3 describes how to connect and upgrade firmware, and debug the product example.

Note: Make sure that pin 1 on the P1 connector on the PCA200xx board is connected to pin 1 of the connector on the programmer unit.
Table 1. SWD interface connector pin configuration
Pin Label Description
P1_1 VDD Reference voltage for programmer
P1_2 SWDIO Serial wire debug data
P1_3 GND Ground
P1_4 SWDCLK Serial wire debug clock
P1_5 GND Ground
P1_6 NC No connection
P1_7 NC No connection
P1_8 NC No connection
P1_9 GND Ground
P1_10 NC No connection