Connect product example to nRF52 DK

The programming and debugging interface of the nRF52832 is accessed through a 10-pin connector (P1) on the product example.

In this user guide we will use the nRF52 DK as reference, but the nRF51 DK can also be used.

To be able to program and debug, the product example needs to be connected to a SEGGER J-Link device. Make sure that pin 1 on the Debug Out connector on the nRF52 DK is connected to pin 1 on the P1 connector on the PCA20023 board. Pin 1 position shows the position of pin 1 on the Debug out connector.

To connect the product example to the nRF52 DK, use a 10-pin flat cable. Connect the cable to the product example so that there is a 1–1 mapping of the pins. nRF52 DK connected to the product example shows what the connection should look like.