Chip and memory information

When you select a board, nRFgo Studio identifies the nRF chip and how its memory is organized.

Table 1. Chip and memory information displayed in nRFgo Studio
Chip and memory information Description
nRF chip identification

Identifies the chip by name and code variant (for example, nRF52832 QFAAA0).

If the debugger is not connected to the chip, or the debugger has a problem communicating with the chip, it shows the following message “No device detected. Ensure that you have the SEGGER connected correctly to the board and that the board is powered and configured for debugging.”

Code memory

Shows how the code memory is organized in one or two regions (Region 0 and 1) and the size of each region.

For devices containing a SoftDevice, the code memory is divided into two regions, with the SoftDevice in Region 0. The tool shows you how much memory is used by the SoftDevice and how much is left for the application.
Memory readback protection

Shows how readback protection is set.

The two possible options are readback protection of Region 0 or readback protection of the whole code memory. If there is only one region, the option is readback protection on (All) or off.

SoftDevice identification nRFgo Studio tries to identify the firmware located in the chip at Region 0. For the firmware that it recognizes it displays the ID (in clear text) and for unrecognized firmware it displays the FWID number.