nRF Sniffer for 802.15.4 v0.7.2

Installing Wireshark on Ubuntu Linux

Installing Wireshark on Ubuntu Linux requires creating a custom user group.

To install Wireshark on Ubuntu Linux:

  1. Download Wireshark for Ubuntu Linux:
    1. Go to Wireshark download page.
    2. From the table at the bottom of the page, download the Wireshark standard package or the latest stable PPA for Ubuntu Linux distribution.
    3. Install the package on your system.
    4. During the download and installation process, make sure to create the wireshark user group and allow all members of that group to capture packets.
  2. Add the correct user_name to the dialout user group by typing sudo usermod -a -G dialout user_name.
  3. Log out and log in again to apply the new user group settings.
Then install the nRF Sniffer capture plugin, as described in the following section.