nRF Connect Serial Terminal v1.0.1 or later

Serial Terminal configuration

Serial Terminal settings are explained here. Use the default settings unless the onboard application firmware uses other settings. See DevAcademy Serial communication (UART) for more information.

Serial Settings

Table 1. Serial settings
Setting Description Available options
Baud rate The speed at which data is transmitted between devices. Higher baud rates allow for faster data transfer but might be more prone to errors due to signal distortion. For information on supported baud rates, check the device's hardware user guide. The most commonly used baud rates are 115 200, 38 400, 19 200, and 9 600. 50 to 115 200
Data bits The number of bits that carry data.
  • 8 (default)
  • 7
Stop bits

The number of stop bits.

  • 1 (default)
  • 2
Parity An error-checking mechanism to detect errors in the data transmission. For example, even parity means that the number of 1s in the data byte and parity bit combined is even, while odd parity means that the number of 1s is odd.
  • none (default)
  • even
  • odd
  • mark (Windows only)
  • space (Windows only)
rts/cts Request to Send (RTS) and Clear to Send (CTS) use two cross-coupled wires between the devices. If hardware flow control is enabled, each end will use its RTS to indicate that it is ready to send new data and read its CTS to see if it is allowed to send data to the other end.
  • off (default)
  • on
xOn When using software flow control, xOn (transmission on) signals that the device is ready to accept data.
  • off (default)
  • on
xOff When using software flow control, xOff (transmission off) signals that the device is unable to accept more data.
  • off (default)
  • on
xAny Software flow control setting.
  • off (default)
  • on

Terminal settings

Line mode
Line mode sends each command to the connected device separately. The device processes each command and returns a response before waiting for the next command. This mode is commonly used for devices that are not running a shell, where each command is a discrete operation that the device can perform independently. For example, you can use it to enter modem AT commands.
Shell mode
Use Shell mode when the device you communicate with is running a shell, such as Zephyrâ„¢ shell. In this mode, the terminal sends the command or command series to the device for execution by the shell. The shell can return output or prompt the user for additional input. Shell mode allows you to execute more complex operations, navigate the file system, or perform other advanced tasks that are not possible in Line mode.
Table 2. Terminal settings
Terminal mode Setting Description
Line Clear on Send When Clear on Send is enabled, input text is cleared from the terminal input window after it has been transmitted.
Line Line Ending Use this to send an optional line ending to the command sent to the connected device.

The alternatives are:

  • None
  • LF sends the newline character
  • CR for carriage return
  • CRLF sends carriage return and newline
Shell Device Controls Echo Toggle this on if echo is enabled on the device, and toggle off if not, in which case Serial Terminal echoes the command. In Zephyr shell, run shell echo on to turn echo on, and shell echo off to disable echo.