Power Profiler Kit v1.0.1

Power supply

There are two different modes of measurement for the Power Profiler Kit II (PPK2).

The measurement modes are:

The modes are selected in the Power Profiler app.

When the PPK2 is used in Source Meter mode, its output can be adjusted between 0.8 - 5.0 V through the Power Profiler app.

When the PPK2 is used in Ampere Meter mode, an external power supply is used for the Device Under Test (DUT). The external voltage is applied directly to the circuits without regulation. This voltage must be limited to the 0.8 - 5.0 V range.

The data/power Universal Serial Bus (USB) connection must always be connected when using the PPK2. If the PPK2 is operating in Source Meter mode and the DUT can draw more than 400 mA, an extra external USB power supply that can deliver 1 A or more is recommended.