nRF Util v7.1.0

Customizing the trace configuration

To change to the serial port settings, such as baud rate, stop, or parity bits, you can modify the trace configuration.

The nrfutil trace lte subcommand creates a temporary trace configuration file which is discarded when tracing has finished. You can export a copy of the configuration file and modify it as follows.

  1. When tracing, pass the flag –keep-configuration.
    When tracing has completed, a file with the naming style trace-collection-configuration-YYYYMMDD-ThhmmssUTC.json is produced.
  2. Edit the file and change the required settings.
  3. Pass the updated configuration to the nrfutil trace process subcommand as follows:
    nrfutil trace process ––config trace-collection-configuration-YYYYMMDD-ThhmmssUTC.json