nRF Util v7.1.0

Programming the application firmware on a Nordic Thingy:53

Nordic Thingy:53™ devices in application serial recovery mode are annotated with the mcuBoot trait.

Precompiled application firmware samples are available at Nordic Thingy:53 Downloads. These are multi-image MCUBoot DFU zip packages.
  1. To find the device serial number, list devices with the mcuBoot trait:
    nrfutil device list --traits mcuboot
  2. To program, for example, the machine learning sample on a device with serial number xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, run:
    nrfutil device program --firmware Machine_Learning/ --serial-number xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
In nRF Connect SDK, samples compatible with the Nordic Thingy:53, such as the machine learning sample, building for the thingy53_nrf5340_cpuapp_ns target generates a file build/zephyr/ This corresponds to the zip package previously used and can be programmed in the same way:
nrfutil device program --firmware build/zephyr/ --serial-number xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The file build/zephyr/app_signed.hex can also be used:
nrfutil device program --firmware build/zephyr/app_signed.hex --serial-number xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx