nRF Util v7.1.0

Programming a device with a SEGGER J-Link OB debugger

Nordic Semiconductor DKs contain SEGGER J-Link Onboard (OB) debuggers and are listed with the jlink device trait when connected to the computer through the J-Link USB port.

You can use the following procedure to progam new firmware to the board:
  1. Find the serial number of the J-Link device connected to the system, by running:
    nrfutil device list --traits jlink
  2. Delete old firmware on the board, by running the following:
    nrfutil device erase --serial-number xxxxxxxxx
  3. Program the new firmware to the board, by running:
    nrfutil device program --serial-number xxxxxxxxx --firmware /path/fw.hex
  4. Reset the device, by running:
    nrfutil device reset --serial-number xxxxxxxxx
Alternatively, you can use the --options flag to combine the previous steps, as follows:
nrfutil device program --serial-number xxxxxxxxx --firmware /path/fw.hex --options chip_erase_mode=ERASE_ALL,reset=RESET_SYSTEM