nRF Util v7.1.0

Listing device serial numbers and traits

When programming and tracing, you must specify the target device or devices. This can be done using the device serial number or traits, which are discovered using nrfutil device list.

All Nordic Semiconductor devices are annotated with traits, which are used to determine whether a device supports a given device operation or programming method.
Table 1. nrfutil device list commands
Run Description
nrfutil device list To view a list of connected devices and information such as serial numbers, com ports and traits.
nrfutil device list --json-pretty To view more information on the devices.
nrfutil device list --help To view a full list of available traits and their descriptions.
nrfutil device list --traits jlink To filter devices based on a trait, in this example jlink
The following example shows how to program new firmware to a device using its serial number:
nrfutil device program --serial-number xxxxxxxxx --firmware /path/fw.hex
To program firmware to multiple devices in a batch operation, you can supply multiple serial numbers:
nrfutil device program --serial-number xxxxxxxxx,yyyyyyyyy --firmware /path/fw.hex
Alternatively, devices can be selected based on their traits:
nrfutil device program --traits jlink --firmware /path/fw.hex