npm1300 v1.1.0

LDO bypass capacitors

Low-Dropout Regulator (LDO) bypass capacitors are available when the load switches are in LDO mode.

For LDO mode connect jumpers between pin 3 and 4 on pin header P16 for LDO1, and pin 1 and 2 for LDO2. The LDO schematic is shown in Load switch and LDO schematic.

Table 1. Jumper configuration for LDO bypass capacitors
PMIC pin Connected configuration Connected jumper pins
VOUTLDO1 LDO1 P16 pin 3 to pin 4
VOUTLDO2 LDO2 P16 pin 1 to pin 2
Note: Ensure the LDO bypass capacitors are disconnected when the load switches are not in LDO mode.