Environmental Qualification Reports

This page lists environmental qualification reports for nRF24 legacy products. The validity period of the Hazardous Substance Test Reports (HSR) is one year. The Material Composition Reports (MCR) are based on the subcontractor assembly process and do not expire unless there are changes in the bill of materials.

Table 1. nRF24 legacy products environmental qualification reports
Variant Build code HSR MCR
nRF24L01 D 2023-03 2013-08
nRF24L01-C16 B 2020-02 2013-12
nRF24LU1-F16Q32 - - 2014-10
nRF2401AG B 2023-03 2013-08
nRF2402G C 2023-03 2013-08
nRF24AP1 B 2019-06 2014-05
nRF24E1G B 2016-05 2013-08
nRF24E2G 2013-10
nRF24Z1 D 2017-06 2010-10

For more information on the environmental reports, contact [email protected].