Peripheral connection setup and connection timing

Peripheral link timing-events are added as per the timing dictated by peer Central.

Figure 1. Peripheral connection setup and connection
Peripheral connection setup and connection

Peripheral link timing-events may collide with any other running role timing-events because the timing of the connection as a Peripheral is dictated by the peer.

Figure 2. Peripheral connection setup and connection with collision
Peripheral connection setup and connection with collision
Table 1. Peripheral role timing ranges
Value Description Value (μs)
tSlaveNominalWindow Listening window on slave to receive first packet in a connection event 2 * (16 + 16 + 250 + 250)

Assuming 250 ppm sleep clock accuracy on both slave and master with 1-second connection interval, 16 is the sleep clock instantaneous timing on both master and slave.

tSlaveEventNominal Nominal event length for slave link tSlaveNominalWindow + tevent

Refer to Radio Notification notation and terminology and Bluetooth Low Energy Radio Notification timing ranges.

tSlaveEventMax Maximum event length for slave link tSlaveEventNominal + 7 ms

Where 7 ms is added for the maximum listening window for 500 ppm sleep clock accuracy on both master and slave with 4-second connection interval.

The listening window is dynamic and is therefore added so that tradio remains constant.

tAdvEventMax Maximum event length for advertiser (all types except directed high duty cycle advertiser) role tprep (max) + tevent (max for adv role except directed high duty cycle adv)

Refer to Radio Notification notation and terminology and Bluetooth Low Energy Radio Notification timing ranges.