nRF5 SDK for Thread and Zigbee v3.1.0
Zigbee CLI wrapper

Table of Contents

Zigbee CLI wrapper (zb_cli_wrapper) is a Python package for the nRF5 SDK for Zigbee that includes a wrapper for automating communication with the Zigbee CLI Agent example and improving the control of the Zigbee network.

It is a standalone package and can be used on both Windows and Linux machines.


The wrapper allows you to:

Supported CLI commands

Zigbee CLI Wrapper automates the communication with Zigbee CLI Agent example by wrapping the following CLI commands to Python functions and by parsing command responses:

Installing the wrapper

The Zigbee CLI wrapper package is available for download from the Zigbee CLI wrapper PyPI repository.

After downloading the package, check the example subfolder for an example application that uses the wrapper package.

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