nRF5 SDK v17.0.0

The nRF5 SDK documentation includes descriptions and other reference material to help you understand the various components of the SDK. Examples are provided for development purposes only and should always be tested with your design.

See Getting Started for instructions on how to run the provided examples.

This version of the SDK supports the following SoftDevices:

This SDK supports developing for nRF52810 on the nRF52 DK. See Developing for nRF52810 for details.

This SDK supports developing for nRF52811 on the nRF52840 DK. See Developing for nRF52811 for details.

This SDK supports developing for nRF52820 on the nRF52833 DK. See Developing for nRF52820 for details.

To download a copy of the SDK documentation for offline use, go to

SDK Release Notes:

nRF5 SDK v17.0.0
Release Date: June, 2020


- Added support for a new chip: nRF52820
- Added support for a new SoftDevice: S122 
 (size-optimized central-only Bluetooth Low Energy SoftDevice)
- Added a driver for the new RF front-end module nRF21540
- Removed IoT components and examples
- Removed Keil 4 support

The following toolchains/devices have been used for testing and verification:

 - ARM: MDK-ARM version 5.25
 - GCC: GCC ARM Embedded 9.2019q4.major
 - IAR: IAR Workbench 7.80.4
 - SES: SES 4.50

Note for IAR 8 users:
(Libraries for IAR 8 require wchar_t to be of size 32 bits while IAR 7 requires 16 bits).

To run a project using IAR 8, follow these intructions:
 - Open the IAR project in IAR 8. The IAR workbench will automatically generate an IAR 8 compatible project file.
 - If the project contains one of the precompiled libraries listed below, replace it
   with the IAR 8 compatible alternative (there are no projects targeting nRF51 in this SDK).
 - Save the project.
 - When building the project, you might get the warning: "The header file 'cmsis_iar.h' is obsolete and should not be used. [...]".
    - The problem is described in DevZone post:
      The solution is to remove all occurrences of #include <cmsis_iar.h>.

The affected libraries are:
 - micro-ecc crypto:
    - IAR7: Includes library located in the folder named “…_iar\…”.
    - IAR8: Switch to using the library from the folder named “…_armgcc\…”.
 - nrf_cc310, nrf_cc310_bl, and nrf_oberon:
    - IAR7: Link to a library where “short_wchar” is part of the folder name.
    - IAR8: Link to a library without “short_wchar” in part of the folder name.
 - Gazell, NFC Tag, and 802.15.4:
    - IAR7: Includes the library where the file name ends with “_iar”.
    - IAR8: Switch to using the library with similar file name that ends with “_gcc”.

Supported SoftDevices:
 - S112 v7.x.x
 - S113 v7.x.x
 - S122 v8.x.x
 - S132 v7.x.x
 - S140 v7.x.x
 - S212 v6.1.x
 - S312 v6.1.x
 - S332 v6.1.x
 - S340 v6.1.x

Supported boards:

- PCA10040
- PCA10040E (nRF52810 emulation on PCA10040)
- PCA10056
- PCA10056E (nRF52811 emulation on PCA10056)
- PCA10100 (support in selected examples)
- PCA10100E (nRF52820 emulation on PCA10100)
- PCA10059 (support in selected examples)
- D52DK1 from Garmin Canada (only for ANT examples)
- PCA10112 (nRF52840 with the nRF2140 front-end chip)

For other devices and boards, see the SDK documentation, section "Using
the SDK with other boards".

*** New features

** Drivers and libraries **

- nRF21540 Front-End Module support:
    - New driver supporting the nRF21540 RF front-end module
      can be found in '.\driver_ext\nrf21540\'
    - The DTM and Radio Test examples have been updated
      to include the nRF21540 driver (only GPIO control has been tested).
    - Workaround handling Errata 1 for nRF21540 is not included as part of
      the driver and must be applied separately.
- Radio Test example:
    - Extended the 'start_tx_modulated_carrier' command with an additional
      option for setting the specific number of packets to transmit.
    - Added printing of the received packet statistics in the 'print_rx' command handler.
- nrfx:
    - Updated version to 1.8.4.
    - Added support of the nRF52820 device.
    - Added new SAADC driver backported from nrfx 2.2.0 branch.
- nrf_cc310:
    - Updated version to 0.9.13.
    - Bugfix release with new mechanism for enabling and disabling the hardware
      and for interrupt masking. See Migration Guide for details.
- nrf_cc310_bl
    - Updated version to 0.9.13.
    - Bugfix release with new mechanism for interrupt masking.
- nrf_oberon
    - Updated version to 3.0.5.
    - General version update supporting more nRF5 architectures.
    - Addition of header files for the mbedcrypto frontend.
	  See Migration Guide for details.
- USB: added support for nRF52820.

*** Changes

** Drivers and libraries **

- Radio Test example: refactored to use the Radio HAL module (nrf_radio.h) functions.
- nrfx: see the nrfx 1.8.4 changelog in modules/nrfx/

** Crypto **

- nrf_cc310 library now automates enabling and disabling of CryptoCell hardware
  and interrupts. It is no longer done in nrf_crypto. See Migration Guide for details.

** NFC **

- T4T: allowed dynamic R/W NDEF message buffer changing.
  Now you can change the NDEF buffer in any protocol state,
  without having to disable the T4T emulation.
- T4T: added pointer to the NDEF message buffer for the 'NDEF Updated' event.

** Bluetooth Low Energy **

- Scanning Module: removed the 'Scan Request' event
  that is irrelevant for the scanner role.
- External Tile library: integrated a new library version.

** DTM **

 - Updated DTM to support the nRF52820 device.
 - Added new example targets:
   - pca10100e: for nRF52820 emulation on pca10100.
   - pca10112: a version for a development kit with the nRF52840 device
     and the nRF2140 front-end chip.

*** Bug fixes

** Drivers and libraries **

- nrfx: see the nrfx 1.8.4 changelog in modules/nrfx/
- Fixed a bug where FDS garbage collection ran on more pages than necessary,
  causing unnecessary flash wear.

** ANT **

- ANT Shared Channels example (slave project): fixed array size check.

** NFC **

- T4T: fixed detecting of the end of reading NDEF message procedure
- T4T: fixed an issue where NDEF Read event was triggered even when
  NDEF Message was empty.

** Bluetooth Low Energy **

- Fixed nrf_sd_def.h file contents in all SoftDevices
  (in some cases, the definitions in this file were outdated).
- External Tile library: fixed a few minor issues.
- Nordic UART Service: added a null-pointer check in the
  notification transmitted handler.
- Fixed a vulnerability issue reported by IOActive where malformed
  advertising data could be used to attack a device that does scanning.
  The fix is included in ble_advdata_search() in ble_advdata.c where
  an extra check has been added to ensure that the length values specified
  within the advertising packet are within the boundary of the advertising packet.

** DFU **

- SES will now return a linker error if the bootloader is too large.
- Fixed a bug that caused SD+BL updates to fail if the SD had signature boot validation.
- Fixed an error in the code that booted the app, which could happen
  with certain optimization settings.
- Fixed a false positive assert that could sometimes happen after a reset
  during an upgrade.
- Fixed a bug that caused compilation errors when building with a board with no buttons.

** DTM **

- DTM reports regarding Max Octets are now correct for devices without long range support.

** USB **

- Fixed issues and optimized app_usbd_string_desc.
- Fixed issues in USB CLI backend when handling a port close.

** Proprietary **

- Gazell: fixed an assertion that would be sometimes generated after
  a packet transmission.
- ESB: fixed a bug in the nrf_esb_pop_tx function where packages would get sent anyway
  in certain situations.

*** Known Issues

** General **

- The workaround for Anomaly 198 for nRF52840 SPIM3 peripheral
  that has been implemented in nrfx_spim cannot be used with a SoftDevice.
  Flag NRFX_SPIM3_NRF52840_ANOMALY_198_WORKAROUND_ENABLED must be set to zero.
  The workaround based on a dedicated RAM block for SPIM3 must be used instead.
- usbd_msc example has a limitation.
  when USB cable is unplugged and re-plugged, the application goes into an endless loop.
  This is due to an issue in the unsupported block device library.

** Bluetooth Low Energy **

- GATTC: the ble_gattc_service_t::uuid field is incorrectly populated
  in the BLE_GATTC_EVT_PRIM_SRVC_DISC_RSP event if the
  sd_ble_gattc_primary_services_discover() or sd_ble_gattc_read()
  are called when a Primary Service Discovery by Service UUID is already ongoing.
  When the application has called sd_ble_gattc_primary_services_discover(),
  it should wait for the BLE_GATTC_EVT_PRIM_SRVC_DISC_RSP event before calling
  sd_ble_gattc_primary_services_discover() or sd_ble_gattc_read().
- BLE Interactive CLI example: the command to set a custom ATT MTU only takes
  effect on the subsequent connection and the updated MTU parameter is not
  maintained in further connections with the same peer, even when bonded.
- ANT Shared Channels example: when testing a Bluetooth Low Energy connection
  with an Android device, the link is terminated by Android due to unhandled LL requests.
- Bluetooth ANCS example: when connected from iPhone and pressing DK buttons,
  the example may assert before the Bluetooth Low Energy link is authenticated.

** Crypto **

- The nrf_crypto CLI example may fail when using an ECC private key converted
  from raw function for specific curve types.

** Drivers and libraries **

- The SAADC driver (from nrfx 1.8.x) does not handle detection limits 'high' and 'low'
  correctly if SAADC resolution is greater than 10 bits.
  SAADC driver ported from nrfx 2.2.x is not affected by this.
  - The library may handle Remote Wakeup incorrectly.
  - Issuing a SET_ADDRESS(0) request does not cause the device to change
    its state to default.
  - The device does not STALL when a DATA transaction is received outside of SETUP.
    It ACKs instead.
- The following macros defined in boards.h work only with pins on port 0:
- The low_power_pwm library does not correctly initialize GPIOs
  that are placed on PORT1 in the low_power_pwm_init function.
  This indirectly affects the led_softblink library and can also affect
  the DFU open bootloader.

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