nRF5 SDK v16.0.0
Infineon OPTIGA™ Trust X Custom Example

The Infineon OPTIGA™ Trust X Custom Example is an example project that demonstrates the main low-level cryptographic functions offered by Trust X.

The Infineon OPTIGA™ Trust X hardware security module must be acquired separately. For more information, visit OPTIGA Trust X product website.

This example application demonstrates the use of some of the Trust X features. It does not demonstrate a secure system. In a production environment, it depends on the security requirements and the security architecture, among other factors, which entity and processor conducts the respective operations (for example, a remote server, a cloud service, or a smartphone).

The example application uses the following two Infineon libraries:

The example also utilizes the Cryptography library APIs whenever supported.

The result of each step is explained and output using NRF_LOG_RAW_INFO and NRF_LOG_RAW_HEXDUMP statements.


The application executes the described procedure once and then waits for an external reset.

Test the application by observing the debugging output via SEGGER J-Link RTT Viewer:

  1. Enable the nRF logging module (if not activated by default).
  2. Compile and program the application.
  3. Turn on SEGGER RTT Viewer to observe the output.
  4. Restart the app on the nRF52 device to observe the process again.

Alternatively, a debugger in any supported IDE can be used to step through the example application code in main.c and the host library files.

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